SNC 2P - PICKERING CLIMATE CHANGE STUDY ASSIGNMENT HOW WILL IT AFFECT YOU? One way to get an idea of how climate change will affect you directly is to look at current climate data and projected climate data. The Region of Durham has completed a study whereby each city within the region was studied and projections were created. Below, the City of Pickering data has been used to complete a climate change data analysis study. This data is taken from the SENES Study on Durham Region’s Future Climate. The summary repot can be found here: es/ For a full copy of the report email the Region of Durham at Your task is to complete a thorough analysis of climate will change over the two ten-year blocks of time that span forty years with this assignment. Think about how old you will be in 2040 and where you may be living, and how you may have to mitigate and adapt to any climate change in the future. This assignment will cover the following main aspects of climate: temperature, precipitation, severe weather, heat waves, occurrence of heavy rain, and days with high potential for lightning. TEMPERATURE This table shows the number of temperature days for the years: 2000-2009 This table shows the number of temperature days for the years: 2040-2049 Looking at the temperature data above, answer the following questions: 1. In the table showing 2000-2009(max temp), how many months have days where temperatures are greater than 35 (>35)? 2. In the table showing 2040-2049 (max temp), how many months have days where temperatures are greater than 35 (>35)? Which months are they? 3. What does this tell you about future summer month temperatures? How will that have a negative/and positive impact on us in the City of Pickering? Think about impacts on human health with higher temperatures (and which segment of the population [age] will be affected the greatest. 4. In the table showing 2000-2009 (min temp), look at the winter months (Dec-Mar) where temperatures are greater than 0 (>0)? Now comment on how many days per month there are compared to the next table showing 2040-2049 (min temp) for those same months which are greater than 0 (>0). What was the total for Dec-Mar for 2000-2009________________ and for 2040-2049 ________________ 5. What does this tell you about winters in the future for Pickering? Think about how this may affect things like the ski resorts just north of us (Lakeridge, Dagmar etc…). How might they be impacted if the temperature is like this? On the other side of this argument, how might summer recreational activities benefit, like golf etc.? 6. How do you feel about this? 7. What other areas of the economy or society might be affected by these changes to temperature? (This can be positive or negative). PRECIPITATION This table shows the amount of precipitation for the years 2000 - 2009 This table shows the amount of precipitation for the years 2040 -2049 8. Compare the amount of snowfall (use the > = 0.2 cm row of data) in the months Dec-Mar for 2000-2009 and the 2040-2049 tables. What do you notice? Will we have more or less snowfall? Link this answer to the temperature charts you just looked at on the previous page. 9. Is more or less snowfall a positive or negative? Think about how snow recharges streams in the spring, saturates soil for agriculture in the summer and can prevent soil erosion by high winds in the winter months. Are there any other ‘positives or negatives’ to having less snow in the future? 10. Now look at high rainfall events (use the > = 25 mm row of data) in June and July for both 2000-2009 and the 2040-2049 tables. What do you notice has changed? What is the total for both June and July for 2000-2009________________ and for 2040-2049 ________________? 11. What are these high rainfall events in the summer months probably associated with? SEVERE WEATHER Tornado Precursors The Energy Helicity Index (EHI) is a EHI combination of two indices. By itself, it is the best index available for > 1 Supercell potential 1 – 5 Up to F2, F3 tornadoes storm and tornado prediction since it combines both CAPE possible (CONVECTIVE ATMOSPHERIC POTENTIAL ENERGY) and 5 + Up to F4, F5 tornadoes Helicity. The CAPE is the amount of pure instability present in a possible parcel of air and Helicity is the product of low level shear and inflow directly into the storm. The significance of the EHI is given in the table to the right: The table below shows the number of calendar days with EHI greater than 1 (> 1) for 2000-2009 and 2040-2049 12. Looking at the number of days with the potential for a tornado to form in for 2000-2009 and 2040-2049 for the Pickering area, what do you notice about the change? YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 PICK. 12 12 36 11 9 18 16 19 16 7 YEAR 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 PICK. 4 12 8 19 15 35 6 20 28 20 13. In the first table 2000-2009 what was the total number of days in the 10 year period for tornadoes? _____________________ What about in 20402049? _______________________What is the average for the 2000-2009 period? (total /number of years) _____________________ and for the 2040-2049 period? __________________________. 