Business & Technology Department Unit Plan for Course Name Unit 1 Title: Internet Goals/Standards/Benchmarks: Unit Length: 1.5 weeks Date Create: Spring 2011 NETS National Education Technology Standards for Students 1: Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. (c) use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues. (d) identify trends and forecast possibilities. 3: Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: (a) plan strategies to guide inquiry. (b) locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. (c) evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. 5: Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: (a) advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. (b) exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity. (c) demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning. 6: Technology Operations and Concepts Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: (a) advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. (b) exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity. (c) demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning. 21st Century Skills INFORMATION, MEDIA, AND TECHNOLOGY SKILLS INFORMATION LITERACY Possessing a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information Accessing information efficiently and effectively, evaluating information critically and competently, and using information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand. Illinois State Standards: 1.C.4c 2.B.4a 5.A.4.a. 11.B.4.d 26.A.5. Interpret, evaluate, and apply information from a variety of sources to their situations (e.g. academic, vocational, technical, personal.) (Understand how to make decisions) Critique ideas and impressions generated by oral, visual, written and electronic materials. Demonstrate knowledge of strategies needed to prepare a credible research report (e.g., notes, planning sheets). Determine the criteria upon which the designs will be judged, identify advantages and disadvantages of the designs and select the most promising design. Common for all four arts: Analyze and evaluate how the choice of media, tools, technologies and processes support and influence the communication of ideas. Unit Overview Unit Components: Stage 1: Desired Results UNDERSTANDINGS The internet plays a huge role in business and in our daily lives and is constantly changing on a global level. Not all information on the Internet is reliable. Internet users must have savvy Internet skills to find and evaluate information for personal, business, and educational uses. The Internet has changed society and continues to change the way we use the Internet for personal and business reasons. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How has the Internet changed over time? How does the Internet impact our lives? How will our future be impacted by the Internet? Vocabulary : Key terminology Backbone Boolean Operators Browser Copyright Derivative Work Domain extension Fair Use Doctrine Flaming Hypertext Links Hypertext Markup Language Internet Service Provider Mobile Web Modem Network Online Services Protocol Servers Shouting Knowledge and Skills: Student “I Can Statements” Understand and discuss the evolution of the Internet and World Wide Web. Analyze the relationship between the Internet and the World Wide Web. Demonstrate efficient and effective strategies when searching the Web. Analyze web pages for validity and reliability of information Spam Home Page Uniform Resource Locator World Wide Web Assessment/Evidence Process--discussion Process--discussion Performance—Internet search project Process—observations Process--discussion Product—worksheets Process--observations Analyze web pages for professionalism including effective Product--report use of design--color, alignment, proximity, contrast, Process--discussion graphical elements, and animation Identify ethical and unethical (netiquette) online behavior Discussion. Multiple Choice. Distinguish among the various ways to connect to the Selected Response--Multiple choice quizzes and tests Internet Identify and explain the terminology, menus, buttons, and Selected Response--Multiple choice quizzes and tests toolbars specific to browsers and Internet use Navigate the Internet to find and utilize images and Process—online searches information from the Internet for educational, business, and personal use Recognize and adhere to copy-right laws for images and Selected Response--Multiple choice quizzes and tests material online Product—completed Internet search project Process--discussion 1. Simulate a professional Web development team 2. Introduce students to the formal process of developing Web sites in pairs or teams 3. Utilize a professional Web development sequence 4. Identify a client problem/need and create a plan to address that need 5. Work with others to plan a Web-based solution to solve a client’s problems 6. Use online information resources to meet your needs or those of a client for collaboration, research, publication, communication, and productivity 7. Apply design and communication principals to a real-world problem Stage 2: Assessment Evidence List point values for each assignments here… Assessment Domain Extension WS Comparing 2 Websites Boolean Searching and Four Nets Internet Basics PowerPoint WS Web Search Internt Unit Test Weaving Through the Internet Good/Bad Design Paper Analyzing a website paper Suggested Points Category/Weight 5 Production 10 Production 10 Production 10 Production 15 Production 60 Test 10 Production 10 Production 30 5 points each=100 Productions points Content & Performace Task Summary Discussion about the purposes of the Internet and what makes a site good or bad. Discussion and online evaluation of websites PowerPoint on History and terminology of the Internet and World Wide Web Discussion of target audience, color schemes, media, purpose, content, ease of navigation, and overall design Worksheets—Weaving through the Internet and domain exensions to learn terminology and how to evaluate websites NETS worksheet/online research to learn advanced search techniques Demonstration of shortcuts and saving techniques to copy/save from the Internet. Discussion of copy-right laws. Internet Search Project to apply advanced search techniques and also copy/paste, save techniques Analysis paper to analyze and evaluate a website Rubric Titles Web Site Evaluation Rubric Self-Assessment Other Evidence, Summarized Internet searches--easily finding reliable informaton online Stage 3: Learning Activities Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Discuss websites: and 5 Good/Bad Things Notes in Word. PPT Presentation: Internet Fundamentals/History/Trends of the Internet Domain Extensions Worksheet Basic Web Design and Layout website—Http:// index.html Design Paper (1st part) Design Paper (2nd Part) Internet Searching: Boolean Searching and Four Nets Google Advanced Search Worksheet Copy/Paste/Save from the Internet Web Search Project Web Search Project Review for Test Finish Web Search Internet Unit Test