1. You observe that two traits – aroma and disease resistance – are always inherited together in a doubled haploid population of 100 plants. That is, plants are either aromatic/disease susceptible or non-aromatic/disease resistant. You would like to breed a plant that is aromatic and disease resistant. What could you do to determine if this association is due to linkage or pleiotropy? 2. In a testcross population of 100 plants you obtain the following data. Are the loci controlling height and color linked? If yes, what is the percent recombination? Tall and red Tall and white Short and red Short and white 40 10 10 40 3. A linkage map is 150 cM long. Locus “A” is at one end of the linkage group (cM position 0) and locus “Z” is at the other end of the linkage map (cM position 150). What will be the percentage of recombination between the two loci? 4. On the board, show why a two-strand double crossover gives parental combinations of alleles. 5. In theory, every pair of homologous chromosomes has at least one crossover at meiosis. Given the graphical haplotypes shown on the screen, explain why there is no evidence of recombination in some of the DH lines.