Publications (* denotes undergraduate student) Updated August

Publications (* denotes undergraduate student)
Updated August 2014
*Lumpkin D C, Murphy T G, and Tarvin K A. 2014. Blood parasite infection differentially
relates to carotenoid-based plumage and bill color in the American goldfinch. Ecology and
Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1164. pdf
Murphy T G, *West J A, *Pham T T, *Cevallos L M, *Simpson R K, and Tarvin K A. 2014.
Same trait, different receiver response: Unlike females, male American goldfinches do not signal
status with bill colour. Animal Behaviour 93: 121-127. pdf
*Pham T T, *Queller P S, Tarvin, K A, and Murphy T G. 2014. Honesty of a dynamic female
aggressive status signal: baseline testosterone relates to bill color in female American
goldfinches. Journal of Avian Biology 45: 22-28. pdf
Smith K G, Tarvin K A and Woolfenden G E. 2013. Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata), The Birds
of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology.; doi:10.2173/bna.469.
*Getschow C M, *Rivers P, *Sterman S, *Lumpkin D C, and Tarvin K A. 2013. Does gray
squirrel Sciurus carolinensis response to heterospecific alarm calls depend on familiarity or
acoustic similarity? Ethology 19, 983-992. pdf
*Rosenthal M F, Murphy T G, Darling N, and Tarvin K A. 2012. Ornamental bill color rapidly
signals changing condition. Journal of Avian Biology 43: 553-564. pdf
Tarvin K A and Murphy T G. 2012. It isn’t always sexy when both are bright and shiny:
considering alternatives to sexual selection in elaborate monomorphic species. Ibis: The
International Journal of Avian Science 154: 439–443. pdf
*Kelly R J, Murphy T G, Tarvin K A, and Burness G. 2012. Carotenoid-based ornaments of
female and male American goldfinches (Spinus tristis) show sex-specific correlations with
immune function and metabolic rate. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85: 348–363. pdf
Murphy T G, *Rosenthal M F, Montgomerie R, and Tarvin K A. 2009. Female American
goldfinches use carotenoid-based bill coloration to signal status. Behavioral Ecology 20: 13481355. pdf
Webster M S, Tarvin K A, Tuttle E M, and Pruett-Jones S. 2007. Promiscuity drives sexual
selection in a socially monogamous bird. Evolution 61: 2205-2211. pdf
*Rosen R F and Tarvin K A. 2006. Sexual signals of the male American goldfinch. Ethology
112: 1008-1019. pdf
Tarvin K A. 2006. Polymorphic microsatellite loci from the American goldfinch (Carduelis
tristis) and their cross-amplification in a variety of passerine species. Molecular Ecology Notes
6: 470-472. pdf
Tarvin K A, Webster M S, Tuttle E M, and Pruett-Jones S. 2005. Genetic similarity of social
mates predicts the level of extra-pair paternity in splendid fairy-wrens. Animal Behaviour 70:
945-955. pdf
Webster M S, Tarvin K A, Tuttle E M, and Pruett-Jones S. 2004. Reproductive promiscuity in
the splendid fairy-wren: Effects of group size and auxiliary reproduction. Behavioral Ecology 15
(6): 907-915. pdf
Garvin M C, Tarvin K A, Smith J, Ohajuruka O A, and Grimes S D. 2004. Patterns of West Nile
virus infection in Ohio blue jays: Implications for initiation of the annual cycle. American
Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 70 (5): 566-570. pdf
Garvin M C, Tarvin K A, Stark L M, Woolfenden G E, Fitzpatrick J W, and Day J F. 2004.
Arboviral infection in two species of wild jays (Aves: Corvidae): Evidence for population
impacts. Journal of Medical Entomology 41: 215-225. pdf
Tarvin K A and Garvin M C. 2002. Habitat and nesting success of Blue Jays: Importance of
scale. Auk 119 (4): 971-983. pdf
Driskell A C, Pruett-Jones S, Tarvin K A, and *Hagevik S. 2002. Evolutionary relationships
among blue- and black-plumaged populations of the white-winged fairy-wren (Malurus
leucopterus). Australian Journal of Zoology 50: 581-595. pdf
Zelano B, Tarvin K A, and Pruett-Jones S. 2001. Singing in the face of danger: The anomalous
Type II song of the splendid fairy-wren. Ethology 107: 201-216. pdf
Pruett-Jones S and Tarvin K A. 2001. Aspects of the ecology and behaviour of White-winged
Fairy-wrens on Barrow Island. Emu 101: 73-78. pdf
Tarvin K A and Woolfenden G E. 1999. Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata). In The Birds of North
America, No. 469 (Poole A and Gill F, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia,
PA. 32 pages. (See Smith, Tarvin, and Woolfenden 2013, above, for revised version).
Pruett-Jones S and Tarvin K A. 1998. Monk parakeets in the United States: population growth
and regional patterns of distribution. Proceedings of the 18th Vertebrate Pest Conference (Baker
R O and Crabb A C, Eds.), pp. 55-58. pdf
Tarvin K A, Garvin M C, *Jawor J M, and *Dayer K A. 1998. A field evaluation of techniques
used to estimate density of Blue Jays. Journal of Field Ornithology 69: 209-222. pdf
Tarvin K A and Woolfenden G E. 1997. Patterns of dominance and aggressive behavior in Blue
Jays at a feeder. Condor 99: 434-444. pdf
Tarvin K A and Smith K G. 1995. Microhabitat factors influencing predation and success of
suburban Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata nests. Journal of Avian Biology 26: 296-304. pdf
Tarvin K A. 1994. Long-eared Owl observed in Highlands County, Florida. Florida Field
Naturalist 22: 110-111. pdf
Petit K E and Tarvin K A. 1990. First record of a Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea)
from the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. American Birds 44: 1094. Sorry, no pdf…