Instructor: Dr - Missouri Western State University

FALL 2015
2 Hour Credit Course
Instructor: Dr. Regan Dodd
Office #: 271-4474
Office: LC 214G
Office hours: MWF 11:00 -12:00
T/TR 11:00-12:00
By appointment
An Introduction to Community Health by James McKenzie and Robert Pinger, Brief Edition,
Jones and Bartlett Publisher
Course Objectives:
1. Students will learn the importance of taking personal responsibility for their health.
2. Students will learn the history of community health/public health, including factors
for professional preparation
3. Students will identify how community is defined and how cultures, politics and
environment affect health care delivery.
4. Students will learn basic epidemiological concepts as they apply to community
5. Students will review the areas of health related to the follow demographic groups and
the importance of interventions for these groups: minorities; maternal, infant, and
child health; and adolescents, young adults, and older adults.
6. Students will learn how health programs are developed, implemented and assessed.
7. Students will learn and understand the importance of program evaluation and how to
measure whether implemented programs are successful.
8. Students will understand the importance of a health educator acting as an advocate,
coordinator and resource person.
9. Students will understand how to communicate health education needs using the
coordinated school health plan.
Course Grading:
Discussion Board Assignments (5):
100 points
Quizzes (10):
300 points
 Eleven quizzes are assigned and lowest score will be dropped.
Unit Exams (3):
150 points (50 Points each)
550 points
Grading Scale:
A = 89.5% >
B = 79.5 – 89.4%
C = 69.5 – 79.4%
D = 59.5 – 69.4%
F = < 59
Two Week Rule (very important!): All grade grievances must be brought to the instructor’s
attention in a written format within two weeks of the date the grade is posted on Moodle. After
that time, the grade will not be altered. It will be the students’ responsibility to regularly check
the Moodle gradebook in order to monitor their progress.
Late Online Quizzes and Exam Policy:
Late quizzes are NOT accepted. (i.e., your lowest quiz score will be dropped). Late
exams are NOT accepted with one caveat. If unexpected circumstances (accident, severe
illness, family emergency, or other crisis) arise making it impossible to complete a unit
exam by the Sunday 11:00 pm deadline, a make-up exam may granted with a 10%
deduction in the final grade. In order to be allowed to make up the exam, the student
needs to do the following: 1) notify the instructor prior to the exam due date; and 2)
explain and document the unexpected circumstance that led to missing the exam due date.
*Students will only be granted one make-up exam during the semester.
Reminder: No matter the circumstances that led to missing an exam, a 10% deduction
will occur on the final exam grade.
Late Assignment Policy
The discussion board forum include two parts: 1) A student’s answer to instructor’s
prompt due Thursday at 11:00 pm; 2) Two responses to classmates’ initial posts due on
Sunday by 11:00 pm. If a student fails to answer the discussion board prompt by
Thursday at 11:00 pm, a five point (5) deduction will occur. Remember, if you have not
submitted your own answer to the prompt or initial post, you may not receive credit for
responding to classmates’ posts.
*After Sunday at 11:00 pm, ZERO points may be made up for that particular week’s
discussion board assignment.
Email Communication:
All email must include these FOUR things or they will not get a response.
1) Subject line - your class (PED 391) plus briefly state what email is about
2) Greeting – “Dr.” or “Mr.” ; not “Hey” or similar
3) Body of email – level of professionalism; proofread; proper grammar; sentence
4) Sign First and Last Name
Academic Honesty Policy and Due Process:
Academic honesty is required in all academic endeavors. Violations of academic honesty
include any instance of plagiarism, cheating, seeking credit for another’s work, falsifying
documents or academic records, or any other fraudulent activity. Violations of academic
honesty may result in a failing grade on the assignment, failure in the course, or
expulsion from the University. When a student’s grade has been affected, violations of
academic honesty will be reported to the Provost or designated representative on the
Academic Honesty Violation Report forms.
