Personal project report

Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Alaa Shouhdy
Before and After the Egyptian revolution
Qatar Academy
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Table of Contents
Selection of sources
Application of Information
Achieving the Goal
Reflection on Learning
Sources citied
o Evidence of product : Screen shots from the movie
Pg 17
o Selection of Journals
o Needed information Emails
o Transcript
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
A bad regime, 30 years of government oppression rule, poverty, one Tahrir Square,
unequally ruling , social network ; facebook and twitter all brought this day, the 25th of January
2011 a day where no one can forget whether they are young or old, boy or girl , Egyptian or
foreign the whole world was watching the rise of the 25th of January revolution in Egypt. Only
18 days since the revolution started and the President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt was already
withdrawn from his position.
More than 3 million citizens had left their comfortable warm and safe home and went to
the cold streets of Alexandria , Cairo, Mansura and Suez. The protestors demand a peaceful
protest until the day where the thugs turned it into a bloody misery one for 840 people died and
over 6000 people got inquired. All these people sacrificed their lives in order to bring freedom
and social justice to the country. The main demands that the protestors eager to achieve were that
Hosni Mubarak regime to collapse as well as his ministers , the cessation of the emergency law,
freedom , justice, the formation of a new non-military government with the interests of the
Egyptian peoples at heart , and the constructive administration of all of Egypt resources.
My topic is about the Egyptian revolution. I selected this topic because this revolution
severely touched my heart as people who were calling for a peaceful revolution turned to died
bodies just only because they were seeking freedom for their country. My goal is to demonstrate
for my self and other people how was Egypt before and after the revolution. I will achieve my
goal by creating a documentary including the events that lead to the Egyptian revolution and
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
what happened during the revolution and what was the result of the revolution and what actions
are taking place now. This fits best in the context of three AOI; Approaches to learning, health
and social education (only the social part) and Human Ingenuity. These AOIs connect to the goal
and topic because I am gathering information about the Egyptian revolution, which is a social
event. Social networks evenly caused it. Lastly I will mention how did I do the documentary
about the revolution, using which program and how did I use it.
The specifications I will use to evaluate the outcome are: the movie will be at least 10
minutes long so it can include very important details about what happened at when Anwar Al
Sadat was the president of Egypt. In addition to, I will include the reasons that broke to ground
the blaze of revolution to start .I am going to build some photos of what happened before and
after revolution. More over, there will be pictures that evaluate what happened in the past and
compare this revolution to the past revolutions that happened in 1919 and 1952. Side by side
with the photos of what were going on during the revolution as well as video of the conflicts that
had happened between the police, army and the protestors. I will add at least 2 interviews with
people who were there during the revolution, but the focus would be on the revolution it self.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Selection of Sources
In order to reach my goal or even achieve parts of it I had search the books, magazines ,
newspaper articles as well as websites. The reason I used different websites is because they are
rich with information that will assist me to achieve my goal. The information I have gotten from
these websites is reliable since they got evidence of what had happened in these days of the
revolution and more than that they had the value of hindsight. These websites I have used were
up to date because these websites offer information problems that are still going on. The
objective of these beneficial websites is to teach me and make me understand what was going on
at the time of the revolution.(Black,Ian)(Egypt Masr) This website is biased towards the
governments as it is with the citizens that declared their rights. This is relevant to my goal since
it is talking about the Egyptian 25th of January 2011 revolution. The benefits of these truthful
websites are that they contained very variable information that backs me to achieve my goal. A
limitation in these websites was very biased against the government of Egypt. Another source
types that I have used to gather my information was different types of books.(The Arab
Revolt)(Cook.Steven) I found some other information to which I wouldn’t be able to get from
the websites. These books are reliable as they were published with the truth of what happened
during those 18 days. Additionally these books are all up to date as they were published in the
middle of 2011 until the beginning of 2012. The objective of these books is to introduce the
reasonsa behind this revolution and hence the use of estimating what might happen in the near
future. These books all are biased because they all are attacking the Egyptian government. This
is relevant to my goal I ought to comprehend as much information as I can about what had
happened and the cause why it happened the reasons of how this would not have happened.
