Dreams In Motion

Dreams In Motion
Registration Form 2014-2015
613-382-6700 ~ dreamsinmotiongan@gmail.com ~ www.dreamsinmotion.ca
A Registered Charitable Organization #86158 9562 RR0001
Student’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________ Postal Code _____________________________________
Student Cell #_______________________________Student Email: ____________________________________
Date Of Birth _______dd/______ mm/__________ yy Age ______ School _____________________________
Parent(s) email: _____________________________________________________________________________
Please indicate in ONE “□” as your primary phone contact # as we will only use this number.
Parent (1) ________________________________________________ Home # □ ________________________
Cel # □ __________________________Work # □ ________________________
Parent (2) ________________________________________________ Home # □ ________________________
Cel # □ __________________________Work # □ ________________________
Additional Emergency Contact Person_____________________________ Phone #_______________________
Any Medical condition/past injury we should know about ?__________Health Card # ______________________
Please indicate which classes you are interested in & state class style, day of the week & time of class & place in order of preference.
Class 1 Style _________ Day _________ Time _____ ~ Class 2 Style ________ Day _________ Time ______
Class 3 Style _________ Day _________ Time _____ ~ Class 4 Style _________ Day ________ Time ______
All full year dance students can choose to participate in the recital, additional Costume costs are $75-$100/dance
□ NO, My child will not be participating in the recital (we will assume the child is participating if not checked off)
□ YES □ NO, Dreams In Motion may use my child’s image for publication/promotion? (Blank=Yes)
□ Cash
□ Cheque (You may bring in cash or do an email money transfer & exchange your cheque)
Payment Options:□ Full Year (Sept) □ 2 Payments(Sept/Jan 15th)** □ 4 Payments(Sept/Nov/Jan/April 15th)**
□ 8 Monthly Payments(Sept-Apr)** □ 8/6 wk Mini (Start of Class) □__ wk Music or __wk Theatre(Start of Class)
**You must provide post dated cheques dated between the 1st-15th of each month, at registration or the child’s
first day of class to qualify for payment plans. There is a $25 Fee for returned cheques due to Non-Sufficient Funds
Office Use Only
Class Tuition 1
Class Tuition 2
Class Tuition 3
Class Tuition 4
Class Tuition 5
Class Tuition 6
In order to keep fees as low as possible, Dreams
In Motion relies on the generous contribution of
individuals, businesses and foundations to run.
If we did not fundraise our tuition costs would
need to increase by an additional 15% annually.
Please consider giving a donation towards our
programs with your registration. We can add in
your pledge to your current payment plans and
you will be provided with an income tax
Dreams In Motion Performing & Fine Arts
Registered Charitable Organization
#86158 9562 RR0001
Would you be willing to be called to volunteer at the studio?
□ Yes, please call me, I am interested in helping with:
Name: ________________________________________________________
I have read and understood the following:
REFUNDS/WITHDRAWALS/MISSED CLASSES: Full refunds are only available when a class is
cancelled. All students are given a 4 week trial period in which students will receive a refund less the cost of
classes taken if they are not satisfied with their class selection or they may choose another more suitable
class. Students withdrawing after this four week grace period will be responsible to pay the tuition
for the entire year in full. Refunds are available if a student withdraws due to long-term illness or injury
(doctors note is required). Refunds are not given for missed classes. You are required to pay for all classes
that have been registered for (this includes private classes). We always over schedule classes in order to
accommodate snow days or cancelled classes due to teachers’ illness or other unforeseen circumstances.
ADDITIONAL FEES: Tuition fees do not include –
Mandatory Items: Class/Theatre wear(including footwear/shoes/makeup), class materials, recital costume(s)
Optional: Recital Tickets(must pay to attend), yearbook, recital, merchandise, workshop fees, exams & class photos
NEWS AND INFORMATION: Dreams In Motion produces a number of newsletters, information notes
and information emails throughout the year. Please read them thoroughly. Please see a copy of our “Year at
a Glance” for our yearly schedule or on our website: www.dreamsinmotion.ca or call 613-382-6700.
