University of Oklahoma EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS COMMITTEE NEL Building Seminar Room

University of Oklahoma
NEL Building Seminar Room
April 17, 2014
Committee Members:
Don Clothier – Chair
Will Wayne
David Vishanoff
Renda Passek
Les Hoven
Lindsay Mitchell
Debbie Copp
Vince Leseney
Jannie Porter
Suzanne Harrell
Mary Ann Pascucci
Terri Lunday
Angela Hawpe
Breion Rollins
These minutes attempt to convey the significant issues discussed in the meeting.
Chair Don Clothier opened the meeting at 1:30pm.
1. Approval of minutes
Motion the approve minutes by Wayne and second by Harrell with no additional discussion.
2. Strategic Plan
The Segal Consultants provided the Strategic Planning Working Committee with two plans that
met the objectives of promoting healthy behavior and potential cost savings.
 The HMO option was eliminated
 A PPO with a copay structure was presented alongside a HDHP
 Generic utilization on drugs is 77%. Given OUs plan size it should be 80% at a minimum,
indicating there are savings that could be realized in the pharmacy area.
(Copp) Can we tell if people are using retail because there is not a generic option?
(Hawpe) BCBS will look into this for us.
Comment by (Clothier) Generics will always struggle considering the marketing on the retail
Comment by (Vishanoff) Maybe the university can look into a percentage copay system vs. flat
dollar amount.
(Rollins) Nexium is the number one prescribed drug of the OU population and other employers
have used a wallet card that has questions the covered member can ask about the visit and
prescriptions that might be useful for OU.
(Hoven) We are attempting to drive quality of care, compliance and control cost by using 5
1. How we deliver care
2. Onsite clinics
3. Contribution Strategy
4. Self-Funding
 Would be transparent to employees
 The only change would be in how claims are paid
5. Wellness Program (premium/tobacco)
3. ACA Compliance
The process is now split between the two campus sites.
HSC is in the process of working on the purchase and implementation of a time and labor
system. Until that is implemented, a screen has been created for payroll coordinators to collect
Norman currently tracks hours so there is not an issue with how hourly employees are tracked.
There are issues with those paid on stipends and certain student categories.
For 2014, OU is using 6 month safe harbor measurement period, May 1 to Oct 1 with a year
stabilization period. A 12 month standard measurement period will be used in 2015.
4. Cameron University
Regents approved Cameron University to be a member of our plan and on our contract 1/1/15.
5. Student Health Plan
The renewal is currently in process and details will be shared at May meeting.
6. Wellness Update
 In 2014 over 500 employees have completed the health screening.
 The 5th annual Fun Run is scheduled for 9/27/14.
 The Smart Fuel and WellFit Pilots are going well and people are actively using the on
campus facilities.
 Gov. Fallin has placed a ban on all E-Cigarette and the OU policy will be amended to
reflect the ban in Summer 2014.
7. Director Updates
HR has a goal of communicating and sharing change with all of the faculty and staff and the
new HR website should be an effective vehicle and easier to navigate than the current site.
If anyone notices or is informed of any disgruntled employee(s) please direct them to HR so
issues can be diffused, prior to any escalation. The goal for HR is for all employees to be
satisfied with the HR experience.
Other Business
No other business presented
Next scheduled meeting 5/22/14
Meeting adjourned at 2:31pm