Boiling point ( o C)

Worksheet 7
Bonding Review
Intra- molecular bonding means bonding ___________ atoms
Inter- molecular bonding means bonding ___________ molecules
There are ______ types of Intra- molecular bonding
This type of bonding occurs between ______-_________ atoms. It involves
atoms sharing ___________ to gain _____ valance _______ or a full
There are ______ elements which do this. They are known as the
___________ elements. They are;
There are two types of ___________ compounds;
____________ molecular
____________ network.
_______________________ compounds have low ___________ points
and boiling _________. They ____________ conduct electricity and are
generally ________________ in water.
_____________________ compounds have _________ melting _______
and ___________ points. They __________ conduct electricity and are
generally ________________ in water.
This type of bonding occurs between oppositely charged ________. It
occurs when there is a _____________ difference in electronegativity.
__________ compounds have a _____________ structure. They tend to
have __________ melting and ___________ points, are ___________ in
water and ______________ conduct electricity when molten or
This type of bonding occurs between _____________ atoms. It involves
_______________ ions and ________________ electrons. It is due to
the presence of these _____________ electrons that ___________ will
_____________ electricity, are ___________ and ______________.
_____________ is the only liquid __________ and one of only
__________ liquid elements.
There are ______ types of Inter- molecular bonding
This type of ______________ occurs when there is a ______________
separation of ___________ which arises when there is momentarily more
_______________ on one side of the ___________ than the other.
__________________________ accounts for why the
________________ can exist as liquids and solids at low temperatures.
This type of _______________ occurs when there is a ______________
in _________________ between two atoms in a molecule. It results in a
__________________ dipole.
This type of ________________ is a special type of
________________________that occurs when ______________ is
directly bonded to an extremely ___________________ element such as
___________, _____________, or _____________. It is due to
_____________________ that water has such a ___________ melting
1. What is an ionic bond?
2. Why is sodium chloride neutral?
3. Explain what is meant by the term ‘electronegativity’.
4. Why are some covalent bonds between two atoms polar?
5. What is a dipole?
6. What types of molecules have permanent dipole- dipole forces?
7. Which of the substances listed below form hydrogen bonds between
their molecules?
Water (H2O)
sodium chloride (NaCl)
methane (CH4)
ammonia (NH3)
8. What is another name for Van der Waals?
hydrogen (H2)
hydrogen fluoride (HF)
9. The table below shows the boiling points and molecular masses of
some of the halogens.
Fluorine (F2)
Chlorine (Cl2)
Bromine (Br2)
Iodine (I2)
Molar Mass (g)
Boiling point (oC)
a) Describe the trend in boiling points
b) Explain why this trend exists.
10. Why are the halogens and alkali metals likely to form ions? Explain
your answer.
11. Describe a metallic bond.
12. Explain why calcium will form a Ca2+ ion but not a Ca3+ ion.
13. Chromium a transition metal will form both the Cr2+ and Cr3+ ions.
Write the formulas for the ionic compounds formed when each of
these ions reacts with fluorine.
14. An external force easily deforms sodium metal, while sodium chloride
shatters when the same amount of force is applied. Why do these two
solids behave so differently?
15. Predict which solid in each of the following will have the higher
melting point.
a) NaCl or CsCl
b) Ag or Cu
c) Na2O or MgO
16. Explain why the term delocalized is an appropriate term for the
electrons involved in metallic bonding.
17. A mercury atom drops from 1.413x10-18J to 1.069x10-18J.
a) What is the energy of the photon emitted by the mercury atom?
b) What is the frequency of the photon emitted by the mercury
c) What is the wavelength of the photon emitted by the mercury