“La Selva-Party in the Jungle!” Escuelita del Alma 2011 Graduation Recital Friday, August 12, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Graduation Recital Procedures 1. Adult recital tickets cost $5 with right to a meal. Non-Escuelita children are free (ages 5-12 yrs. of age) with right to a child’s meal. The ticket price will remain the same, regardless of whether you stay until the recital is over to claim your dinner plate or not. The ticket price is set only to cover graduation expenses such as costumes, sound equipment rental, teachers’ overtime pay, and dinner plates. Complete the ticket order form that is attached and return it to the tuition box with cash or check made out to Escuelita del Alma. Ask your child’s teacher for your tickets. Uncollected tickets will be kept on a “will call” basis at the door. You must present the meal ticket to receive a food plate. 2. The party will begin as soon as the recital ends (approx. time of 5:30 p.m.). A meal and a non-alcoholic beverage will be served during the party. Clean-up will occur between 6:30-7 p.m. 3. Parking will only be available in the neighborhood streets. Please allow yourself plenty of time to find adequate and legal parking. Remember to respect street parking regulations like unobstructed fire hydrants or residential driveways. 3. Rey Rodríguez (Escuelita alumni parent) will videotape the recital and sell the DVD for $20. Escuelita earns a percentage of the DVD sales. Pre-order forms will also be available during the recital. The DVD will continue to be sold in the course of several weeks after the recital. 5. All fulltime students must stay all day at Escuelita on Friday, Aug. 12. The teachers will begin dressing the children at around 3:15 p.m. in the costumes that Escuelita will provide. Please do not pick your full-time child up early with intentions of bringing him/her back later in the day. Our experience has shown that when they return later in the day they stay crying and do not want to participate in the program. The Friday half-day students may leave at 12:30 p.m., but must return by 3:00 p.m.. Part-time students who are not in attendance on Fridays must also arrive in their classrooms no later than 2:30 p.m. Please drop-off and immediately leave. 6. Please do not come to your child’s classroom to visit throughout the afternoon of Aug. 12. If she/he sees you at the end of the day, she/he thinks it’s time to go home and will stay crying when you leave to go find a seat for the recital. 7. All recital audience will be required to enter only through the side gate located on E. 32nd St. The door will open at 3:30 p.m. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE BUILDING AFTER NAP TIME (except for arriving parttime students). The building will be accessible to parents only for restroom use. The children will wait in their classrooms and will enter and exit the stage from the stage entrances. We don’t want children to see their parents ahead of time and begin crying. 9. Due to the unstable nature of the playground floor, and so that every person can have a good view of our children performers, we will not provide chairs for the audience. All audience members will be required to sit on the ground for the duration of the show, so feel welcome to bring an old towel or small blanket to sit on (no lawn chairs, please). We will also have carpet remnant squares that can be used for sitting on the ground. Remember that we must fit approximately 250 people at one time. The only chairs that will be provided will be for our elderly guests (grandparents) who may have a hard time sitting on the ground. It will be very hot! Wear comfortable clothes and bring your water bottle if you so desire. We will have water dispensers throughout the playground, also. 10. Every class will be photographed individually in their dance recital costumes during the week leading to the recital by a professional photographer, Sarah Kerver (Leo Trevino’s mom-Red Room). We dress each child in dance costume and get her/him ready for the picture. We also ensure that each child has been photographed on the day that he/she is in attendance. You must fill out an order form which will be provided by Sarah in order to purchase your child’s picture from her. You can leave the completed form in the envelope that will be attached to the door of your child’s classroom. Picture make up day will take place during the week after the recital.