Four short stories by Polly McManus

by Polly McManus
She so did not want to be here, especially when he walked into the room and back into her life.
She felt breathless and frozen to the spot like a rabbit caught in headlights. What could she do? Where could
she run? Before she could do anything he was standing in front of her, smiling and handsome as ever. She had
never forgotten the effect those deep set beautiful blue eyes had on her and the way his hair curled round
his ears. Then he smiled that wonderfully sexy smile as his tongue moved over his perfect teeth.
He bent down and whispered in her ear, “Hello Cathy, you look so good”. All she wanted to do was to get away
as quickly as she could but before she could move he grasped her by the elbow and pulled her into him. “Aren’t
you glad to see me Cathy? It’s been sooo long”
The smell of his aftershave filled her with such memories, plunging her back to when they had last been
Slowly she focused her mind, pulled her arm free, and before he could even register that she had moved, she
took his wrist, twisted his arm up his back, rammed him into the wall, grabbed his other wrist and clamped
handcuffs onto him.
“Oh yes Simon, I am so glad to see you. You are under arrest for raping me five years ago. Never thought
little frightened Cathy would become a police officer did you
by Polly McManus
She ducked as the plate smashed against the wall behind her and his meal slid down to the floor. “That
bloody dinner was disgusting, you lazy cow. Why can’t you cook me something decent for a change?”
Laura looked at her husband’s vicious expression and knew he was drunk; it wouldn’t be long before he hit her
She hardly recognised the young, handsome, caring, gentle man she had married three years ago, what had
happened to him?
She fell in love with Mike when he quoted poetry, it was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done. He was
so attentive, always bringing her presents, planning outings, surprising her with holidays.
When he organised their wedding she was so relieved not to have anything to worry about. She didn’t have any
decisions to make as Mike continued to organise everything, where they would live, which house they would
buy, when they would have children.
Laura looked at the broken plate and ruined dinner and thought, “That’s my life, that’ll be me lying broken on
the floor.” She realised for the first time that Mike had controlled every aspect of her life since she first
met him. He told her it was her fault that he hit her, why did she have to do things to make him angry?
Well, not any more Mike, now she was in control. She calmly picked up the frying pan, smashed him across the
head, then picked up the phone and dialled 999.
by Polly McManus
She hesitated at the post box, not knowing if she should send the letter, what if he didn’t want to see
It was thirty-five years ago and Anne had been a beautiful young sixteen-year old school girl when she had
met John. She had been sitting outside the café with her friends when he roared into her life on his Harley
He was darkly handsome, different and dangerous and oh so attractive. Anne couldn’t believe it when he
walked over to her, “Hi there, gorgeous, what’s your name?” She looked around, was he really speaking to her
or one of her friends? “Want to come for a ride on my bike?” She finally stuttered, “Anne - and yes please”
She climbed up behind him and put her arms round his waist, she could feel his hard muscles through his teashirt and smell his body as she held on to him. Anne had never been on a bike and the exhilaration of the wind
blowing through her hair made her feel totally free.
Her parents didn’t approve of him, but to her, John was everything. He told her he loved her and that when
they were married they could move wherever she wanted.
But as the summer drew to an end it was John who moved, one day he just up and left town and she hadn’t
seen him since.
She wondered what would happen now as she posted the letter to the son she gave up for adoption thirty-four
years ago
by Polly McManus
It was one of those days when everything seemed to go wrong. Lisa had slept in and was late for work, she
burnt her toast, her hair wouldn’t go right and now she had broken a nail.
Her boss would be furious with her, as this was the second time she had been late this week. She hated her
job as assistant to the Project Manager, who she regarded as an arrogant patronising chauvinist. He gave her
all the crappy jobs to do and took all the credit when things went well, even though it was usually down to her
hard work. She had been due for a rise but he wouldn’t give it to her and she desperately needed a new car.
She grabbed her handbag, ran out the front door, jumped in the car and, of course, the damned thing wouldn’t
start. Lisa didn’t know whether to scream or cry so she did both as she banged her fists on the steering
wheel. She was buried in debt and could see no way out, she wondered how long she could go on like this,
stumbling from one crisis to another.
She jumped when the postman knocked on her window with a handful of letters, oh no, more bills, she might as
well kill her self now. Sure enough they were all bills but then she saw one had fallen on the floor, she picked
it up and reluctantly opened it to find a cheque for £50, 000 from the Premium Bonds.
Maybe it wasn’t such a bad day after all.