Eleanor Roosevelt

Emily Wygal
Social Studies Lesson Plan – Thursday 4/25/13
History SOL 1.2 The student will describe the stories of American leaders and their
contributions to our country, with emphasis on George Washington, Benjamin Franklin,
Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, and Eleanor Roosevelt.
Objectives: Students will be able to tell contributions of Eleanor Roosevelt.
Materials: Ruby Bridges Goes to School: My True Story by: Ruby Bridges
Anticipatory Set
 Read Ruby Bridges Goes to School: My True Story by: Ruby Bridges.
 We will talk about how Eleanor Roosevelt helped Ruby Bridges and other contributions.
o “She was the first lady of the United States because she was married to President
Franklin D. Roosevelt.”
o “She gave speeches that fought for women to be able to work the same jobs as
men, because women did not use to be able to work the way men could. If women
did get hired, they didn’t make the same pay as men did.”
o “She also gave speeches that fought for people of all races and people who had
fought in the war, or war veterans, to have equal rights. War veterans, African
Americans, and Asian Americans didn’t have the same rights. They were
discriminated against. Everyone say ‘discriminated.’ That means that they were
not treated equally or with respect. They could not do all the same things, like
 “I will put you all into 5 groups, and you are going to create a skit with your group about
Eleanor Roosevelt. Your skit should be about something you learned today about Eleanor
Roosevelt. It could be about how she helped Ruby Bridges, how she helped fight for
women to have equal work rights, or how she helped fight for all people to have equal
 “Then you will perform your skit for the class and tell us anything you want to about
your skit.”
Independent Practice
 Students will create a skit about Eleanor Roosevelt and perform it for the class.
 Review some of Eleanor Roosevelt’s contributions.