Computer Lab Safety Rules for High School Students

Safety Rules in the Computer Lab
 Do not run inside the computer lab.
 Take a note of all the exits in the room, and also take
note of the location of fire extinguishers in the room
for the sake of fire safety.
 Keep bags in the designated area, as they can cause
people to trip if they are simply lying around the
 Try not to type continuously for extremely long periods.
 Look away from the screen once in a while to give your eyes
a rest.
 Do not touch any exposed wires or sockets.
 Do not attempt to open any machines, and do not
touch the backs of machines when they are switched
 Do not spill water or any other liquid on the machine, in order to
maintain electrical safety.
 There is a lot of equipment in computer labs that could short circuit
itself or cause electric shocks.
 Do not bring any food or drinks near the machine.
 Log off the machine you were using, at the end of the period.
 Shut down computer at the end of the day.
 Push chairs up to the tables.
 Do not access external devices without scanning them for
computer viruses.
 Do not use your flash drive without permission.
 Do not use your phone without permission.
 Ensure that the temperature in the room stays cool, since
there are a lot of machines inside a lab, and these can
overheat easily.
 Try not to touch any of the circuit boards and power
sockets when something is connected to them and
switched on.
 Always maintain an extra copy of all your important
 Other equipment inside a computer lab is very expensive,
and it is your responsibility to ensure that this equipment
is kept safe and sound.
 If some damage is incurred by this equipment, the cost of
repairing or replacing it will be very high indeed.
 Hence, the importance of following these lab safety rules
for high school cannot be stressed enough.
Online Safety
 Online predators can make contact through chat
rooms, discussion boards and email.
 You should never give out personal information about
yourself or others.
 It is NOT ok to meet someone in person that you have
met online.
 Never share passwords with anyone, except parents.
Internet Website Safety
 Do not use the same password for all sites.
 Update your anti-virus software often
 Phishing is a term for messages that request personal
 Note that friends and family email can contain viruses.
Protect Your Computer from Damage
 Dust can affect computers adversely. Ensure that the machines are
cleaned on a regular basis.
 Run antivirus software often
 During a thunderstorm unplug devices, use power strips and proper
 Back up data often to prevent loss of information.
 Use anti-virus and anti-spam software that is updated often.
(a sign of a virus is your computer running slow)
A key logger is a program that keeps a log of everything that is typed
into a keyboard.
Protect Computer from Natural
 Back up data
 Use surge protectors
 Insulate computers from heat
A natural threat includes:
Fire, water or heat
Cyber bullying
 Bullies will:
Pretend they are other people while online
Spread lies about others
Trick people into giving out personal information
Post pictures of others without permission
Do not deal with a bully by bulling them back!
Be sure to report a bully to a trusted adult.
The computers belong to the Madison County School district
and are not to be changed in any way.