Subject Area:
Plan for the concept, topic, or skill – Not for the class period
Unit: 1
- Dates:
Learning Goals for this Lesson
Students will know:
Students will do:
Provide an objective summary of a text.
Components of a summary
How to locate, evaluate, and
categorize evidence
 How to link evidence to
conclusions or claims made about
the text
Lesson Essential Question 2b: How do I provide an objective summary of a text?
Activating Strategy:
Summary Sort: Students, in collaborative pairs/groups, sort through 2-3 summaries to determine
the objective summary.
Key vocabulary to preview and vocabulary strategy:
Summary components
Lesson Instruction
Learning Activity 1:
 Cornell Notes on Objective Summary and Relevant Evidence
 Reread “$211 Billion and So Much to Buy” (Springboard 90-91)
 Students, in collaborative pairs, discuss central ideas and
relevant and supportive textual evidence
 Review text mapping assignment from LEQ 2a.
 Students are to evaluate and make corrections to their central
ideas and textual evidence to ensure that the information is
Graphic Organizer:
Cornell Notes
Text Mapping
Assessment Prompt for LA 1:
Use the text map to write an objective summary of “$211 Billion and So
Much to Buy”
Struggling students are provided a partially complete text mapping
graphic organizer.
Learning Activity 2:
 Students add to their Cornell Notes with further information
related to Objective Summary and Relevant Evidence
 Students read “What Are They Trying to Sell” (Achieve 3000) and
mark the text within their collaborative pairs.
 Students, in collaborative pairs, complete the text map for “What
Are They Trying to Sell”
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How do you provide an
objective summary of a text?
Assessment Prompt for LA 2:
 Students write an objective summary of “What Are They Trying to
Struggling students are provided a partially complete text mapping
graphic organizer.
Learning Activity 3:
 Students add to their Cornell Notes with further information
related to Objective Summary and Relevant Evidence
 Students read “Kellogg Makes a Healthy Choice” (Achieve 3000)
and mark the text within their collaborative pairs.
 Students, in collaborative pairs, have 5 minutes to work on the
text map for “Kellogg Makes a Healthy Choice”
Assessment Prompt for LA 3:
 Students complete the text map for “Kellogg Makes a Healthy
Choice” independently
 Students write an objective summary for “Kellogg Makes a
Healthy Choice”
Struggling students are provided with the “Kellogg Makes a Healthy
Choice” at their reading Lexile level.
Summarizing Strategy:
In their Cornell Notes, students write a closing summary of Objective Summary
1. Seat student near teacher.
2. Stand near student when giving
3. Provide visual aids/graphic organizers.
4. Ensure oral directions are understood.
5. Allow extra time to complete tasks.
6. Simplify complex written directions.
7. Give test items orally.
8. Provide peer assistance/study groups.
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