AGE OF EXPLORATION DBQ (DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTION) WHAT IS IT? Given: Prompt & historical documents Prompt: “How were Native Americans affected by the arrival of the Spanish in the Americas? Task: Read/examine historical documents Take notes on documents using graphic organizer Goal: Use evidence from at least 2 historical documents and notes to answer prompt in a short 1-2 paragraph response HOW TO USE THE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER 1. Examine each image briefly for 1-2 minutes. 2. 3. I’m going to give you an example!! Be prepared to share your description of the image with a partner Afterwards, explain what your description(s) show about the image. Fill out your graphic organizer DOC. F – COLUMBUS & NATIVE AMERICANS •Document letter & title: “Columbus & Native Americans” •Author & date: None given •Description: Columbus meeting Native Americans & showing them a bell; Native Americans curious about the bell; Europeans just landed •What does the document show? Native Americans look simpleminded; peaceful contact between Columbus & natives; early European contact with natives. AZTECS WITH SMALLPOX •Document letter & title: •Author & date: •Description: •What does the document show? SPANISH PRIEST MAKES WOMAN WORK •Document letter & title: •Author & date: •Description: •What does the document show? SKETCH OF EUROPEAN COLONISTS