14. Knowing there is an increase in tornadoes in the future, what does this mean for you and other Pickering residents? How will you have to plan for such things? (think about emergency kits, water…) 15. How might homes have to be ‘retrofitted’ or better designed/built for the future? 16. Think about how insurance companies may need to respond if there are now more severe storms and tornadoes. How might that change your future insurance for your house? HEAT WAVES The table below shows heat wave days with temp greater than 30C 2000-2009 and 2040-2049. 17. Looking at the tables of number of heat wave days with temperatures greater than 30 C for 2000-2009, which year on record had the greatest number of days? __________________________ Do you think this an anomaly or a regular occurrence? What seems to be the range for 2000-2009 for days hotter than 30 C? YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 10-year period PICK. 2 5 7 2 1 11 3 4 2 0 37 YEAR 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 10-year period PICK. 9 8 7 20 9 20 3 19 20 22 138 18. Looking at the tables of number of heat wave days with temperatures greater than 30C for 2040-2049, which year(s) on record had the greatest number of days? What seems to be the range for 2000-2009 for days hotter than 30 C? 19. What impact positive/negative will more hotter days have on society? OCCURRENCE OF HEAVY RAIN This is defined as number of events with total precipitation greater than 50 millimetres over a 6-hour time period while the temperature is above 1 degree C. The table below shows the occurrence of heavy rain 2000-2009 and 2040-2049 20. Look at the tables showing the number of days of heavy rain for both 2000-2009 and 2040-2049. What do you notice about the number? Calculate the percentage of increase for the difference from the two time periods. 21. How could heavy rain be a negative impact on society and the environment? 22. How could heavy rain be viewed as a positive? YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 10-year period PICK. 3 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 3 13 YEAR 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 10-year period PICK. 0 5 0 23 5 5 0 8 0 0 46 23. What would heavy rain do to local streams and creeks that recharge larger lakes in the area (Lake Ontario)? Think about runoff and turbidity of the water in these streams. How might ‘cloudy/muddy’ water affect fish populations? 24. How might heavy rain effects increase the amount of surface runoff from roads and major highways? What might this runoff carry with it, and drain into other waterways or wetlands? Describe how this can be a negative impact on the environment. 25. What might you have to do to protect your own home from these heavy rain events? (think about basement flooding). DAYS WITH HIGH POTENTIAL FOR LIGHTNING This is defined as the number of days with a high potential for lightning strikes. It was characterized by looking at the vertical development of clouds because the model does not simulate lightning occurrence. From a research approach, it was found that if the modeled cloud depth was greater than approximately 11 kilometres, this corresponded well with observed lightning on a daily basis. The modeled parameter used was hourly cloud depth greater than or equal to 11300 metres. The table below shows the number of days with high potential for lightning in the decades 2000-2009 and 2040-2049 26. Look at the tables showing the number of days of high potential for lightning for both 2000-2009 and 2040-2049. What do you notice about the number? Calculate the percentage of increase for the difference from the two time periods. 27. How could more lightning be a negative impact on society and the environment? YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 10-year period PICK. 15 28 42 21 36 24 27 25 40 28 286 YEAR 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 10-year period PICK. 29 47 50 41 64 38 56 47 47 25 444 28. How might this affect power outages across the region? Think about how Hydro One will have to have crew ready to send to all these areas around Pickering to fix transformer stations. How will this affect you the consumer? 29. Which year is predicted to be the worst for lightning strikes? Calculate what percentage of that total ten year period it equates to be? 30. What was the maximum ___________ and minimum ______________ number of days with high potential for lightning strikes in 2000-2009? 31. What was the maximum ___________ and minimum ______________ number of days with high potential for lightning strikes in 2040-2049?