Minecraft Missions Worksheet (Microsoft Word – )

Minecraft Missions
Your tribe of settlers, along with many other tribes, have arrived in a new land.
You want to become the leaders of the new land. In order to do that, you must
quickly build the best settlement in all the land. That way, when new people
arrive, they will choose your settlement to live in.
Mission List
1. Build a simple rectangular prism house for your tribe to live in. [50xp]
a. Label house with sign. [50xp]
2. Build a town centre for people to gather in.
a. Dimensions: 30m in length, 10m wide and 6m high. [200xp]
b. Label town centre with a sign. [50xp]
c. Build a triangular prism roof for your town hall. [200xp]
3. Build an animal corral (pen) for your farm animals.
a. Dimensions: 8m in length and 3m wide. Use fence. [100xp]
b. Label animal corral with a sign. [50xp]
c. Give your animal corral a gate. (30xp)
4. Dig a well for your people to get drinking water from.
a. Dimensions: Volume must be 20 cubic metres. (It can be any shape.)
b. Label well with a sign. [50xp]
c. Fill your well with water. [30xp]
5. Use a hoe to till dirt for a garden.
a. Dimensions: Area of 12 square metres. [100xp]
b. Label garden with a sign. [50xp]
c. Plant seeds in your garden. [50xp]
d. Irrigate your farm land by digging a long channel (hole) and using a
bucket to fill the channel with water. Your channel needs to be next
to your garden or the plants won’t grow. [100xp]
Non-Playing Tribe Members
1. Draw scale drawings of your structures. [100xp each drawing].
2. Label each drawing with the correct dimensions. (length, width, height)
[100xp each drawing.]
3. PLAN the next structure to help your builder. [100xp each useful plan.]
4. MAP your town. [250xp for the town map.]
Planning Page