Modules 17 and 18 Practice Quizzes

Laura is a psychologist who agrees with certain aspects of Freud’s theory but discounts Freud’s emphasis on unresolved childhood conflicts
as the source of personality development. According to the text, Laura would be considered following the _____ perspective.
a. psychoanalytical
b. humanistic
c. cognitive
d. psychodynamic
Brett is seeing a Freudian therapist. At one session, the therapist asks Brett to relax and say the first thing that comes to mind. The
therapist is using Freud’s concept of:
a. free association.
b. preconscious mind.
c. reality principle.
d. defense mechanisms.
According to Freud’s theory, the thoughts and feelings we are aware of are in the ___ mind.
a. preconscious
b. conscious
c. unconscious
d. psychoanalytic
Which part in Freud’s theory follows the pleasure principle?
a. id
b. ego
c. superego
d. preconscious
“I’d like to punch Joe in the mouth.” “But fighting is wrong.” “Besides, Joe might then beat me up.” These statements are respective
expressions of the:
a. ego, id, and superego.
b. id, ego, and superego.
c. id, superego, and ego.
d. superego, ego, and id.
The part of the personality that takes the desires of the id and finds a realistic and effective outlet of satisfaction without going against
the rules of the superego is the:
a. unconscious mind.
b. conscious mind.
c. ego .
d. subconscious mind.
Rachael, 38 years old, pouts just like a little child whenever her husband disagrees with what she wants to do. Which of Freud’s defense
mechanisms is Rachael using?
a. repression
b. reaction formation
c. rationalization
d. regression
Leah just had an argument with her mother and leaves the kitchen extremely angry. Once she gets to her bedroom she slams the door shut
and begins to throw things across the room. Which of Freud’s defense mechanisms is Leah using?
a. denial
b. projection
c. displacement
d. rationalization
Which of the following is the correct order of Freud’s psychosexual stages?
a. latency, oral, anal, phallic, genital
b. anal, oral, latency, phallic, genital
c. oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
d. anal, genital, oral, phallic, latency
10. Which theorist stressed feelings of inferiority?
a. Freud
b. Adler
c. Jung
d. Maslow
In examining various cultures, Carl Jung found what he called “archetypes” or universal symbols. These archetypes lead Jung to conclude
that all people share a reservoir of common memory traces, which he called:
a. the inferiority complex.
b. the preconscious mind.
c. self-actualization.
d. the collective unconscious.
12. Marcus is taking a personality test where he is asked to look at a series of pictures and tell a story about each picture. Marcus is taking:
a. the Rorschach test.
b. a projective test.
c. the MMPI.
d. the Rogers Personality Scale.
13. Which of the following is the correct order of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
a. physiological, safety, belonging and love, esteem, and self-actualization
b. physiological, belonging and love, safety, esteem, and self-actualization
c. physiological, esteem, safety, belonging and love, and self-actualization
d. physiological, safety, esteem, belonging and love, and self-actualization
14. According to Rogers, what three things are needed to nurture human growth in others?
a. meeting the person’s physiological, safety, and esteem needs
b. id, ego and superego growth
c. being accepting, genuine, and empathic
d. intelligence, creativity, and personality
15. All of one’s thoughts and feelings about oneself, in answer to the question “Who am I?” is the definition of:
a. ego.
b. self-actualization.
c. unconditional positive regard.
d. self-concept.
An aspect of personality that is relatively consistent is the characteristic of:
a. personality.
b. factors.
c. traits.
d. endomorphs.
The psychological perspective that believes understanding personality involves considering situations and thoughts before, during, and
after an event is called the _____ perspective.
a. trait
b. humanistic
c. psychoanalytic
d. social-cognitive
Which of the following are including in Eysenck’s biological dimensions?
a. stable, unstable, extraverted, introverted
b. thoughtful, pessimistic, excitable, easygoing
c. calm, lively, rigid, restless
d. carefree, anxious, touchy, calm
Which of the following make up the “big five” traits?
a. openness, extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness
b. calm, anxious, insecure, secure, independent
c. sociable, affectionate, conforming, disciplined, careless
d. independent, uncooperative, insecure, disciplined, sociable
A biological tendency to develop a trait is the definition of a(n):
a. reliability.
b. validity.
c. reciprocal determinism.
d. predisposition.
Which is true with regards to personality inventories?
a. They involve the subject interpreting a picture.
b. They are objective tests.
c. They include the inkblot test.
d. They are called projective tests.
Kaiti is taking a test to determine her sociability (the ability to get along with others). Kaiti scores extremely low on the test and she
would be considered an isolate or loner. As a person with a large number of friends and acquaintances, Kaiti feels the test does not provide
a true measure of sociability. Kaiti is questioning the test’s:
a. internal locus of control.
b. reciprocal determinism.
c. validity.
d. reliability.
If an individual takes the ACT and SAT a number of times, their score should be relatively consistent. This is example of the testing
concept of:
a. validity.
b. reliability.
c. internal locus of control.
d. reciprocal determinism.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI):
a. is a projective test.
b. is composed of 100 multiple choice questions.
c. is not very reliable.
d. assesses a person on 10 clinical scales.
10. According to the text, which of the following are problems or faults with the trait perspective?
a. The theory doesn’t take the situation into account.
b. The theory fails to explain why we behavior the way we do.
c. The theory doesn’t include a person’s thinking process on behavior.
d. all of the above
The mutual influences between personality and environmental factors is the definition of:
a. external locus of control.
b. pessimistic explanatory styles.
c. reciprocal determinism.
d. internal locus of control.
12. Hannah believes that she is in command of her own fate. Julian Rotter called this belief:
a. internal locus of control.
b. factor analysis.
c. an optimistic explanatory style.
d. reciprocal determinism.
13. Martin Seligman did a classic experiment in which two groups of dogs were shocked, but one group of dogs could escape the shock and one
could not. The latter group eventually concluded they had no control over their environment. This experiment demonstrated the concept of:
a. internal locus of control.
b. learned helplessness.
c. reciprocal determinism.
d. a pessimistic explanatory style.
14. The movement in psychology that focuses on the study of optimal human functioning and the factors that allow individuals and communities
to thrive is:
a. reciprocal determinism.
b. biological dimensions.
c. social cognitive perspective.
d. positive psychology.
15. When something goes wrong, Samantha feels that everything in her life is beyond her control and she is at fault for most, if not all, of her
problems. Samantha has:
a. reciprocal determinism.
b. pessimistic explanatory style.
c. an internal locus of control.
d. factor analysis difficulties.