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World History
Unit 2 - Changes in European Society
Sept. 20 – Oct. 24
Fri., Sept. 20 – Unit 1 Test; Explain Extra Credit. (10)
HW - Complete guided reading on Ch. 4, Sect. 1 - The Power of Spain (136-140)
Mon., Sept. 23 – Discuss the components of revolutions. (7) Go over Ch. 4, Sect. 1 & view 5 min.
clips on Spanish Armada; Spanish Armada (2) Anne Boleyn, Phillip And Mary, her daughter
Elizabeth I, and a longer clip on Charles V ; Tudor Collection; Horrible Histories: The Tudors;
Horrible Histories – Tudor Soccer; Tudor Forecast; Horrible Histories: Henry VIII; Simpsons – Henry
VIII; Horrible Histories Henry VIII (2)
Tues., Sept. 24 – Complete guided reading on Ch. 4, Sect. 2 - Absolute Monarchy & France (142146); Discuss afterwards
HW for Thurs. – Complete guided reading on Ch. 4, Sect. 3 - Monarchy in England (147-152)
Wed., Sept. 25 – Freshmen Counseling
Thurs., Sept. 26 – Go over Ch. 4, Sect. 3 on the English monarchy; English Civil War English Civil
War 10 min. clip & Horrible Histories: English Civil War; HH: Cavaliers & Roundheads; HH: Charles
II ; History of British Empire; Man who tried to steal the crown jewels
Fri., Sept. 27 – Complete guided reading on Ch. 4, Sect. 4 - Rulers of Russia and Central Europe (154157) with discussion to follow
Mon., Sept. 30 – Go over Ch. 4, Sect. 4; view Conquerors: Peter the Great (24:40) Peter the Great;
The Reformation & the Thirty Years' War [04:05]
HW – Complete guided reading on Ch. 5, Sect. 1 - Enlightenment and Revolution (166-175)
Tues., Oct. 1 – Go over Ch. 5, Sect. 1 on the Enlightenment and Revolution; Begin guided reading on
Ch. 5, Sect. 2 - the Enlightenment (176-181) Scientific Revolution Galileo, Copernicus, Ptolemy
clip; Treaty of Westphalia
Wed., Oct. 2 – Discuss Ch. 5, Sect. 2 - the Enlightenment (176-181) All About the Enlightenment:
The Age of Reason (15:24) The Dating Game – Political Theory Edition
HW - Complete guided reading on Ch. 5, Sect. 3 - The American Revolution (182-187)
Thurs., Oct. 3 – View video Tea, Taxes, and The American Revolution: Crash Course
HW – Complete guided reading on Ch. 6, Sect. 1 - The Revolution Begins (194-202)
Fri., Oct. 4 – Discuss Ch. 6, Sect. 1 - The Revolution Begins Horrible Histories: French Revolution;
French Revolution song
Mon., Oct. 7 – Complete guided reading on Ch. 6, Sect. 2 - The Republic (202-209)
Tues., Oct. 8 – Complete a guided reading on Ch. 6, Sect. 3 - Napoleonic Europe (210-215); Discuss
Wed., Oct. 9 – The French Revolution: Crash Course; Napoleon video clip; Napoleon song.
Thurs., Oct. 10 – Complete a guided reading on Ch. 6, Sect. 4 – Napoleon’s Fall and Europe’s
Reaction (216-221); Discuss afterwards; HH - The Napoleon Report; The French Army; Waterloo
Fri., Oct. 11 – Homecoming Etiquette; Historical Room Tour
Mon., Oct. 14 – Wed., Oct. 16 – Thurs., Oct. 17 –5 paragraph essay on topics from this unit. Essay
is due by Sunday, Oct. 20. (9)
Tues., Oct. 15 – Freshmen Counseling
Mon., Oct. 21 – Complete a venn diagram on the revolutions in England, America & France.
Tues., Oct. 22 – Wed., Oct. 23 – Unit 2 Review (8)
Thurs., Oct. 24 – Unit 2 Exam
Unit Terms & Questions
Ch. 4, Sect. 1 - The Power of Spain (136-140)
Define & state the significance of the below terms:
Absolute Monarchy
Divine Right
Peace of Augsburg
Charles V
Holy Roman Empire
Phillip II
Spanish Armada
1 - Map Q 1 & 2 pg. 136
2 - What events led Charles V to abdicate his throne in 1556?
3 - List achievements of Spain’s Golden Century
4 - Provide cause and effect information for the war between Spain and England.
Ch. 4, Sect. 2 - Absolute Monarchy & France (142-146)
Define & state the significance of the below terms:
Henry IV
St. Bart’s Day Massacre
Edict of Nantes
Louis XIII
Louis XIV- Sun King
War of Spanish Succession (Causes & Effects)
Treaty of Utrecht
1 – Why do you think the Huguenots and Catholics do not get along?
2 - What did Louis XIV mean by “L etat, cest moi”?
3 - Why is Louis XIV considered the model for absolute monarchy?