DANCE COSTUMES: Dance costumes & required dance shoes are not included as part of the tuition &
are mandatory to be in the recital. The cost(s) are the students’ responsibility. Costume & shoe
purchases/ordering are the responsibility of the student/parent(s). Ordering costumes from a seamstress
can cost twice as much as ordering from a company which mass produces them. Dreams In Motion makes
every effort to choose costumes which will be cost effective for the parents. All costumes are kept by the
student after their recital. Each costume can cost between $75 to $150, depending on the type of class
if it is a group or solo. Some classes have more than 1 costume. Specific information on how to order
costumes will be given out in the Fall. The costume order DEAD-LINE will be mid December!!
DANCE RECITAL: The annual recitals take place at the end of May or early June. All students are
invited to participate in the recital however, it is not mandatory. It is assumed that all students will
participate in the recital unless we are notified otherwise on the front of this form – all students who do
not let the office know they are not performing prior to December 1, 2014 will be responsible for full
payment of their dance costume. Any student with any outstanding fees as of May 15th may not be permitted
to participate in the recital. All audience members, including parents must purchase a ticket to watch the
recital. Please purchase tickets early as we do sell out. Tickets are available in May.
schedule rehearsals & performances on your family’s event calendar. Even though the student may
have a 5 minute performance, they are part of a much larger picture when it comes to the show. Students
who miss rehearsals disrupt the flow for their entire class and cast mates(theatre). Rehearsals are the only
time that all students get together to prepare for their one time in the spotlight. Please ensure that you
schedule rehearsals & performances as an important event on your calendar.
CONCERNS: If you have a concern please direct it to a Board Member in writing immediately. We also
have a “Student-Parent-Teacher Concern Form” available. If you should have questions about your child’s
arts education, please do not talk with other parents first when questions arise. Dreams In Motion staff,
teachers and Board of Directors are most concerned first and foremost with the well being of each and every student.
*For our students’ safety be aware that if a student has a medical condition &/or an injury we may request a
Dr’s note to verify your child can safely participate in the activity & not cause further damage*
Participation in any Dreams In Motion activity and use of any recreational facilities involves a risk of accidental injury despite
all safety precautions. Having been informed of the activities conducted by Dreams In Motion, I/we, as an individual or as a
parent or guardian of the participants named herein, assume all risks and hazards incidental to the activities, and release from
responsibility and agreed to indemnify and hold harmless Dreams In Motion, its officers, directors, independent contractors,
volunteers and all employees for any illness or injury to me or my children or family members occurring during his/her/our
participation in any activity or use of any recreational facility at or conducted by Dreams In Motion. I hereby give permission
for any and all medical attention to be administered to me or my child by Dreams In Motion faculty or staff in the event of an
accident, injury, sickness, etc until such time as I may be contacted. I also assume the responsibility for the payment of such
treatment I assume responsibility for all payments for classes, dance/theatre wear, footwear, recital costumes & class materials.
I consent that Dreams may send electronic messages containing advertising or promotions regarding fundraisers or similar events to me.
I have read and agree to Dreams In Motion’s policies.
**Signature ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Dreams In Motion
365 William St, Gananoque, On, K7G1T2 *613-382-6700*
dreamsinmotiongan@gmail.com ~ www.dreamsinmotiongan.weebly.com ~ www.dimdreamteam.ca
A Registered Charitable Organization #86158 9562 RR0001
Class 1 Style _________ Day _________ Time _____ ~ Class 2 Style ________ Day _________ Time ______
Class 3 Style _________ Day _________ Time _____ ~ Class 4 Style _________ Day ________ Time ______
General Policies
Lessons must be paid for in advance by the term or the year. Please make sure to have your payments directed to the
Administrative Director as teachers are not responsible for lost payments or to make change. Payments may be left in the
locked mailbox outside the office in the main lobby. No one is permitted to “freeze” enrollment. Enrollment is for the full
program; therefore, classes and payments may not be interrupted.
