Heartland Community College Master Course Syllabus Division Name: HFA Course Prefix and Number: READ 090 Course Name: Reading Improvement I DATE PREPARED: September 2012 DATE REVISED: January 2013 PCS/CIP/ID NO: 14-320113 IAI NO. (if available): -EFFECTIVE DATE OF FIRST CLASS: June 2013 For all Lecture/Lab Sections: CREDIT HOURS: 3.0 CONTACT HOURS: 4.0 LECTURE HOURS: 2.0 LABORATORY HOURS: 2.0 For HALO Program-Specific Lab-Only Sections: CREDIT HOURS: 1.0 CONTACT HOURS: 2.0 LECTURE HOURS: 0.0 LABORATORY HOURS: 2.0 CATALOG DESCRIPTION (Include specific prerequisites): Prerequisite: Placement by assessment, completion of READ 070 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. Reading Improvement I is an intermediate course in reading and vocabulary development that addresses academic and pleasure reading tasks. Students are provided with instruction and practice that will enable them to become members of a reading community and successfully complete briefer types of readings often utilized in entry-level college courses. TEXTBOOKS: Agnes, M. (Ed.). (2003). Webster's new world dictionary (4th ed.). New York: Pocket Books. Approved novels for READ 090 and magazine, journal, and newspaper articles, as appropriate. Consult “Approved Novels for READ 070 and 090” in the Reading Program Curriculum Summary (accessible at http://employee.heartland.edu/lcole/) for a current listing. Titles included were recommended by faculty and then readability estimates were calculated to determine appropriateness for READ 090 students. RELATIONSHIP TO ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND TRANSFERABILITY: READ 070, 090, and 091 are designed to enhance students' academic performance for other college courses for which they are currently under prepared, as indicated by their performance on HCC's reading placement exam or the review of approved documents. Credit earned from successful completion of this course (or other developmental courses) is not calculated into students' HCC GPA, will not apply toward degree or certificate requirements, nor will it transfer to other colleges or universities. However, some institutions calculate admissions GPA using grades from all courses, including developmental courses. COURSE OBJECTIVES (Learning Outcomes) Students successfully completing READ 090 will be able to: Outcome Use a strategic, flexible approach to reading that supports comprehension of narrative and expository texts for academic and pleasure reading tasks Demonstrate the ability to comprehend narrative and expository texts by remembering and understanding Demonstrate a strategy for understanding vocabulary not immediately recognized during reading using structure, sounding out, and asking someone, as well as the dictionary, the thesaurus, and context Increase the number of words known in their reading, writing, speaking, and listening vocabularies Gen Ed Outcomes Range of Assessment Methods In-class activities, journals and other written responses, discussion, demonstrations and presentations, instructor conferences, checklists, assignments and projects, quizzes and tests, formal papers (Reading Autobiography) In-class activities, journals and other written responses, discussion, demonstrations and presentations, instructor conferences, checklists, assignments and projects, quizzes and tests, preand post-tests (at program level [DRP Reading Comprehension Test]) Instructor conferences, checklists, assignments and projects, quizzes and tests, pre- and post-tests Journals and other written responses, instructor conferences, checklists, assignments and projects, quizzes and tests, pre- and post-tests Improve their attitude toward reading and confidence in their reading ability in academic, career, and personal contexts Use self-assessment to develop knowledge of self as a reader and learner and use that knowledge to read and learn more effectively Use various information and technological resources (e.g., classmates, experts, reference books, Internet) as an aid to understand new vocabulary and concepts Connect learning experiences between and among individual courses In-class activities, journals and other written responses, discussion, instructor conferences, checklists, assignments and projects, pre- and posttests (at program level [Rhody Attitude Inventory]), formal papers (Reading Autobiography), focus groups In-class activities, journals and other written responses, discussion, demonstrations and presentations, instructor conferences, assignments and projects, formal papers (Reading Autobiography), focus groups In-class activities, journals and other written responses, discussion, demonstrations and presentations, instructor conferences, checklists, assignments and projects, formal papers (Reading Autobiography), focus groups In-class activities, journals and other written responses, discussion, demonstrations and presentations, instructor conferences, assignments and projects, formal papers (Reading Autobiography), focus groups COURSE/LAB OUTLINE: I. The Reader: Behavior, Skills, and Strategies II. Approaches to Reading III. Comprehension A. Bloom’s Taxonomy B. Significant Impacts on Comprehension 1. The reader 2. Approaches to reading C. Demonstrating Comprehension IV. Vocabulary Development A. Tools for Word Recognition 1. Dictionary and thesaurus 2. Context a. general context b. specific context clues 3. Word structure 4. Sounding the word out 5. Asking someone B. Strategies for Vocabulary Development C. Building Personal Vocabularies V. Self-Assessment VI. Resources METHOD OF EVALUATION (Tests/Exams, Grading System): The final grade in READ 090 will be determined by students’ weighted performance in both the lecture and the lab portions of the course as outlined below. Lecture 75%-85% Lab 15%-25% In the lecture portion of this course, learning will be assessed through a variety of activities, each of which will count toward one of five major course components. The weight of each component for the lecture portion of the final grade will be assigned as follows: Lecture Comprehension Assignments Tests and Quizzes Self-Assessment Assignments Vocabulary Assignments Participation Weight 20%-30% 20%-30% 20%-30% 10%-20% 10% The lab portion of the final grade will be determined as outlined below. Lab Participation Self-Assessment Independent Reading Weight 50-70% 20-30% 10-20% Letter grades will be assigned according to the following scale: Percentage 90 – 100% 80 - 89% 70 - 79% 0 – 69% Grade A B C F Students should note that “D” grades will not be awarded in READ 090. Students must receive the equivalent of an “A,” a “B,” or a “C” letter grade to pass an assignment: anything less is considered failing. In addition, students must earn an “A,” a “B,” or a “C” in READ 090 to be eligible for enrollment in READ 091. REQUIRED WRITING AND READING: Shared Readings. Shared out-of-class readings will provide the basis for most class activities and discussion in the lecture portion of READ 090, and students will be expected to read from 50-75 pages each week. Preferred texts are novels that students have selected from an approved list, as well as additional materials that have been selected by the instructor. Independent Reading. Independent Reading, an individualized reading assignment for the lab portion of this course, is completed in addition to the shared readings assigned for the lecture component. Students are expected to spend a minimum of 20 minutes per day five days a week (approximately 1.5 hours weekly) throughout the semester to fulfill the Independent Reading requirement. Writings. Brief writing assignments, including short papers and self-assessment activities, will be completed often during class time. Outside-of-class writings will be assigned less frequently. These will include, but are not limited to, notes and summaries of reading assignments, as well as the completion of the appropriate sections of the Reading Autobiography.