Food Vendor Registration Form RCTC Centennial Celebration – September 19, 2015 Family, Friends, and Community Appreciation Day: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. RCTC Centennial Car Show: 2-5 p.m. Centennial Homecoming Football Game: 3 p.m. Rochester Community and Technical College | 851 30th Ave. SE | Rochester, MN 55904 RCTC Foundation Scholarship Fundraiser • Rain or Shine Date: __________________________________________________ This license agreement is made and entered on the above date by and between Rochester Community and Technical College in Rochester, Minnesota, hereinafter designated as RCTC, and the following vendor: Name of Business: _______________________________________ Business Address: ________________________________________ Contact Name: __________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________ Alternate address if needed: _________________________________ _______________________________________________________ List the items you will be selling: ____________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ RCTC hereby grants to said vendor certain rights, privileges, and space during the period of the RCTC Centennial Celebration to be held on September 19, 2015. This does not give the vendor any rights or assurances as to the use or rental of space at RCTC during any other period. The vendor may not assign its right in this contract without the prior written approval by RCTC. Space: Each space is outside and approximately 10’x10’, depending on the size of your booth. Before the event, the vendor will receive a map with the designated space marked. Charges: All spaces require a donation of doorprize items valued at $25 total, which will be drawn for throughout the day. We recommend five $5 vouchers for product. Electricity: Generators are allowed but they must be the kind that has receptacles on the unit to plug cords into. Limited electricity is available to vendors. Please check here if you have electrical needs and indicate what type: ☐ ____________________volts Security: There is no security specific to keeping vendor product safe on the grounds. You are responsible for your property. MN ST19: We require a current Minnesota ST19. Your registration will not be processed without it. Food Permit: We require a copy of your current State of Minnesota or county food permit. Liability Insurance: We require a certificate of liability insurance valued at two million dollars per MnSCU requirements. Please list Rochester Community and Technical College, 851 30th Ave. SE, Rochester, MN 55904 as an additional insured. Terms of Contract: The term of this contract is for one day only, September 19, 2015, and subject to the contractual conditions above. The vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless RCTC for any and all liability claims and damages that may arise from the use of the assigned space. Violation of any part of the term hereof, or any of the rules and regulations of RCTC, cause the whole amount of this agreement to become due and payable forthwith and will result in revocation and forfeiture of all vendor rights and privileges. There are no other rights, privileges, conditions, representation, or warranties expressed or implied as to the use or rental of the above described premises which are not contained in this contract. By signing this contract, the vendor acknowledges that it has received the RCTC rules and regulations and have read and agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth therein. The signer of this contract acknowledges that this is an application for space and does not guarantee acceptance. Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Print Name: __________________________________________________________________ Return completed registration (including MNST19, copy of food permit, and insurance) to: Rochester Community and Technical College Attn: Foundation Office 851 30th Ave SE Rochester, MN 55904 Fax: (507) 280-2970 OR Fax: (507) 280-2813