Payment Option you chose: □ Full Year (Sept) □ 2 Payments(Sept/Jan 15th)** □ 4 Payments(Sept/Nov/Jan /April 15th)**
□ 9 Monthly Payments(Sept-April 15th)**
□ 8 wk Mini (Start of Class) □ __wk Music or__wk Theatre(Start of Class)
**You must provide post dated cheques dated between the 1st-15th of each month, at registration or the child’s
first day of class to qualify for payment plans.
Refunds/Withdrawal/Missed Classes
Full refunds are only available when a class is cancelled. All students are given a 4 week trial period in which students will
receive a refund less the cost of classes taken if they are not satisfied with their class selection. Students withdrawing after
this four week grace period will be responsible to pay the tuition for the entire year in full. Refunds are available if a
student withdraws due to long-term illness or injury (doctors note is required). You are required to pay for all classes that have
been registered for (this includes private classes).We always over schedule classes in order to accommodate snow days or
cancelled classes due to teachers’ illness or other unforeseen circumstances. Please contact us if your child will be absent!
Additional Fees: Tuition fees do not include –
Mandatory Items: Class wear, class materials, recital costumes (see below)
Optional Items: Tickets, yearbooks, recital merchandise, workshop fees, exams and class photos.
Dance costumes & required dance shoes are not included as part of the tuition. The cost(s) are the students’ responsibility.
Costume & shoe purchases/ordering are the responsibility of the student/parent(s).Ordering costumes from a seamstress can
cost twice as much as ordering from a company which mass produces them. Dreams In Motion makes every effort to choose
costumes which will be cost effective for the parents. All costumes are kept by the student after their recital. Each costume
costs approximately $75 to $150, depending on the type of class & whether it is a group or solo class. Specific
information on how to order costumes will be given out in December. Please clearly mark the student’s name on all
clothing, footwear & costume pieces. The costume order dead-line will be mid December!!
Group Class Costume costs approximately
$75 to $100 per costume~ some classes have more than one
Duet/Trio Costume costs approximately
$80 to $100+
Solo Costume costs approximately
$100 to $150+
News & Information: Dreams In Motion produces a number of newsletters, information notes and information emails
throughout the year. Please read them thoroughly. Please see a copy of our “Year at a Glance” for our yearly schedule or on
our website: www.dreamsinmotion.ca or call 613-382-6700. I consent that Dreams may send electronic messages containing
advertising or promotions regarding fundraisers or similar events to me.
Students are carefully placed in each class according to ability level, attention span and age. Instructors may recommend that a
student move to a more suitable class after the first four weeks. This is a reflection of caring teachers who want to find a class
that best suits each student’s need. If the student is unable to attend a different class, please understand our instructors will do
their best to keep students progressing at their level within the current class, but it may not be the best placement possible.
Dreams In Motion makes every effort to ensure the teacher of the class will be consistent through out the year. However,
Dreams In Motion reserves the right to make teacher changes based on what is in the best interest of the class, the students
and our employees.
Make Up Classes
There are no scheduled makeup classes for student absences. We always over schedule classes in order to accommodate snow
days or cancelled classes due to teachers’ illness or other unforeseen circumstances. Make up classes due to snow days or
cancelled classes due to teachers’ illness or other unforeseen circumstances that are in addition to our extra scheduled classes,
will be scheduled at a later date. Teachers will attempt to provide a suitable time for a make up class when all individuals in the
class can attend, however if you are unable to attend the scheduled make up an additional class will not be scheduled. School
closures due to severe weather conditions will be announced by noon on that day on our website, Facebook & Myfm (99.9).
