UCA Panhellenic Recruitment Counselor Application

2012-2013 Pi Chi Application
UCA Panhellenic
Recruitment Counselor Application
Dear applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the Panhellenic Council’s recruitment counselor program. Panhellenic Counselors
serve a vital role prior during formal recruitment and are an integral part of a successful recruitment program.
Formal recruitment is one of the most visible, rewarding, and important activities coordinated by Panhellenic.
Successful membership recruitment requires a huge organizational effort. An effective aid in increasing sorority
membership growth is a well-implemented recruitment counselor program. It is essential that the counselor program
is filled with women strong in recruiting our future Greek community. The women chosen for this duty must be
able to explain the benefits of Greek Life to potential members. Panhellenic is relying on all five sororities to
encourage strong recruiters to apply for the program to aide in a successful recruitment.
Recruitment counseling is a positive step toward making the recruitment process better understood by the
participants. It is one-on-one guidance provided by experienced sorority women committed to offering their talents
and service to the potential new members (PNMs). Sincere interest in the welfare of PNMs by well-trained,
impartial, recruitment counselors enhances the Panhellenic community and by extension, the entire Greek
To be effective, recruitment counselors must be dependable, responsible, impartial, discreet, ethical, and
enthusiastic. All applicants must be initiated undergraduate members in good standing of an established UCA NPC
sorority, able to attend all training sessions, and willing to return to school prior to the beginning of the recruitment
As representatives of Panhellenic, Panhellenic Counselors (Pi Chi’s) promote an understanding of the benefits of
Greek affiliation and emphasize the similarities in ideals and goals of all sororities. They do not attend recruitment
parties and must not give any indication of their Greek affiliation throughout the recruitment process. Pi Chi’s act as
an unbiased sorority member, devoting their time and energy to offer guidance and counseling to PNMs, always
keeping the PNM’s best interest at heart.
The application and recommendations are due to the Student Center Suite 207 no later than 4:00 p.m.,
Wednesday, April 4th. Please make sure you sign up for an interview slot when you complete your
application; interviews will be held Wednesday, April 11th starting at 3:00.
For questions, please contact Katherine Chaisson, 501-743-1395, kchaisson1@cub.uca.edu or Lindsey Osborne,
450-3137, losborne@uca.edu.
Katherine Chaisson
Panhellenic Counselor Director
2012-2013 Pi Chi Application
Active and initiated member of a Panhellenic sorority.
Minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average
Approval by sorority President
Complete Panhellenic Counselor application and interview process.
Attend an overnight training workshop/retreat to be held August 3 & 4.
Attend all scheduled recruitment activities and all obligations of a Panhellenic Counselor.
Participate in designated training sessions held throughout the Fall semester
Must follow all Panhellenic Counselor and Recruitment rules.
Must have 2 recommendations. One from Chapter President and another from one of the
following: faculty or staff member, advisor from your chapter or another campus organization, a
woman from a different sorority, or a former Panhellenic Counselor.
Welcome and Congratulations Dinner – April 15th, 6:00 pm, TBA
August 3 & 4 Retreat
Greek Convocation
Pi Chi Trainings (Tuesday nights)
Panhellenic Fashion Show & Recruitment Prep Events
January Formal Recruitment & Training – January 4-8, 2013
Fall Pageants
Pi Chi-PNM meetings in the Fall 2013 Semester
70% of other Greek/campus events designated by Counselor Chairman; events may
Welcome Week
Go Greek Info Night
Fall RSO Fair
Counselor Turtle Tug Team
Panhellenic Philanthropies
Panhellenic Social
Fall 2012 Branching Out
Homecoming Activities
Panhellenic Race for the Cure Team
Counselor MudStock Team
Miss UCA
Other campus events where a Panhellenic presence is needed
2012-2013 Pi Chi Application
Recruitment Counselor Job Description:
Recruitment counselor: An impartial representative of the College Panhellenic Association who understands
and implements the purposes and goals of the College Panhellenic Association in recruitment.
