Plantwise 2015 activity plan for Ethiopia.

Plantwise Country Plans 2015
Country: Ethiopia
CABI Region: Africa
Year: 2015
Plantwise start date: 2013
Team: Negussie Efa, Washington Otieno, Jayne Crozier
1. Developing/Strengthening national partnerships
 Formalize partnerships with 3 regions of Ethiopia (1.2; 1.4)
 Sign data sharing agreement with the MoA (1.7)
 Secure appointment of National and Regional Data Managers (1.7)
 Establish steering committee and hold two meetings (1.5)
 Data management structure and facilities are in place (1.7)
 Have new Work and Funding Agreements signed with the MoA (1.2; 1.4)
 Conduct visits to network with partners to discuss collaboration on Plantwise (3.4)
 Identify and discuss with new partners (3.4)
2. Trainings
 Conduct ToT on Module 1 and 2 with 8 individuals (1.8)
 Conduct two rounds of module 1 & 2 trainings for a total of 40 new plant doctors (1.8)
 Conduct module 1 refresher course for 25 Plant Doctors (1.8)
 Conduct 1 data management training for 10 individuals (1.7)
 Conduct MPCP course for 12 individuals (5.1)
3. Establish network of plant clinics
 Establish 14 new plant clinics (1.9)
 Support operations of 16 existing plant clinics (1.9)
 Provide start-up materials to support partners in establishing 14 plant clinics (1.9)
 Backstop national trainers to expand clinics
 Conduct 8 cluster meetings (5.1)
 Conduct 2 cluster exchange visits (5.1)
4. Support materials for plant doctors and farmers
 Conduct one workshop for 10 key technical officers to develop at least 12 Green & Yellow
lists and 10 fact sheets (2.7; 4.4)
 Print and distribute existing Green & Yellow lists, fact sheets (2.7; 4.4)
 Promote use of materials in the Knowledge Bank
5. In-country data management
 Facilitate processing and flow of data (1.7)
 Provide additional data management equipment and consumables for regions (1.7)
 Conduct one-to-one capacity building and follow up in data management (1.7)
 Enter administrative information into POMS and ensure that this is kept up-to-date as new
activities are undertaken (1.7)
 Encourage the use of the PW POMS by the appropriate in-country users (1.7)
 Promote the use of the open access content in the Knowledge Bank to in-country partners
 Identify potential content partners who have material that would be of use to in-country
users of the Knowledge Bank (1.7)
6. Monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment
 Initiate plant clinic M & E system/plan with partners (5.1)
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Conduct at least 2 technical expert visits to backstop plant clinics (5.1)
7. Plant clinic linkages
Linking plant clinics with agro-input suppliers
Conduct one round table meetings with agro-input suppliers to bring them on board (2.3)
Strengthen links between plant clinics and agro-dealers to improve the availability of IPMcompatible crop protection products on the market (2.3)
Linking with diagnostic services
Finalize assessment of diagnostic services at national, regional and local levels (2.7)
Facilitate establishment of agreements between LIO and diagnostic referral labs for free
diagnosis (2.7)
Facilitate sending of samples to diagnostic laboratories (2.7)
Facilitate acquisition of diagnostic support (equipment and consumables) (2.7)
Complete preparation of a directory of diagnostic services in the country (2.7)
Plant health rallies and mass extension campaigns
Identify key plant health problems that will be addressed by mass extension campaigns
through plant clinic data and discussions (3.3)
Run at least one plant health rally in selected region(s) where the problem widely prevails
8. In-country scaling-up of Plantwise
 Pilot more plant clinics, draw lessons, consolidate experiences and start thinking strategies
for scaling-up (1.9)
9. Advocacy and public awareness
Public awareness
Participate on at least 2 national events such as farmers day, workshop, conference, etc.
Hold at least two meetings with extension organizations aiming at influencing policy on
advisory services delivery, and for embedding PW activities into national plans (1.3; 1.12)
Hold discussions and awareness creation activities with relevant stakeholders (1.3)
Prepare & distribute advocacy/promotion materials including PW T-shirts, gown, hat, etc.
Use radio, TV and distribute available advocacy materials (1.3)
Embedding Module 1&2 and PHS approaches in diploma or degree level training
Hold discussions with the MoA (Extension Directorate and TVET) and see possibilities of
embedding Plant Doctors and PHS approaches in the courses of the agri TVET colleges ,
Assess possibilities of developing an in-service training course on PHCs and PHS.
10. Review and planning
 Convene a national stakeholders forum (1.5)
 Hold high level meetings with key partners (1.5)
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