Plantwise Country Plans 2014 Country: India CABI Region: South

Plantwise Country Plans 2014
CABI Region:
South Asia
Plantwise start date: month, year
Team: Kavya Dashora, Malvika Chaudhary
1. Developing/Strengthening national partnerships
Prepare an actor-linkage matrix map to analyse Plant Health System stakeholder roles,
behaviours and nature of interactions to describe and characterise existing plant health system
stakeholders, resources and functions (2.1)
Identify National Responsible Organisation – NRO and Local Implementing Organisation –
LIOs (1.4)
Establish a national coordination unit with National Data Manager, and National M&E Manager
Sign Partnership and Data Sharing Agreements with NRO/LIO (1.4)
Establish National Plantwise Steering Committee/ National forum (1.5)
Hold national forum meetings/Technical working group meetings (1.5)
2. Trainings
Identify organizations/trainees for respective training, and agree post-training activities and
plans (1.8)
Plan and conduct 1 Module 1 training(s) for 25 national trainees (1.8)
Plan and conduct 1 Module 2 training(s) for 25 national trainees (1.8)
3. Establish network of plant clinics
Identify 5plant clinic teams and plant clinic sites with national partners (1.9)
Establish 5new plant clinics in regions/districts after training in Module 1&2 (1.9; 1.10)
Plan and facilitate 2 cluster exchange visits (1.12)
4. Support materials for plant doctors and farmers
Identify key crops/pests and develop 10 new Pest Management Decision Guides by trained
national experts (2.7; 4.4)
Identify key crops/pests and develop 10 new factsheets by trained national experts (2.7; 4.4)
5. In-country data management
Identify national extension-related information sources and materials (4.5)
Establish clinic data management processes (recording, collection, and collation) (4.6)
Enter administration data into the Plantwise Online Management System – POMS (4.6)
Facilitate in-country use of POMS (4.6)
Promote the use of the Knowledge Bank by national partners (4.7)
Identify relevant local content to support extension services (4.3)
Guide the establishment of a national data validation and analysis process (4.5)
6. Monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment
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Identify personnel to conduct plant clinic monitoring (5.1)
Conduct workshop with national partners to conceptualise and agree on monitoring systems
(MPCP training) (5.1)
7. Plant clinic linkages
Linking plant clinics with agro-input suppliers
Prepare lists of nationally registered agrochemicals (2.3)
Prepare lists of plant clinic-recommended products (2.3)
Linking with diagnostic services
Develop national and regional directory of diagnostic services and identify diagnostic labs that
are close to the clinic clusters (4.10)
Facilitate the transfer of samples from plant doctors to national diagnostic services (2.7)
Plant health rallies and mass extension campaigns
No activities planned for 2014
8. In-country scaling-up of Plantwise
 Initiating a pest specific Plantwise with Indian Council of Agriculture Research – ICAR to
establish a proof of concept for impact of Plantwise in India
 Partnering with Tamil Nadu State Government for up scaling Plantwise activities in phasic
manner starting from Cauvery Delta Region
9. Advocacy and public awareness
Public awareness
Conduct seminar(s) for relevant stakeholders (1.3)
Participate in local farmer fair, exhibitions (1.3)
Embedding Module 1&2 and PHS approaches in diploma or degree level training
No activities planned for 2014
10. Review and planning
Hold partner meetings to review progress against plans (1.5)
Hold annual meeting to develop/agree next year activity plans against available budget (1.5)
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