Corporate Improvement Programme Working Group

Policy, Finance and Asset Management Committee
29th March 2012
Agenda Item No.15
Corporate Improvement Programme Working
Report by:
Michael Enston, Executive Director (Corporate Services)
Wards Affected:
The purpose of this report is to report back on the meetings of the Corporate
Improvement Programme Working Group.
The Committee is asked to:
 note the work of the members working group since June 2011
 recommend that a similar group is established following the local government
elections in May to monitor & scrutinise the Corporate Improvement Programme.
Resource Implications
There are no specific resource implications.
Legal & Risk Implications
There are no specific legal implications. Continuing the group reduces the risk that
councillors are not fully engaged in scrutinising, particularly the financial elements of
the Corporate Improvement Programme.
Impact Assessment
An EqIA Checklist is not required because the report does not propose a change or
revision to existing policies and practices.
This report summarises the views of members of the Working Group which were
discussed at their meeting on 30th January 2012. The chair of the group has agreed
the content of this report.
1.0 Background
The working group was established, following agreement at PFAM on 10th June
2010, to monitor progress and review costs and benefits of the corporate
improvement programme, giving members the opportunity to scrutinise reports in
advance of committee consideration.
Cllr Ann Bain was appointed as Chair and the remit was:
to give members a chance to get a better understanding of, and input views on
the improvement and efficiency programmes underway,
to discuss issues, risks, and opportunities arising from the priority programmes of
improvement and efficiency work
to review and monitor progress towards agreed objectives, in particular the cost
saving elements of these programmes.
to consider ways of improving communication of progress of the programme.
There have been 5 meeting of the group since June 2011, at which the scope,
benefits and progress of improvement programmes were discussed. These
meetings have covered Customer Management, Office Rationalisation, Mobile and
Flexible Working, Bankhead/Depot Rationalisation, E&D Integrated Service Delivery,
Reshaping Social Work, and Workforce Change.
Some members of the group also attended a visit to the new Bankhead Depot in
January 2012, and it was agreed that similar visits and case studies would be
arranged on other improvement projects. It was agreed that these would be a useful
way to highlight progress in practice and should be open to all councillors. Initial
projects will include a visit to one of the Integrated Local Office/library facilities, an
overview of the use of texts and automated communication in Council Tax/Housing
Benefits, and the use of Lean to drive efficiencies and process improvements in
Housing repairs
Minutes from all meetings have been presented to this committee.
2.0 Extent to which outcomes have been achieved
At the final meeting on 30th January there was general consensus that the various
presentations had provided members with a valuable insight into the different
elements of the Corporate Improvement Programme.
Members of the group thought that the main aspects of the remit had been achieved
through the presentations and subsequent discussions. Views included;
they had got something out of all of the meetings they attended,
the group provided an opportunity to provide more scrutiny than was possible at
other meetings,
it gave them useful context for some of the decisions they were asked to make at
they had a better sense of where the programmes were leading, and how they
linked together to drive significant improvement across the organisation.
It was noted that since the group had only been meeting for a relatively short period
of time, and because the programmes are still at early stages of implementation,
members had not yet been able to fully monitor progress, in particular towards cost
It was also noted that while the members of the working group had gained a useful
insight into the improvement programmes, the group needed to consider how best to
share this insight with other councillors.
3.0 Conclusions
Members of the working group felt that the meetings had been worthwhile, and
would recommend that the group is continued after the elections in May 2012 to
allow the on-going monitoring and scrutiny role to develop.
Report Contact
Author Name
Author’s Job Title
Email -
Lynne Harvie
Senior Manager (Improvement and Customer Services)
Fife House, Glenrothes
08451 55 55 55 444263