Please see the Western Student Handbook and Calendar for specific activities
identified as violations of this policy and the student due process procedure. This
handbook is also available online at
Disability Accommodations:
Disability Accommodations - Students seeking accommodations must first provide
documentation of needed accommodations to the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) located
in Eder Hall, Suite 203. Once accommodations have been approved by the ARC, students are
responsible for notifying their instructors of those accommodations. This should be done within
the first two weeks of classes. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Students Recording Classroom Lectures
As a professional courtesy, students are expected to inform a faculty member if they plan to
make audio or video recordings of a class. However, students should understand that there are
times when the faculty member may prohibit this activity. For example, in order to protect
patient confidentiality, in health-discipline class discussions pertaining to protected patient
information may not be recorded.
The redistribution of audio or video recordings of statements or comments from the course to
individuals who are not students in the course is prohibited without the express permission of the
faculty member and of any students who are recorded. Unauthorized distribution of such
materials is a violation of academic standards and may violate copyright laws and/or privacy
rights. Violations may result in disciplinary action.
Mid-term grades:
Mid-term grades may not be an adequate reflection of your progress / grade in the class. Midterm grades are due 10/28/15
Emergency Closing Policy:
See the university web page. If the university closed the course schedule will NOT be adjusted
due to this being an online class.
A Note on Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct
Consistent with its mission, Missouri Western seeks to assure all community members learn and
work in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Title VII, Title IX and University policy
prohibit harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct. Missouri Western encourages
anyone experiencing harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct to talk to someone from
the Campus and Local Resources list found in the Student Handbook
( about what happened so
they can get the support they need and Missouri Western can respond appropriately.
There are both confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting options available to
you. Missouri Western is legally obligated to respond to reports of sexual misconduct, and
therefore we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of a report, unless made to a confidential
resource. Responses may vary from support services to formal investigations. As a faculty
member, I am required to report incidents of sexual misconduct and thus cannot guarantee
confidentiality. I must provide our Title IX coordinator with relevant details such as the names of
those involved in the incident. For more information about policies and resources or reporting
options, please visit the following website:
Students have received information via email regarding training regarding Title IX. Student
employees may have additional required training. Please follow the link in the email sent to your
MWSU student account to complete the training. Students who do not complete the training will
receive a hold on their account, prohibiting future semester enrollment until the training is
complete. These training courses will ensure that all students are appropriately educated about
these important regulations.
Class Assignments
Discussion Board Forums – Students will be responsible for participation in five
Moodle Discussion Forums. For this portion of the course, students will be required to
read the instructor’s posting on that topic and watch a video related to the weekly course
material. Then, students will post one original discussion item (i.e., 10 points)
answering forum questions and two responses (i.e., 5 points each) (minimum
requirement) to other students’ posts on that same discussion forum topic. Students
should check the Moodle Discussion Forum Daily for new posts and forums. Both
original posts and responses must provide a complete answer and demonstrate student
reflection. Brief, one-sentence entries or responses (e.g. “Yes, I agree with your point)”
are not acceptable and will receive no credit. Your discussion forum responses will be
graded based on their completeness along with whether you demonstrate that you have
read and understood the assigned readings and videos and related them to course
material. You will be put in groups of 7 to 10 for the Discussion Board Assignments.
* If you have problems viewing a video from Films on Demand, copy and paste the link to
your browser instead of clicking on the hot link.
Discussion Form Daily Requirements:
The initial post must be made by Thursday at 11:00 pm so classmates have time to
make two follow up posts. If you fail to make the Thursday deadline, a five-point
deduction will occur.
Your answer is posted in the correct discussion board forum on Moodle. (i..e. e-mailed
assignments are not accepted.)
Your responses used specific examples or insights learned from the assigned
Your responses demonstrated an understanding of several key points of the material
rather than a simple restating of what was stated or read.
Your follow-up responses should answer a classmate’s question or should add specific
information to or differ from, with a rationale why, the posting of another member of the
1) Quizzes: Quizzes: (11 @ 30 points: Your lowest score will be dropped so quiz grades will be
calculated out of 300 (30*10 = 300)). Quizzes will include a combination of T/F, matching and
multiple-choice questions over material in the textbook, discussion board videos and posts,
and PowerPoint slides. You will only be allowed one attempt per quiz and have 30 minutes
to complete 30 questions. (i.e., Quiz one will include questions over the syllabus). Therefore,
it is important to read the chapter first and outline important concepts. Grades will not be
released until the availability time closes. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped.
