Class - IX - St Thomas Sr. Secondary School

English: Read newspaper daily and list at least 50 phrases/idioms from the
newspaper and write their meanings
 Read Gulliver’s Travels part I & II thoroughly.
 Revise FA-1 syllabus.
 Learn any one speech given by a great personality.
Maths: Revise and practice Ch-1, 2 and 6.
 Solve the given assignments in a separate notebook
 Complete the activities assigned and discussed in practical file.
Science: Learn and revise the chapter done in class
Physics – Motion
Chemistry – Matter in our surroundings
Biology – Fundamental unit of life, Tissues
 Solve 10 numericals in Physics related to the three equations of
motion in fair copy.
 Make 15 Bio MCQs with answers (with 3 options) in your fair copy.
Social Science: Learn L-1, 2 in History, Geography, Economics & Civics.
 Find out how the different physical divisions of India are interrelated
to each other.
 Write a report on the special happenings or events during holidays.
PSA: Qualitative, Quantitative and English language
exercises in all.
practice first 5
English:Write an article on ‘Alternatives sources of energy’
Maths:Write down the monthly consumption of electrical energy in tabular
form of your home in units KWh. Draw the histogram and answer the
following questions from the graph.
 In which month the consumption of energy is highest?
 In which month the consumption is lowest?
 Find the range of energy consumed.
 If the cost of electricity is Rs. 7.50 per unit, then calculate the electric
bill for the whole year.
Science: According to law of conservation of energy – “Energy can neither
be created nor be destroyed”. Then why there is energy shortage in
the world? Write a report keeping the following points in mind Loss of energy while conversion of one form energy to
another form.
 Conversion of energy in such a form from where it can’t be
Give example of both cases
 How wind is effectively powering the planet?
 How energy can be generated from waste plastics, rubber and
 Explain how solar energy sustains all forms of life on earth?
 Make a model showing harnessing of any source of energy.
Social Science:Why should we opt for alternative sources of energy? Describe it by
mentioning the disadvantages of traditional sources of energy and the
benefits of alternative sources of energy.