Ch. 4, Sect. 3 - Monarchy in England (147-152)
Define & state the significance of the below terms:
Henry VIIIAct of Supremacy
Church of England
Elizabeth I
Stuarts- James I
Charles IPetition of Rights
English Civil War
Restoration-Charles II
English Bill of Rights
Glorious RevolutionWilliam and Mary
Constitutional Monarchy
1 - What does Hobbes feel about “absolute monarchy”?
2 - Provide cause & effect info. for the English Civil War.
Ch. 4, Sect. 4 - Rulers of Russia and Central Europe (154-157)
Define & state the significance of the below terms:
Ivan the Terrible
Peter I (The Great)
St. Petersburg
Catherine the Great
Thirty Years War (Cause)
Treaty of Westphalia
1 - Map Q 1 and 2 pg. 157
2 – List reforms & accomplishments achieved by Ivan IV, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great.
3 - How did the rivalry between the Hapsburgs and Hohenzollerns affect Central Europe?
Ch. 5, Sect. 1 - Enlightenment and Revolution (166-175)
Define & state the significance of the below terms:
Scientific Revolution(C & E)
Scientific Method
CopernicusHeliocentric theory
1 - How would you describe the relationship between the Church and the new scientific
Ch. 5, Sect. 2 - The Enlightenment (176-181)
Define & state the significance of the below terms:
Social contract
Adam Smith
1 – For each of the philosophers defined provide their most distinguishing views/ positions on
govt and/or society.
2 - List the biggest Enlightenment ideas presented in this section?
Ch. 5, Sect. 3 – The American Revolution (182 – 87)
Define & state the significance of the below terms:
Stamp Act
Thomas Paine“Common Sense”
Declaration of IndependenceJefferson
Treaty of Paris
Articles of Confederation
Federal System
Bill of Rights
1 - Map Q 1 and 2 pg. 186
2 - What Enlightenment concepts did the Dec. of Independence express?
Ch. 6, Sect. 1 - The Revolution Begins (194-202)
Define & state the significance of the below terms:
The Old Order
Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette
1st, 2nd, 3rd Estates
Estates General
Tennis Court Oath
List the actions of the
National Assenbly
In 1789
National Convention
Radical Factions
1 - Map Q 1 and 2 pg. 194
2 - Explain the causes of the French Revolution
3 - Cartoon Q 1 and 2 pg. 196
4 - Explain the financial crisis in France prior to the Revolution
5 - Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Q 1 and 2 pg. 200
6 - Why did Austria send troops to the French border in 1792?
Ch. 6, Sect. 2 - The Republic (202-209)
Define & state the significance of the below terms:
Radical LeadersMarat
Execution of Louis XVI
Reign of Terror
Counter Revolution-Civil War
1 - Breifly describe each of the following governments Revolutionary France: National
Assembly, Legislative Assembly, National Convention, Directory
2 - What was the government like after the Reign of Terror?
Ch. 6, Sect. 3 - Napoleonic Europe (210-215)
Define and state the significance of the following terms:
Coup d’ etat
Continental System
List Reforms Napoleon implemented
Napoleonic Code
1 - Describe Napoleon’s rise to power.
2 - How did the Emperor Napoleon come to dominate Europe?
3 - Map Q 1 and 2 pg. 214
Ch. 6, Sect. 4 – Napoleons’ Fall and Europe’s Reaction (216 – 221)
What were the causes and effects of the Russian campaign?
Define and state the significance of the following terms:
Czar Alexander I
Exile to Elba
Hundred Days
WaterlooDuke of Wellington
MetternichCongress of Vienna
1 - What factors contributed to Napoleons’ huge loss of men during the Russian campaign?
2 - What did the Congress of Vienna achieve?
3 – Map Q. 1 & 2 on p. 220
Revolution – Dramatic change or alternative to existing (status quo) government, social, economic
Pre-Condition – Dissatisfaction with status quo; Alternative ideas (solutions) & opposition leadership
Unhappiness could be due to: lack of rights, unequal distribution of wealth, lack of freedom, heavy taxes,
unfair treatment
Revolution – Opposition leadership persuades others to follow (How?)
Followers are organized & committed (How?)
The will & ability exists to overthrow government
To have the revolution happen you need the 5 A’s
1. At least two opposing sides
2. Access to weapons
3. Aims expressed in a slogan
4. Accomplished leaders
5. Ailments present socially, economically, and politically
For a successful revolution you need
1 The aims of the Revolution need to be defined and propagandized. (Liberty,
equality, No taxation without representation, etc..) Slogan
2 The leaders must have a social and educational background that allows them to
hold the subsequent government together.
3 They must be able to produce a framework & a coalition for a new gov’t.
4 The degree of the opposition can't be too great, or too strong, or the revolution
will continue.(& too many of the systems will be destroyed beyond repair or
5 The problems present for the revolution to occur must be resolved.
If Successful – Must consolidate power, therefore the new leadership must control or eliminate:
A. Opposition (Counter-Revolution by status quo)
B. Opposition forces among your own followers
C. Flow of information – education/media
D. Revenue – Money and important economic aspects of the country
E. External threats (other countries)
F. Lawmaking & Enforcement of laws
World History Unit 2 Review Sheet
What was the Spanish Armada and what happened to it?
