World War II Oral Presentation10A - EgbertHistory

World War II Research Assignment and Presentation-10A
Due on Wednesday March 18, 2015
You will choose a topic related to World War II to present in 8-10
minutes to the class.
You must turn in a detailed outline of your presentation (a sample is
You must turn in a research paper that follows the outline of your
presentation and includes a clear thesis!
You must have a minimum of 5 sources (AT LEAST TWO must be from a
non-internet source: book, scholarly article, magazine, song, movie, etc.)you can locate non-internet sources by also using the library databses.
You must turn in five quiz questions with answers based on your
presentation (a class quiz will include questions from each presentation)
You must have a visual as part of your presentation: poster, PowerPoint,
songs, video, skit, etc.- this is included in the length of your presentation
You will be given AT LEAST 4 class periods to work on this assignment so
plan your time accordingly. - for additional copies/handout/links
if you use a PowerPoint email to before your