Overview of Quality and Standards Framework

Overview of Quality and Standards Framework
Review and Monitoring
The University’s primary mechanisms for review and monitoring of programmes of study are:
Internal moderation of assessment, including Boards of Examiners
External examiners’ reports in which independent academic peers provide assurance of the
quality and standards of provision, but also offer advice on the future development of units and
programmes, and contribute views to periodic review of programmes. These reports are
scrutinised departmentally and institutionally.
Annual monitoring of taught units and programmes draws upon data from Staff/Student
Liaison Committees, unit evaluations, student surveys and management information on
admissions, progression and retention. A report is drawn up by the Director of Studies and is
scrutinised at Faculty/School level
Degree Scheme Review is the periodic review undertaken to provide assurance of the
standards and continuing validity of a programme, while also making recommendations on its
future enhancement and development. An internal Panel with external members sits to review
the accuracy and scope of the self evaluation report produced by the relevant Department.
These reports and the opinions and recommendations of the Panel are scrutinised at
Faculty/School level and reviewed in an annual summary document for institutional and process
issues by the University Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee
Where programmes involve collaborative provision periodic review of the quality of partnership
arrangements to deliver programmes to the University’s standards is also undertaken
Professional accreditation of programmes brings an additional element of academic peer
review and helps to assure students and employers of the professional validity and recognition
of programme contents and standards
External Review The University’s management of its academic standards and quality is
subject to external institutional review by the Quality Assurance Agency on a six year cycle.
In its 2013 Institutional Review, the QAA confirmed that the University met its expectations
for the management of standards, the quality of learning opportunities, the enhancement
of learning opportunities. The University was commended on its provision of information.