HOGG MIDDLE SCHOOL SUMMER READING AND WRITING PROJECT (Pre- AP classes) 2013-2014 “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Sir Richard Steele Summer reading provides an avenue for Pre-AP, AP, and GT students to both activate academic skills during the summer and to launch academic progress at the beginning of the school year in English classes. Hogg MS includes the following objectives for summer reading: to increase efficiency and productivity by providing a common text that students can discuss at the beginning of the year to develop a foundation of rigor and close reading skills that will be used throughout the year to build reading and writing skills and formatively assess understanding of key concepts to provide a thematic common point of reference that students and teachers may return to throughout the year with other multi-genre selections to promote literacy by exposing students to literature of merit. Instruction involving summer reading will begin early in the school year. Students should read the assigned texts carefully and be prepared for discussions, journals, compositions, and other assignments during the first few weeks of school. Each student is encouraged to bring the book to his/her English class on the first day, if possible. To start off the new school year, the following is the Pre-AP summer reading assignment: Select one title from the Lone Star Lists below. Create a Body Map (see below). Select one title from the Lone Star Lists below. Create a Body Map (see below). Read The Bully by Paul Langan Complete Summer Reading Project Assignment. Select one title from the Lone Star Lists below. Create a Body Map (see below). Read The Bully by Paul Langan Complete Summer Reading Project Assignment. **We will begin the year by working with the book, The Bully and the assignments will be used as the foundation for in class assignments during the first few weeks of the 2013-2014 school year. BODY MAP (For Lone Star Book ONLY) All Pre-AP students (6th/7th/8th) will select a Lone Star book and create a body map. Students will use the directions and the character outline of the next three pages to complete a visual diagram of one of the main characters in their Lone Star book. Students will explore this character’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. This portion of the summer reading assignment allows students to be creative. Make sure that you include all the information required in directions on your diagram and that it is clear and easy to read. Once that is done, feel free to decorate your chosen character in any way you see fit! If you choose to draw your own body (instead of using the one provided), please make sure that it is done on an 8½’’ x 11’’ sheet of paper. READING and WRITING project (The Bully) Incoming pre-AP 7th and 8th grade students will also read (or re-read) The Bully, by Paul Langan and select a project of their choice from The Bully summer reading project assignment sheet. Projects are due to their ELA teachers during the first week of school. Additionally, students will be tested on The Bully at the beginning of the school year. All reading assignments should be completed by August 26, 2013. We hope you enjoy your summer and view it as a time to relax and have some fun. We also hope you will continue to read as much as you can this summer. Studies show that reading at least five books over the summer helps you keep and improve- your reading skills. If you can read, you will succeed! Be sure to keep a list of the books you read; you may be eligible for prizes as part of the HISD Summer Reading Program! See www.hisdlibraryservices.org for more information regarding Program requirements. Have a GREAT Summer and we look forward to seeing you in August!