Guiding Questions for Country Presentation Background UNESCO Bangkok has been undertaking the “Supporting Competency-Based Teacher Training Reforms to Facilitate ICT-Pedagogy Integration” Project since 2013, through the support of Korean Funds-in-Trust (KFIT). The project (“KFIT-II Project”) aims to support governments in reforming ICT teacher training and professional development programmes into competency-based ones, where teachers’ developments throughout pre-service and in-service training are systematically guided, assessed, monitored and tracked at policy and institutional levels. This National Workshop is the first hands-on capacity building activity. By the end of the workshop, the participants are expected to be able to understand the process of the competency development and more importantly, develop the national ICT competency standards for teachers that would be suitable to no other country than Uzbekistan. The purpose of the country presentation is to reach a mutual understanding of where most teachers and schools in Uzbekistan stand in terms of the integration of ICT in education. This is a crucial baseline for identifying required ICT competency standards for teachers. Therefore, your cooperation in collating transparent data and reliable information is key to the successful development of the most relevant set of competency for teachers of the country. Please kindly note that the presentation will not be published for public consumption without your permission. Presentation Content & Time Allocation o o o You will have 25 minutes to present key responses to the guiding questions through a slide presentation, as enumerated below. The Session Chair will regulate the time allocations and facilitate the Q&A at the end of the session The presentation can be divided into two, namely basic education and teacher education, if deemed necessary, as long as the following questions are comprehensively covered. Suggested Structure & Guiding Questions 1. Basic Education 1) Overview of Education System and Policy (2 slides) a) The current education policies and strategic goals for school education (e.g. national vision for education) b) Statistics on number of schools (primary & secondary), number of teachers (primary & secondary) and number of students (primary & secondary), disaggregated by age, gender and location (district or province) 2) Curriculum & Assessment (2 slides) a) How and by whom is the national curriculum designed? b) How far are schools and teachers expected to comply with the national curriculum? What is the room for curriculum innovation left to individual schools or teachers? In which ways is the government supporting school innovations? c) What teaching-learning methods are most commonly used? (Please describe a common lesson, if possible) d) What forms of student assessment exist in the education system? School-based? National exam? 3) ICT in Education (5 slides) a) National policy and/or plan on ICT in Education (please describe the policy goal – how ICT is envisioned to contribute to the national education policy) b) Statistics on access to technology at home and school (electricity, computer, mobile phone, computer lab, Internet connectivity (types and bandwidth) please specify the average speed and bandwidth for school provision) c) To what extent the school infrastructure complies/plans to comply with the national policy for ICT in education? Are there differences among regions? d) Digital learning contents: Are there any digital contents supplied by government? Who (which agency) develops the contents? To what extent are they being used by schools? e) To what extent ICTs are being used and integrated into daily classroom activities? What are the most common practices of teachers using ICT in classroom? f) Incentives: what are the government-led incentives/factors that motivate teachers and schools to integrate ICT in Education, if any. g) Division of labor/coordination: Is there a dedicated ICT in Education agency? What is the role of the agency? How are interdepartmental involvement and coordination ensured? h) What are the main challenges that the country face in integrating ICT in school teaching and learning? What are the policy responses to address these challenges? 2. Teachers 1) Teacher policy and qualification a) Overall assessment of the teaching force: Provide an overall assessment of the teacher workforce and teacher effectiveness, particularly regarding teacher quality. (For example, the percentage of trained teachers in primary and secondary by region, teacher-pupil ratio by region (with changes over time), etc.) b) Teacher qualification system: Describe the teacher qualification system of your country. For examples, steps to go through and requirements to meet if one wants to become a teacher in primary or secondary school. A flowchart or roadmap of this process would be helpful. c) National teacher competency standards: Provide the national competency standards for teachers, if any. What is the level of its operationalization? (e.g. if endorsed by MOE and fully implemented and assessed., if remains at the policy document level, or if distributed to TEIs to incorporate into the teacher education curriculum., etc.). d) Retention, recognition and promotion: How long is the probationary period for permanency/ retention and what are the requirements to obtain tenure? Are there any formal links between professional development programmes and maintenance of certification to teach, salary rises, and career pathways? 2) ICT in Education in Pre-service Training (5 slides) a) Who are the main providers for pre-service training? b) How is the pre-service training delivered? (e.g. modes of delivery (face-to-face? E-learning? Blended? Self-learning? Practicum?); duration; number of units/credits; etc.) c) To what extent is ICT incorporated into the training curriculum? (e.g. literacy level? Infusing ICT level? Pedagogical use level?) Are they stand-alone subjects or incorporated into other subjects? d) What are the skills that teachers have to develop during their initial training to use technology in the classroom for pedagogical purposes? 3) ICT in Education in In-service Training (5 slides) a) Who are the main providers in-service teacher professional development? b) What kind of ICT-related professional development options and programmes are available to teachers? Are they ad-hoc or part of the government strategy? What are the incentives? c) Who assess/monitor in-service teachers’ ICT skills? And how are they recognized? 4) Challenges: What are the main challenges in training teachers for ICT? Contact If you have any questions regarding the publication, please contact Ms. Jonghwi Park ( or Mr. Bakhtiyor Namazov (