It is in our experience that children respond better to their teacher when parents are not present. Therefore it is not common
practice for parents to observe class. For the first few weeks parents of younger students will be able to observe classes at the
discretion of the teacher, after this we will provide special observation weeks so you can see your child and discuss their
progress with the teacher.
Communication between the parents and instructors is very important to us. However, please ensure you talk with the
instructor at appropriate times as we do not want students to miss out on class time. Please do not feel your comments are
unimportant to us if the instructor can not talk with you immediately. If you send an email to dreamsinmotiongan@gmail.com
we will forward it to the teacher. Please provide the teacher’s name, your name, your child’s name, class day & time & the
concern. You may also fill out our “Student-Parent-Teacher Concern Form” found in the front Lobby, to be passed onto the
teacher so s/he can contact you.
If you have a concern needing immediate attention, please direct it to the Dance &/or Theatre Director &/or your child’s
teacher immediately. If you should have questions about your child’s arts education, please do not talk with other parents first
when questions arise. That is how misinformation and hurt feelings get started. Dreams In Motion staff, teachers and Board of
Directors are most concerned first and foremost with the well being of each and every student. *For our students’ safety be
aware that if a student has a medical condition &/or an injury we may request a Dr’s note to verify your child can safely
participate in the activity & not cause further damage*
Safe Arrival/ Pick-up
Parents are responsible for dropping off and picking up students. The instructor is unable to monitor students once they leave
the classroom. The school will not be responsible for the student if the parent is late picking them up or if the student is asked
to bike, walk etc. to and from Dreams. Please ask your child to remain inside the studio until you have come into the building
to pick them up. There is no supervision provided for students who are dropped off early or picked up late. If this is to occur,
due to you unforeseen circumstances please contact Dreams In Motion so we can ensure your child is supervised, there may
be a fee involved. Children under the age of 12 years old must be supervised by a parent or guardian anytime they are not in an
instructional period.
Angle parking spaces are available at the back of the studio. Please do not park at the Curling Club or block neighboring
driveways or paths. For safety purposes, please use the front of the studio as a drop off zone only. Everyone is to enter using
the front door.
Lost & Found
Please check the lost and found on a regular basis. The lost & found box will be emptied on a monthly basis with contents
begin donated to the Salvation Army. It is easier to find the owner if the clothing, footwear & costume pieces are marked!
Information Changes
Please ensure you inform the school of any information changes i.e. address, phone number, medical information, email
address. This is extremely important in case of an emergency.
All solicitation and distribution of items for charity, commercial purposes or sale of merchandise from outside organizations
on school property must be approved by the Administrative Director and/or the Board of Directors.
Should any student receive a non serious injury but feels they are unable to participate in class, then they are encouraged to
come and watch the class in order to acquire important new information and choreography. Medical attention will be
administered to you or your child by Dreams In Motion faculty or staff in the event of an accident, injury, sickness, etc until
such time as a parent/contact person is reached. *For our students’ safety be aware that if a student has a medical
condition &/or an injury we may request a Dr’s note to verify your child can safely participate in the activity & not
cause further damage*
Infectious Illness Policy
Parents should observe their children for contagious illnesses by using the criteria below as a guideline. Children exhibiting one
or more of the following symptoms should not be brought to class. Fever, an undiagnosed rash, vomiting, diarrhea or
possibility of head lice present due to excessive scratching of the scalp and/or complaints of abnormal itchiness.
If we receive a large number of reports of contagious diseases such as Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chicken Pox, etc. a notice
from the Health Unit will be posted at the main entrance of the studio.
We recommend that your child be reminded of proper hand washing after using the toilet and before and after class.
Policies For Dance Students
IMPORTANT DANCE RECITAL DATES 2013-2014 (subject to change!)