Qualifications: The recruitment counselor is expected to be:
 A crucial link in the organization and success of recruitment.
 An enthusiastic person of the fraternal community who is able to convey this enthusiasm to
 Supportive of the PNM through extensive person-to-person contact during the membership
recruitment process.
 One who exhibits objectivity and an inclusive attitude with respect to each member group in
the College Panhellenic and has a willingness to share positive information about each
 A good listener, sensitive, positive, perceptive, objective, and able to maintain
 A responsible, dependable and resourceful person in obtaining information and answers to
difficult questions.
 Will contribute personal time, complete all training and execute assigned responsibilities
with enthusiasm and sincerity during the entire membership recruitment process.
 Familiar with the NPC Unanimous Agreements and resolutions regarding membership
recruitment and the Panhellenic rules and regulations, procedures, and recruitment
Duties: The recruitment counselor:
 Attends all recruitment counselor training sessions and completes responsibilities.
 Explains all procedures and answers questions concerning the mechanics of membership
recruitment and membership recruitment activities.
 Plans and facilitates meetings with the assigned recruitment group in a quiet and convenient
location. Prepares an agenda prior to each meeting, covers all subjects listed and includes
time for questions and answers.
 Stimulates and maintains interest in the recruitment process and in joining a women’s
 Keeps all information confidential regarding conversations with PNMs, including after
formal recruitment
 Monitors the PNM’s progression through the membership recruitment process.
 Is available as much of the time as possible during recruitment for PNMs to address
concerns and offer guidance in one-on-one counseling situations.
 Reinforces her position as a neutral representative of Panhellenic by refraining from contact
with her own sorority and the revealing of affiliation through the membership recruitment
 Promotes a positive attitude toward the women’s fraternities through personal behavior.
 Models the Panhellenic Creed.
 Consults with the Panhellenic Recruitment Director, Counselor Director, and/or the
Panhellenic Advisor regarding situations that appear to be serious or uncomfortable to
 Understands the procedure for reporting possible recruitment violations and reports such
concerns to the Panhellenic President, Panhellenic Recruitment Director, or Panhellenic
Advisor immediately.
 Understands that the recruitment counselor is authorized to file recruitment violation, though
it is not her primary or central responsibility.
2012-2013 Pi Chi Application
Print or type responses.
Name___________________________________________ Student ID # ____________________________
Current Mailing Address___________________________________________________________________
Summer/Christmas Address ________________________________________________________________
Email_____________________________________ Cell Phone __________________________________
Shirt Size
Greek Affiliation________________________
GPA ___________________________________
Initiation Term___________________________________
Have you been a Panhellenic Counselor before and if so, what year?_________________________________
Did you attend Formal Recruitment in the Spring when you were a PNM?____________________________
Have you attended as an active member?______________________
Please type your answers to the following questions, in detail, on another sheet of paper and attach it to the
List and describe any Greek or non-Greek activities and leadership positions. Indicate if you held an
office or received an honor or award for that activity. Work may be included. This should include
your commitments for Fall 2012 as well.
What qualifications do you possess or what experiences have you had that will make you an asset to
the recruitment counselor team?
What have you gained from your Greek experience? What do you expect to gain from your Pi Chi
If you participated in formal recruitment, how did your recruitment counselor affect your
experience? What positive things did you gain through her advice? What would you have changed?
How would you describe “ethical behavior” as it pertains to the position of recruitment counselor?
I, __________________________________________, have read, understand, and agree to abide by the
attached requirements for recruitment counselors. If selected I will attend all recruitment counselor training
sessions. I agree to uphold the expectations of a recruitment counselor and the University of Central Arkansas
Panhellenic Council Constitution, Recruitment Guidelines, and National Panhellenic Conference Manual of
Information. I am aware that if I fail to abide by these guidelines I will be removed from my position and be
replaced by whomever Panhellenic Council sees fit. By signing this agreement, I also allow Panhellenic
access to my academic transcript to ensure I meet the grade requirement.
