Auxiliary material for A Canonical Response of Precipitation Characteristics to Global Warming from CMIP5 Models WILLIAM K.-M. LAU (Laboratory for Atmospheres, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland) H.-T. WU (Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Lanham, Maryland) K.-M. KIM (Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland) Geophysical Research Letter, 2013 Introduction The auxiliary materials are in two files: a text file that includes supplementary text Sections S1 to S6, Table S1 and S2; and a figure file that includes Figures S1 to S6. The text Sections provide : description of the methodology used in this study (S1); the rainfall climatology of the CMIP5 models (S2); the zonal mean rainfall response at different longitude sectors (S3); the regional rainfall PDF response for land vs. ocean, and deep tropics vs. high-latitudes (S4); rainfall response for DCO2 scenario (S5); and GPCP climatology of dry-month distribution (S5), respectively. Table S1 lists the CMIP5 models and observational data sets and their corresponding resolutions analyzed in this study. Table S2 gives changes in normalized ensemble mean rain rate, mean surface temperature, and sensitivity at different latitudinal zones under TCO2. Fig. S1 shows rainfall climatology of the historical run from the CMIP5 models and the climatology 1 from GPCP and TRMM observation. Fig. S2 shows the geographic distributions of different types of rain calculated respectively with CMIP5 models and GPCP observation. Fig. S3 shows the zonal mean rainfall response under TCO2 for four different meridional sectors. Fig. S4 shows the rainfall response for land vs. ocean, and deep tropics vs. high-latitudes. Fig. S5 shows the rainfall response for DCO2. Fig. S6 shows the geographic distribution of the GPCP climatology of dry-month duration.