Winter/Christmas Fest
Theatre Production
Dance Photo Day:
Saturday, December 6
11 am & 1 pm Dance & Music
To be announced end Nov, begin Dec
To be announced (May)
Dress Rehearsal:
Week before Showcase-6 pm (exact date TBA)
Dreams Showcase:
Saturday, May 30th 2015 –1:00 pm & 6:00 pm (please be available for both times)
Class Photos
Class Photos done by a professional photographer of students in their recital costumes will be available to purchase. All
students are expected to attend the photo sessions however it is your choice whether or not to purchase photos. We ask that
all students attend so everyone has a photo of their entire class as a memory of their year in the performing art(s). These
pictures are also featured during the recitals.
Recitals & Rehearsals
The annual recitals take place at the end of May &/or early June. All students are invited to participate in the recital
however, it is not mandatory. It is assumed that all students will participate in the recital unless otherwise notified on the
front of the registration form – all students who do not let the office know they are not performing prior to December 1
will be responsible for full payment of their dance costume. Any student with outstanding fees as of May 15th, may not be
permitted to participate in the recital. All audience members including parents/siblings must purchase a ticket to
watch the show. Please purchase tickets early as shows do sell out. Tickets are available by May.
Please ensure that you schedule rehearsals & performances on your event calendar as they are mandatory! Even
though they may have a 5 minute performance they are a part of a much larger picture when it comes to the show. Students
who miss rehearsals disrupt the flow of their entire class or cast mates (theatre). Rehearsals are the only time that over 100
students get together to prepare for their one time in the spotlight. Please ensure that you schedule rehearsals & performances
as an important event on your calendar!
Policies For Theatre Students
IMPORTANT THEATRE PERFORMANCE DATES 2013-2014 (subject to change)
Fall Theatrical Production(Flat Stanley?): End of November/Beginning of December
(possible school performances, dates to be announced)
Attendance is imperative. If you miss more than three rehearsals without prior consent your part may be given away.
Exceptions will be made only for severe illness or family emergencies. Performances are mandatory!
Each actor in the cast will need an all black tank top or t-shirt, all black pants or shorts, all black socks (no white or other
colours) or a black body suit. The clothing will depend upon the costume. Children may be asked to bring items of clothing
from home for costumes as well. These are to be provided by the parents for each cast member. Outfits should be
comfortable, stretchy, and tight fitting. Also black slippers with grips (like jazz shoes) are recommended. We will ask that these
items be brought to the theatre and left in the actors costume bag. Each actor needs their own make-up (mascara, eye-liner &
one shade darker than “natural” colour lip-stick & one shade darker than “natural” colour foundation). Please clearly mark the
actor’s name on all clothing, footwear, costume pieces & make-up.
“Non-volunteering” cost is $400.00. This fee includes 10 FREE Adult tickets x $10= $100 Value.
“Volunteering” cost is $175 plus 25 volunteer hours which are mandatory & are to be provided by parent(s) and/or family
members in order to pay the minimum $175. This fee also includes 10 FREE Adult tickets x$10= $100 Value. If the parent(s)
and/or family members do not complete the 25 hours of volunteering, the remaining $225.00 will be charged to their account.
All Theatre performers are required to sell 10 tickets for performances. Please see above.
Policies For Music Students
Classes will be taken in 8-10 week blocks that are to be pre-paid. There are no refunds when a student misses a class.
However, it is up to the discretion of the individual music teacher regarding make up classes. If the teacher misses a class due
to illness or inclement weather, a make up class will be arranged.
Music students should call 24 hours in advance if they are going to be absent. The main office does not always receive calls to
inform teachers of absences after 4:00 pm. Even if you call, it does not guarantee a make up class.
IMPORTANT MUSIC PERFORMANCE DATES 2014-2015 (subject to change!!!)
Winter/Christmas Fest
Saturday, December 6
11 am & 1 pm Dance & Music
Dance Photo Day:
To be announced (May)
Dress Rehearsal:
Thursday, May 28 ? 2015– 6:00 pm
Dreams Showcase:
Saturday, May 30th 2015 –1:00 pm & 6:00 pm (please be available for both times)