Sentence Fragments Practice

Sentence Fragments – Practice Sentences
Identify the source of the sentence fragment and fix it.
1. A group of students from the university down the street.
2. In addition to the stereo which had already been taken.
3. Because he failed to appear, we were forced to improvise.
4. The book given to him by his uncle on his fifteenth birthday.
5. Falling down a mine shaft is not recommended.
6. Squealing his tires on the new pavement when he took off.
7. Until the day came that he was up for parole.
8. Enough ammunition to supply an army.
9. Beyond the fact that all the work was in vain anyway.
10. The new game being rather expensive to say the least.
11. Because the argument would never hold water under his scrutiny.
12. The fluorescent lamp’s advantages over the incandescent variety, which enjoy a great
acceptance in spite of the cost.
13. Pencil sharpeners have become more sophisticated recently. As a result they are more
14. To play the accordion that his father had played and mastered so many years ago.
15. When the ox lost its footing and fell into the creek.
16. Hot-house plants that are started indoors in Manitoba because of the harsh climate and short
growing season.
17. New synthetic rugs being more durable, the older fabrics are losing their appeal.
18. Because of the pulp-worker strike which paralyzed all paper mills across Canada and produced a
paper shortage.
19. Meanwhile, at the ranch, everybody altogether in the corral at night.
20. Statues of bronze that are genuine antiques are often confused with newer imitations.