Ch 10 Test Topics: DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis & Mutations

Ch 10 Test Topics: DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis & Mutations
Scientists and experiments that contributed to our understanding of DNA as the molecule of
o Griffith
o Hershey & Chase
o Avery
o Chargaff
o Franklin
o Watson & Crick
DNA structure
o Monomer & its sub-parts
o Backbone vs. rungs
o Base-pair rule;
o Purines vs. pyrimidines
o antiparallel
DNA replication
o DNA polymerase
o Leading vs. laggings strand
Why can’t both strands be made continuously?
What direction are the new strands made?
o Significance of semiconservative replication
State and explain the central dogma of molecular biology:
DNA RNA Protein.
State the importance of mRNA and transcription to the synthesis of a protein.
Describe the process of transcription
o RNA polymerase
o Promoter/Initiation
o Elongation
o Terminator/Termination
Explain why many eukaryotic genes are longer than the mRNA that leaves the nucleus.
Give the role of rRNA, tRNA, and mRNA in protein synthesis.
Transcribe DNA sequences into mRNA.
Compare and contrast DNA and RNA.
Explain the terms DNA triplet, codon, and anticodon.
Describe the process of translation (initiation, elongation, termination)
Translate mRNA sequences.
Define the term mutation.
Identify and describe the types of mutations that can affect genes.
o Point vs. Frameshift
Evaluate the impact of a gene mutation on a polypeptide.
Explain how a gene mutation can cause disease.
Compare and contrast gene mutations with chromosomal mutations
Identify and describe the types of mutations that can affect chromosomes
o Duplication
o Deletion
o Translocation
o Inversion