Grade 9 Biology: Anatomy and Physiology Main Lesson Book Outline and Course Overview o Book Assignment #1: “What Makes the Human Being, Human?” [Assignment due on Day 4, including individual fingerprints] o Book Assignment #2: “Body Design – Terms of Position” [Assignment due on Day 4, including illustrations of the index finger, the “anatomical man”] o Book Assignment #3: “Comparing Skin and Leaf Structure” [Assignment due on Day 5, including illustrations of the human skin and plant leaf structure] o Book Assignment #4: “Introduction to the Senses: Touch” [Assignment due on Day 6, utilizing summary, findings, and discussion sections (to be outlined in class) ] o Book Assignment #5: “The Eye and Sight” [Assignment due on Day 7, including a diagram of the human eye] o Book Assignment #6: “The Brain and the C.N.S.” [Assignment due on Day 7, including a diagram of the regions of the human brain] o Book Assignment #7: “Skulls and Bones” [Assignment due on Day 9, including illustrations of the human and various animal skulls] o Book Assignment #8: “Teeth and Digestion” [Assignment due on Day 11, including various, labeled illustrations of human and animal dental plans] o Book Assignment #9: “Heart and Lungs” [Assignment due on Day 14, utilizing summary, findings and discussion sections (as Assignment 4) – note: some of you may elect for a Day 13 due date for part of this assignment] o Appendix: This is the appropriate place for your notes and handouts A Main Lesson Book is not a requirement of this course (see Course Assessment for further information), however if you elect to submit it is due at the start of class on the last day of the course. If you do not opt to submit a main lesson book you will then submit your assignment in something akin to a worksheet packet (to be handed out individually as the course proceeds). Please note, this is not meant to give you the option of easier work. Worksheet-based assignments will ask for very similar sorts of 1 work as Main Lesson Book assignment. They will simply not require the work of the course to be completed as a single artistic project. Course Assessment: 1. The quality of your participation will constitute 10% of your grade for this course and it will be based on your choice of behavior in class. Attention, effort and courteousness are absolute requirements for a healthy class. Please do not engage in casual conversation, unless I have given permission to do so. If I have to ask you to change a given behavior during class, please do not comment or make excuses during class. I would rather you see me after class, so as not to further disrupt the lesson. To assure the best possible participation grade, please abide by all school rules. 2. Quizzes will account for another 30% of your course grade. There will be three quizzes, which are tentatively scheduled on the 5th, 9th, and 14th day of the course. Quizzes will usually focus on vocabulary mastery and short answer style questions. The quizzes will not be cumulative. 3. Your Main Lesson Book, should you choose to submit one, will constitute the remaining 60% of your course grade. It will involve a variety of written and illustrated work, serving as a record of your involvement in the course. It should be neat and complete when submitted. All assignments should be on unlined paper and finished in black pen. In addition, make sure that all illustrations are properly titled and labeled as figures. 4. If you choose not to submit a Main Lesson Book, your individual assignments (in something akin to worksheet packets) will be worth 50% of the total course points. Please note: this means that if you select this option the highest you can achieve in this course is 90%, almost certainly eliminating the possibility that you might earn a grade of “A.” As this option does involve less work than a Main Lesson Book it should be assumed that one would receive less credit. Worksheet packets will be due throughout the course, graded and returned so individual students can track their own achievement throughout the course. 5. Handing work in late can easily become a bad habit. To discourage this practice while understanding that “things” happen at times, each student will be given one late assignment (quizzes are the only exception) with no questions asked. After that permission to submit an assignment late must be granted ahead of time or the teacher will not guarantee that the assignment will be accepted. 2