These books have a great benefit because they are one of major ways that people these days are
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
relying on for reality. A great limitation is that books these days aren’t read as much as they used
to, so the information isn’t being able to send to the readers. Another main source that I mostly
used in my video is pictures. Pictures are great evidence to prove to people and had conveyed
really happened on the days of the revolution. These pictures are most trustworthy sources I
could find because they signify the truth of what happened during these days. These pictures
were up to the minute as of the 18 days of the revolution, which started peacefully, then
converted to a barbarous revolution ("File:Hosni Mubarak Ritratto )(graphic)The objective of
these pictures is to send a message to the entire world to see the truth and evidence of what
happened to the citizens by their ruler. This is appropriate to my goal, as I require as many
pictures as I can to create my video. The benefits of these pictures are that it is a primary source.
One of the limitation for these days photos is that they can be photoshopped , which my change
the main theme of the picture. And lastly the interview that I used (see appendix)("Egyptian
Revolution"). I did an interview with a well-educated citizen Mr. Yasser Abo Zaid that helped
me understand many of the concepts of the revolution.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Application of information
The information provided in many of these websites were as a matter of fact beneficial
result that I was able to expand my knowledge about the Egyptian revolution it clarified the
causes and the reasons of the revolution. With this information I’ll spread the word all over
the world. I used this information in these websites by transforming them into text or even
tables to put in my movie to help create awareness about it. From my previous knowledge, I
thought that the reason the revolution has started was because Tunisia has succeeded in their
revolution, therefore Egypt tried. After the research in the websites, I was introduced to
another reasons one of them is the 30 years of ruling the country, the fact that the president
has stolen a lot of Egyptian money. This information I gathered from the websites.
(Black,Ian)(Egypt Masr). The books were really valuable I was able to realize the worthwhile
information. In my movie, I did good use of this convenient information that conveys to the
world what was happening in Egypt at the time of the revolution. I used this information by
in movie to achieve the goal, by the most astonishing information I gained was that the ex
president is in trail and could face death penalty. This information intensifies the success of
my movie. .(The Arab Revolt)(Cook.Steven) A picture is worth a thousand words. Pictures
are really helpful as they can show what is going on not just tell the world what was going on
but showing it , show and not tell. The pictures were dramatic for people that didn’t feel the
pain of others so they can sympathize with suffering people. These pictures were the main
assistants to the success of the movie. Without these pictures I wouldn’t be able to feel the
magnitude of the subject, which is what I was trying and doing my best and great effort to
send to people all over the world. ("File:Hosni Mubarak Ritratto )(graphic)
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Achieving the Goal
The specifications that I used to evaluate the outcome are of my product were having the
movie at least 10 minutes long so it can include very important details about what happened in
the olden days when Anwar Al Sadat was the present of Egypt, even though my movie is 15
minutes it don’t cover every single important information which is need in the video therefore I
give myself 3 out of 4 . As well as including what are the reasons that led to this revolution to
start .Has photos of what happened before and after. Pictures are what can help to evaluate what
happened in the past and relate this revolution to the past revolutions that happened in 1919 and
1952. As I mentioned I wasn’t able to find very important detail connecting the 3 revolutions
together, but I have found the main reasons behind the revolution of 2011, which I have
included. Another specification that I had was include photos of what was going on during the
revolution as well as video of the conflicts happening between the police, army and the
protestors. I have used all the picture and videos that I have found that made it more emotional
and makes people get attached to it. One thing that I really hoped for it to work is to include at
least 2 interviews with people who were there during the revolution, which I wasn’t able to
achieve is because my source was unable to get another interview with another person, therefore
I had only one interview that I have included in the video. Also I my intention was to spread the
word about the Egyptian revolution, which I couldn’t do because of technical issues that
included uploading it to YouTube. At the end I would give myself 3 out of 4 as I was able to
achieve 5/6 of the specifications I had which is most of what I was planning for. I would have
gotten a better grade if I could have spread the word.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Reflection on Learning
With me completing the project and having done my movie about the revolution I have
