2500 pts

Research Methods
Bonus Question: 2,500 pts
Topic 1: 200
Adam loved the girlfriend that dropped him, but
acts as if he's glad to be rid of her. His behavior
most clearly illustrates which of the following
Freudian defense mechanisms?
A. Repression
B. projection
C. reaction formation
D. sublimation
E. regression
Topic 1: 400
It is widely known in Jerry's circle of friends that he is the
most stubborn member of the group. Yet Jerry complains
that all his friends are stubborn. Jerry's complaints are
most clearly a sign of
A. displacement
B. repression
C. projection
D. reaction formation
E. rationalization
Topic 1: 600
The defense mechanism of reaction formation is best
exemplified in which of the following situations?
A. A college student speaks sharply to her roommate after
quarreling with her professor about her grades.
B. A woman who is unaware of her anger toward her friend
expresses affection for that friend.
C. A runner forgets the name of the opponent who just
defeated her in an event for which she held the record.
D. A man who dislikes his supervisor believes that his
supervisor dislikes him.
E. An elderly starts sleeping with his favorite childhood
stuffed animal after losing a game of bingo.
Topic 1: 800
According to Jung, a mental storehouse for
unconscious ideas and images shared by all
humans is
A. Fixated Integrity
B. the persona.
C. the personal unconscious.
D. the collective unconscious.
E. the anima
Topic 1: 1000
What is the correct acronym for the Big 5
personality factors?
A. P-O-N-D-S
B. T-R-A-I-T-S
C. O-C-E-A-N
D. T-Y-P-E-S
E. L-A-K-E-S
Topic 2: 200
Which of the following is an example of an external
locus of control?
A.I failed my test because I didn’t study.
B.I crashed my car because I am not a good driver.
C.I lost the game because the ref made a bad call.
D.I got the job because I am highly skilled.
E.I lost the job because I am a slacker.
Topic 2: 400
Who proposed the first trait theory, involving Cardinal
and central traits?
A. Rogers
B. Allport
C. Costa and McCrae
D. Bandura
E. Maslow
Topic 2: 600
Personality tests in which individuals are asked
to describe ambiguous (unclear/vague) images
are called__________ tests.
A. multiphasic
B. objective
C. projective
D. retrospective
E. subjective
Topic 2: 800
In the film 'Star Wars', Darth Vader plays the evil
leader, Luke plays the hero, Yoda plays the wise
one. All of these characters according to Carl Jung
A. the personal unconscious.
B. archetypes within the collective unconscious
C. our shadow personality.
D. the principle of opposites.
E. defense mechanisms.
Topic 2: 1000
The key function of the ego is to resolves conflicts
between the________ and the ________.
A. collective unconscious; superego defense
B. id; anima
C. id; superego
D. superego; animus
E. defense mechanisms; superego
Topic 3: 200
According to Freud, our unconscious holds
A. ideas about what we would do in the future.
B. information about our culture and religion.
C. images and thoughts from the previous day.
D. immoral urges, irrational wishes, and
repressed memories.
E. information regarding rewards we have
received in the past.
Topic 3: 400
The factor of _______ is NOT one of the Big Five
dimensions underlying personality.
A. openness
B. agreeableness
C. persistence
D. conscientiousness
E. extroversion
Topic 3: 600
Alice is on a diet, she is at an ice cream shop
with some of her friends and is conflicted about
what she should order. Her ________ tells her
to get a banana split, her ________ tells her to
get a glass of water, and her _________ tells her
to order a low fat yogurt.
A.ego; superego; id
B.superego; ego; id
C.id; ego; superego
D.id; superego; ego
E.superego; id; ego
Topic 3: 800
The defense mechanism of projection is best illustrated
by which of the following examples?
A. When scolded by his parents, a college student
reverts to childlike behavior to gain sympathy.
B. A soccer player who does not have much athletic skill
constantly criticizes other athletes' performances.
C. A young man who is shy becomes the center of
attention at a party given by friends.
D. After exams were graded and returned, a college
student looked at his low grade and decided that the
test was unfair and difficult.
E. After a fight with her boyfriend, a woman yells at her
roommate for sitting in her favorite chair.
Topic 3: 1000
The technique of assessing personality by asking a
person to make up a story based on a picture
presented by the researcher is an example of which
of the following tests?
A. Trait/type
B. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
C. ink blot test
D. Simulation
E. Personality inventory
Topic 4: 200
Tracy lost her job because she would
consistently oversleep. She used her newfound
free time to invent an alarm clock that ejects
her from her bed. Which defense mechanism
did she display?
A. projection
B. sublimation
C. reaction formation
D. rationalization
E. denial
Topic 4: 400
Erin is supposed to be saving money from her job to
contribute to her college fund. She is at the mall and
sees a shirt that she loves, but she will have to dip
into her fund alloted for college in order to buy it. She
justifies her behavior by saying, “I have worked really
hard this week and I deserve it.” Erin is using what
Freudian defense mechanism?
Topic 4: 600
The _________ was created by Julian Rotter to
measure our sense of personal power.
A. Stanford Binet scale.
B. Internal/External Locus of Control Scale.
C. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.
D. Rorschach Test.
E. Thematic Apperception Test.
Topic 4: 800
Individuals who accept personal responsibility
for their life experiences may be characterized
as having an internal _____________.
A. unrealistic expectation
B. delusion of grandeur
C. locus of control
D. pessimistic view of reality
E. personality
Topic 4: 1000
According to Freud, the ego is governed by the
___________ principle.
A. pleasure
B. reality
C. ego
D. partial ego
E. morality
Topic 5: 200
Jim loves being around people, he has many friends
and loves to be social regardless of his situation. Jim
probably would score high on which of the big five
personality characteristics?
A. agreeableness
B. openness to experience
C. conscientiousness
D. neuroticism
E. extroversion
Topic 5: 400
Which of the following assessment tools explores
individuals' personalities by asking them to examine a
series of inkblots and describe what they see in the
A. Thematic Apperception Test
B. Rorschach Test
C. Minnesota Multiphasie Personality Inventory-2
D. Halstead-Reitan Battery
E. Bender-Gestalt II
Topic 5: 600
When parents refuse to accept several
psychologists' diagnosis of a child's mental
illness, they are using which of the following
defense mechanism?
A. Denial
B. displacement
C. projection
D. rationalization
E. regression
Topic 5: 800
Sigmund Freud believed that dream analysis was a useful
device for
A. decreasing repression
B. sublimating the id
C. strengthening the superego
D. displacing the instinctual forces
E. gaining insight into the unconscious
Topic 5: 1000
According to Freud, the id is governed by the
____________ principle.
A. pleasure
B. reality
C. ego
D. partial ego
E. morality
Bonus Question:
2,500 pts.
Which theory of personality was developed by
Sigmund Freud?
A. psychodynamic
B. behavioristic
C. cognitive
D. humanistic
E. psychosocial
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