What was the Enlightenment? What was its impact?
What did John Locke believe?
What did Montesquieu believe?
What did Adam Smith believe? What is laissez-faire?
How did the French & Indian War impact the colonists?
Why were American colonists upset with England?
What did Thomas Paine write and what was the general theme of it?
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? When was it issued?
Who was George Washington?
Why did the Bill of Rights get added to the Constitution?
What is federalism?
What is divine right? How is it related to absolute monarchs?
What was the scientific revolution? What did it challenge?
In general, what is the scientific method?
Who were the Loyalists & Patriots?
What was the international impact of the American Revolution?
What were the 3 estates and who made up each one?
Who was Louis XIV? Why was he significant? What was his nickname?
Who were the Hugeunots?
What is the Estates General? Why did Louis XVI call the Estates General into session?
What eventually happened to Louis XVI? How did Europe view this event?
Who was Marie Antionette? Was she liked or not? Why or why not?
What were the causes of the French Revolution?
What was the National Assembly?
What was the Reign of Terror? What was its goal? What is a guillotine?
What were the successes of Napoleon? What is a coup d’état? Why did the French welcome
him as their leader? What failures did he have? What happened to Napoleon?
What was the Congress of Vienna?
What caused the War of the Spanish Succession?
What did the Petition of Right? What group wanted to have this?
What happened in the English Civil War? Who were the two sides? Who were their
What is the Restoration?
Who are William & Mary?
What is the Glorious Revolution? Why were the people selected to take the throne selected?
What was the English Bill of Rights? What was its impact?
What is the constitutional monarchy?
What caused the War of Austrian Succession?
What was Galileo famous for doing? How was this accepted?
Who was Copernicus? What is the heliocentric theory?
What was Diderot famous for doing?
Who was Catherine the Great? How did she gain power? What did she accomplish?
What did the Treaty of Westphalia do?
What are czars?
Why was there a War of Spanish Succession?
What is nationalism?
5-Paragraph Essay Ideas
You can do others with instructor permission.
1. Who would be the most successful head coach for the Browns?
Napoleon, Cromwell, Washington, or Robespierre
2. Which revolution would be best made into a movie?
3. If Disney made the French Revolution into an animated movie, what
would it be like?
4. If you were a commoner, then what revolution would you prefer to live
5. What was the most violent revolution?
6. What was the most successful revolution? What do you consider
7. Which revolution best demonstrated the enlightenment ideas?
8. Which revolution had the biggest impact?
9. Who deserved a revolution the most?
Who was the biggest hero of each revolution?
Who was the biggest villain of each revolution?
Based on their personalities, what would these individuals be
doing in today’s world? Napoleon, Cromwell, Washington &
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World History
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You will now see the activity that you are to submit: Revolutions Essay.
Click on the icon below the word “Submit.”
You will now upload your response. The name of this activity is
Revolutions Essay.
1st Grading Period World History Extra Credit – “What if”
You are to complete a research essay that is a minimum of 200 words. It should be typed and doublespaced. It also needs to include a bibliography. How much extra credit you will earn is dependent on
the quality of work that you do. Typically one may earn upwards of 10 points, but for 10 points it should
be without errors and demonstrate a strong understanding of the topic.
Find a topic that we have covered in this grading period. Research the topic so you understand these
items about it: Who it was? What is was? Where did it happen? Why did it happen? When did it
happen? How did it happen? What is its significance? You are then to rewrite history so that the event
does not turn out the way it did or never occurred at all. Please remember you must demonstrate
knowledge on the topic. To be successful, you should understand the impact your topic had on history.
What if the Cold War was still ongoing?
What if JFK was not assassinated?
What if we had not invaded Iraq?
What if 9/11 had not occurred?
Approval Date: By Oct. 11th
Due Date: Oct. 25th via www.turnitin.com
Bibliography Requirements: (Minimum of 3 distinct resources so there cannot be two citations from
one source like www.cnn.com ; also make sure you are citing the page and not the search engine)
Here are the typical items you will be citing.
Author’s Name inverted. Full title of the book. Place of Publication: Publisher, copyright date.
Johnson, William J. The Complete Guide to Flags of the World. New York:
Beacham Publishing, 2001.
Author’s name. “Full Title of the Article.” Full Title of the Encyclopedia. Year of
publication edition.
Kingman, Adam. “Bridges.” World Book Encyclopedia. 1999 ed.
Author’s name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the CD-ROM. Format of publication.
Publisher. Year of publication.
Harris, Rebecca. “Ancient Rome.” Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia.
CD-ROM. Compton’s New Media. 1999 ed.
FOR WEB SITE (Detailed Citation)
Author’s name. “Title of web page.” Title of web site. Date of electronic
Publication. Name of sponsoring organization. Date information was accessed
Nielson, Barbara. “Locomotion on the Frozen Ocean.” Polar Bears Alive: For
Polar Bear