periodic teachers

Using the 10 clues at the bottom, please place the fictional
elements in their correct places in the blank periodic table at the
end of this quiz.
a. The noble gases are Ludwig (L), McQuerry (Q), Chuning (A), and Vaughn
(K). Among these gases, McQuerry has the greatest atomic mass and
Ludwig the least. Vaughn is lighter than Chuning.
b. The most reactive group of metals are Bannon (Mb), Crick (Rc),
Hermanson (Mh), and Clothier (R). Of these metals, Hermanson has the
lowest atomic mass. Clothier is in the same period as McQuerry.
c. Von Holten (Bh), Goes (Lg), and Tarvin (Lt) are nonmetals whose atoms
quickly gain or share one electron. Goes is in the same period as Clothier
and McQuerry.
d. The metalloids are Fischer (Sf), Pickering (T), Wiegers (Aw), and
Maglinger (Ma). Maglinger is the metalloid with the greatest atomic mass.
Pickering and Wiegers are in Group 14. Wiegers has more protons than
Pickering. Bult (Gb) touches the zigzag line, but it’s a metal, not a
e. The lightest element of all is The Pronoun (P). The heaviest element in the
group of 30 elements is Stidham (Ps). The most chemically active nonmetal is Von Holten. Tarvin reacts with Crick to form table salt.
f. The element Phillips (Tp) has only four protons in its nucleus.
g. Drinkwater (Bd) is important in the chemistry of life. It forms compounds
made of long chains of atoms. Nix (Mn) and Meyer (Rm) are metals in the
fourth period, but Nix is less reactive than Meyer.
h. Barr (Kb), Merithew (Bm) and Maglinger are all members of the fifth
family. Merithew has fewer total electrons than Barr.
i. Shockley (As), Pruente (Bp), and Lewis (Cl) all gain 2 electrons when they
react. Lewis is found as a diatomic molecule (i.e. O2 and N2) and has the
same properties as a gas found in Earth’s atmosphere. Pruente has a
lower atomic number than Shockley.
j. The element Krinke (Jk) has atoms with a total of 49 electrons. Smith
(Ks) and Head (Jh) lose two electrons when they react. Smith is used in
Answers to the fictional periodic table:
Group 1 (vertical) is The Pronoun (P), Hermanson (Mh), Crick (Rc), Clothier
(R), Bannon (Mb)
Group 2 are Phillips (Tp), Smith (Ks), Meyer (Rm), and Head (Jh)
Group 13 are Fischer (Sf), Bult (Gb), Nix (Mn), and Krinke (Jk)
Group 14 are Drinkwater (Bd), Pickering (T), Wiegers (Aw), Stidham (Ps)
Group 15 are Merithew (Bm), Barr (Kb), Maglinger (Ma)
Group 16 is Lewis (Cl), Pruente (Bp), and Shockley (As)
Group 17 are Von Holten (Bh), Tarvin (Lt), and Goes (Lg)
Group 18 are Ludwig (L), Vaughn (K), Chuning (A), and McQuerry (Q)
Mh Tp
Bm Cl
Bh K
Rc Ks
Kb Bp
Mn Aw Ma As
Mb Jh
Lg Q