*Remember, you only have one attempt so make sure you have a good internet connection so
do not wait until the last minute to complete quiz. If your home internet connection is not
reliable, it is recommended to take the quiz at MWSU’s campus or find a nearby library with
a reliable internet connection.
2) Unit Exams: (3 @ 50 Points) (True/False, Multiple Choice, Matching and Short Answer
Three unit exams will be assigned and will include material from the textbook, class
quizzes, discussion board assignments, videos, prior quizzes and PowerPoint lectures.
Exams will open on Monday at 7:00 am and close on Sunday at 11:00 pm the week the
exam is due.
Exam 1 – Sept. 28th to Oct. 4th – 50 minutes to complete
Exam 2 – Nov. 2nd to Nov. 8th – 50 minutes to complete
Exam 3 – Dec. 7th to Dec. 13th – 50 minute to complete
(subject to change)(all dates listed are final due dates)
(see class assignments section for details)
Week 1
Aug. 31st – Sept. 6th
Read the Syllabus
Read Chapter 1 Understanding Community Health and the
Organizations that Shape it.
Read & Listen to Ch. 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Complete Quiz 1 (i.e., Syllabus & Chapter 1)
Watch Video Clip – What is Public Health
Complete Discussion Board Assignment 1
Week 2
Sept. 7th – Sept. 13th
Read Ch. 2 Epidemiology
Read & Listen to Ch. 2 PowerPoint Presentation
Watch Video – Silent Epidemic
Complete Quiz 2 (i.e., Chapter 2 & video)
Read Chapter 3 Community Organizing/Building and Health Promotion
Read Ch. 3 PowerPoint Presentation
Watch Erin Brokovich Video Clips.
Complete Discussion Board Assignment 2
Complete Quiz 3
Week 3
Sept. 14th – Sept. 20th
Week 4
Sept. 21st – Sept. 27th
Read Chapter 4 The School Health Program
Read Ch. 4 PowerPoint Presentation
Complete Quiz 4.
Prepare for Exam 1
Week 5
Sept. 28th – Oct. 4th
Complete Exam #1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4)
Week 6
Oct. 5th – Oct. 11th
Read Chapter 5 Maternal, Infant and Child Health
Read Ch. 5 PowerPoint Presentation
Complete Quiz 5
Week 7
Oct. 12th – Oct. 18th
Read Chapter 6 Adolescents, Young Adults and Adults
Read Ch. 6 PowerPoint Presentation
Watch Spitting Game Video Clip
Complete Quiz 6
Complete Discussion Board Assignment #3
Week 8
Oct. 19th – Oct. 25th
Read Chapter 7 Elders
Read Ch. 7 PowerPoint Presentation
Complete Quiz 7
Week 9
Oct. 26th – Nov. 1st
Read Chapter 8 Community Health and Minorities
Read Ch. 8 PowerPoint Presentation
Watch Video – Minority Health (Segments 1- 7)
Complete Quiz 8
Complete Discussion Board 4
Week 10
Nov. 2nd – Nov. 8th
Week 11
Nov. 9th – Nov. 15th
Complete Exam #2 (Chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8)
Week 12
Nov. 16th – Nov. 22nd
Week 13
Nov. 23rd – Nov. 29th
Week 15
Nov. 30th – Dec. 6th
Week 16
Dec. 7th – Dec. 13th
Read Chapter 9 Community Mental Health
Read Ch. 9 PowerPoint Presentation
Complete Quiz 9
Read Chapter 11 Healthcare Delivery in the United States
Read Ch. 11 Presentation
Complete Quiz 10
Watch video clip from movie Sicko. (This video clip is subject to change
due to continued changes occurring in the healthcare debate).
Complete Discussion Board Assignment 5.
Thanksgiving Break/No Assignment
Read Chapter 12 Community Health and the Environment
Read Ch. 12 Presentation
Complete Quiz 11
Complete Exam #3 (Chapters 9, 11 & 12)