2012-2013 Pi Chi Application
2012-2013 Panhellenic Counselor President’s
Recommendation Form
As Chapter President, you have a great deal of insight concerning the Panhellenic Counselor
applicants from your chapter. Please understand that the quality of your recruitment
counselors is directly related to the overall success of the recruitment process. Panhellenic
Counselors give the first impression of our Greek community to our potential new members. They
assist us ALL in keeping our potential new members in the recruitment process, especially when
they are disappointed by not receiving the event invitation they had hoped for. Therefore, it is
CRUCIAL that our Panhellenic Counselors have excellent people/recruiting skills in order to be
effective in their position. We value your input in assisting us in the selection of the most qualified
counselors possible! Your comments will be completely confidential to the Panhellenic Council.
We ask you please type the detailed responses and attach this form. Applicants have been asked to
submit their applications to us by April 4th before 4:00 p.m. and to notify you prior to that date of
their decision to apply. Please return all recommendation forms for each applicant from your
chapter to Student Center Suite 207 on or before Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 at 4:00 pm. This
will help the Panhellenic officers prepare for the Recruitment Counselor interviews, which will be
held on Wednesday, April 11th, 2012. Thank you so much for your time!
APPLICANT’S NAME______________________________________CHAPTER___________
What qualifications does this applicant possess that would make her a strong
recruitment counselor? What are her weaknesses?
How would you characterize the applicant’s commitment to the collegiate chapter? Do
you consider her to be a good conversationalist during the recruitment process?
How would you characterize the applicant’s commitment to the fraternal community in
Can you verify that the individual has good attendance and is in good standing with
your chapter?
Please list any offices or positions she has held within your chapter.
__________Strongly Recommend
_________Do Not Recommend
President’s Signature________________________________________Date_________________
2012-2013 Pi Chi Application
2012-2013 Panhellenic Counselor General
Recommendation Form
Panhellenic Council is searching for women of excellence and integrity to serve as counselors for the Formal
Recruitment Process. Recruitment counseling is a positive step toward making the recruitment process better understood
by the participants. It is one-on-one guidance provided by experienced sorority women committed to offering their talents
and service to the potential new members (PNMs). To be effective, counselors must be dependable, responsible, impartial,
discreet, ethical, and enthusiastic. As representatives of Panhellenic, Panhellenic Counselors (Pi Chi’s) promote an
understanding of the benefits of Greek affiliation and emphasize the similarities in ideals and goals of all sororities. They do
not attend recruitment parties and must not give any indication of their Greek affiliation during the recruitment process. Pi
Chi’s act as an unbiased sorority member, devoting their time and energy to offer guidance and counseling to PNMs, always
keeping the PNM’s best interest at heart.
We value your input in assisting us in the selection of the most qualified counselors possible. Your comments
will be completely confidential to the Panhellenic Council. Applicants have been asked to submit their applications
to us by April 4th by 4:00 p.m. and to notify you prior to that date of their decision to apply. Please return the
completed recommendation form to Student Center Suite 207, Attn: Lindsey Osborne on or before Wednesday,
April 4th, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. This will help the Panhellenic officers prepare for the Panhellenic Counselor
interviews, which will be held on Wednesday, April 11th, 2012. If you have any questions, please contact Lindsey
Osborne at 450-3137, losborne@uca.edu or the Panhellenic Council at ucapanhellenic@hotmail.com. Thank you so
much for your time! (Please write on the back if necessary or feel free to type responses.)
APPLICANT’S NAME_____________________________________________________________________________
How well and in what context do you know the applicant?
What qualifications does this applicant possess that would make her a strong recruitment counselor?
(sympathetic listener, motivator, encourager, etc) What are her weaknesses?
How diligent is the applicant when it comes to commitment? (Is she dependable, punctual?, etc)
Please give any other reasons you have for or against the applicant applying for this position.
____________Strongly Recommend ____________Recommend
__________Do Not Recommend
Recommenders’ Signature________________________________________Date__________________