learned things that I needed know for example knowing the reasons behind the uprising of the
revolution. At the beginning of the project I didn’t know what does the AOI do and what are they
used for, but throughout the project I was able to connect them to my project and understand
what they are and what they are used for, I created this project using the program iMovie , I used
it to spread the word about the Egyptian revolution. The consequences if using this program is
the errors in the program like, quitting by itself. Before the project I didn’t even use the ATL
because I didn’t find a use for them but then when I started my person project I started paying
attention to these ATL for example I started using the communication and also the thinking
skills. The strength of this project was that it is a project of interest of subject, without the
interest of subject I wouldn’t be able to work as hard as I can or be able to do things. Some
weakness that I faced was having trouble with the program that I as using as it was unable to
export my final product. One thing that I work on for next time is the making sure that I would
be able to do my work on time and make sure that the program is working well because if it isn’t
working well I won't be able to do my work. A better solution to this problem would be to
change the program from IMovie to maybe Final Cut Pro, which is a more professional program
therefore it would hopefully work better. Changes to my movie that I would recommend would
be to have some information that is related to the past revolution and recent revolution, also to
have more information about what is happening after the revolution. These changes will be
effective because if these changes happened it will make my movie stronger than it without this
information as it will connect all the past revolution with this recent one. The consequence of
this of this not being taken serious is the fall of the whole country. My project could influence
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
the people who don’t know about what happened in the Egyptian revolution, and what are the
reasons behind it. These choices that I had to make were either to use a different program such as
Final Cut or to shorten my movie. Human Ingenuity is one of the AOI’s that I was working on.
The meaning of Human Ingenuity is related to the creation of things by human’s mind and
intelligence. My movie shows a vivid demonstration of how I involved the AOI of Human
Ingenuity. In my project, I was qualified to mingle my tremendous prior knowledge with my
gained convenient innovative knowledge of how programs work. For example, I was able to
learn how to use iMovie and Final Cut Pro. I was extremely enlightened by the bewildering and
the striking information about the revolution that arose peacefully and turned transformed into a
savage one.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
1. 2010, October. "Egypt's Revolution Has Been 10 Years in the Making | Hossam ElHamalawy | Comment Is Free |" Latest News, Sport and Comment from
the Guardian | The Guardian. Web. 06 Feb. 2012.
2. Black, Ian. "Egypt's Constitution Is at the Heart of Any Change | World News | The
Guardian." Latest News, Sport and Comment from the Guardian | The Guardian. Web.
06 Dec. 2012. <>.
3. Button Blog. Web. 08 Jan. 2012. <>.
4. "Carlos Latuff, "Mubarak behind Bars"" Web. 06 Dec. 2012.
5. EGYPT MASR. Web. 08 Jan. 2012. <>.
6. "Egypt's Three Revolutions: The Force of History behind This Popular Uprising."
Jadaliyya. Web. 05 Oct. 2011. <>.
7. (graphic), Authorities. "Egypt Revolution 2011: A Complete Guide To The Unrest."
Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Web. 02 Jan. 2012.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
8. Madrigal, Alexis. "Egyptian Activists' Action Plan: Translated - Alexis Madrigal International - The Atlantic." The Atlantic — News and Analysis on Politics, Business,
Culture, Technology, National, International, and Life – Web. 05 Oct.
2011. <>.
9. Mungin, Lateef. "Amnesty: Egypt Far from Justice over Unrest That Killed More than
800." Featured Articles from CNN. 19 May 2011. Web. 05 Oct. 2011.
1. "File:Hosni Mubarak Ritratto.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb.
2. "File:George W. Bush & Hosni Mubarak.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web.
10 Feb. 2012.
3. "File:LulaMubarak.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
4. "File:Napolitano-Mubarak.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
5. "File:Dmitry Medvedev in Egypt 23 June 2009-2.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.
Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
6. "File:Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, on September 14, 2010.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free
Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
7. "File:Netanyahu and Mubarak Checking Their Watches.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free
Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
8. "File:Sadat Carter Begin Handshake (cropped) - USNWR.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free
Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
9. "File:Sadat and Begin Clean3.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb.
2012. <>.
10. "File:Anwar Sadat Greets Ezer Weizman 9-7-78.gif." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.
Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
11. "File:Anwar Sadat Cropped.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
12. "File:Gamal Abdel Nasser.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
13. "File:Nasser.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
14. "Image:Sadat5.jpg - New World Encyclopedia." Info:Main Page - New World
Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
15. Zio Mania. Web. 10 Nov. 2011.
1. "How to Use IMovie - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 13 Nov. 2011.
2. "IMovie 11 Tutorial: The Basics - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 10
Nov. 2011. <>.
3. Mubarak Last Speech. Prod. Al Jazzera. Perf. Ex President Husini Mubarak. Al Jazzera
News Studio, 2011. Youtube.
4. Mubarak stepping down. Prod. Al Jazzera. Perf. Ex President Husini Mubarak. Al
Jazzera News Studio, 2011. Youtube.
1. The Arab Revolt: What Happened, What It Means, and What Comes Next. New York
[u.a.: Council on Foreign Relations/Foreign Affairs, 2011. Print.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
2. Cook, Steven. The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square. New York: Oxford
UP, 2011. Print.
3. Gardner, Lloyd C. The Road to Tahrir Square: Egypt and the United States from the Rise
of Nasser to the Fall of Mubarak. New York, NY: New, 2011. Print.
4. Ghonim, Wael. Revolution 2.0: The Power of the People Is Greater than the People in
Power : A Memoir. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. Print.
5. Khalil, Karima. Messages from Tahrir: Signs from Egypt's Revolution. Cairo: American
University in Cairo, 2011. Print.
1. "Egyptian Revolution." Personal interview. 03 Sept. 2011.
1. Al Ahlam [Cairo] 15 Aug. 2011, Second ed. Print.
2. Al Ahlam [Cairo] 13 Aug. 2011, Second ed. Print.
1. Al Sabai, Labib. Loghat Al Asr. Sept. 2011. DVD from magazine. Cairo.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Sources Citied
1. Black, Ian. "Egypt's Constitution Is at the Heart of Any Change | World News | The
Guardian." Latest News, Sport and Comment from the Guardian | The Guardian. Web.
06 Dec. 2012. <>.
2. EGYPT MASR. Web. 08 Jan. 2012. <>.
3. The Arab Revolt: What Happened, What It Means, and What Comes Next. New York
[u.a.: Council on Foreign Relations/Foreign Affairs, 2011. Print.
4. Cook, Steven. The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square. New York: Oxford
UP, 2011. Print.
5. (graphic), Authorities. "Egypt Revolution 2011: A Complete Guide To The Unrest."
Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Web. 02 Jan. 2012.
6. "Egyptian Revolution." Personal interview. 03 Sept. 2011.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Recently I tried to export my movie from iMovie but it won't work, therefor I
am not able to upload it to YouTube, I have created some screen shots to help
me prove my product.
A the
beginning of
the movie I
include some
facts about
After the
presidents I
include the
flyer that was
around" How
to protest
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
After the
flyer I added
some pictures
of what was
going on at
during the
After the
pictures I
added movies
After the pictures
of what
happened to the
ex president and
his co workers
the last slide says
"Finally the
freedom has
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Section from the Journal
13th November 2011:
Today I started to research on how to use the iMovie , without this video I don’t know how I
would be able to create my movie. In this movie it includes how to import picture and movies
into the iMovie project and then how to add the tittles and then how to add the transitions and
also the music and finally how to export it into a .mov file. This includes the thinking skills from
the ATL , because it shows how I am thinking and how plan on creating the movie but first I
would need to know how to use the program. This video helped me organize my work , meaning
it helped me see where was my week point in creating a movie therefore I would spend more
time on it.
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Needed Emails:
Alaa Shouhdy 2012
Interviewer: Who is Hosni Mubarak?
Interviewee: Hosni Mubarak is the ex present of Egypt . He held his position for
almost for 30 years, ummmm he was assigned as vice president1975 by Anwar Al
Sadat , After the assassination of Al Sadat in 1981 , he took the responsibility of
Egypt as the president of Egypt and he was the false president of Egypt after the …
of Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar al Sadat , he was the forth one. He was the
commander of the air forces. He served in October war in 1973 and umm he as the
deputy of umm the minster of umm minister of defense in 1972 and as I told you
held the responsibility of Egypt for almost 30 years. Which is more than enough.