ENG 103E.01 Spring 2014 Course Syllabus Essentials of Professional and Business Writing Sustainable Entrepreneurship Living/Learning Community MW 2:00-3:15 Location: 124 Jefferson Suites Course Developer and Instructor: Bonnie T. Yarbrough, Ph.D. Department of English /College of Arts and Sciences Programming Coordinator for LC/ LLC The University of North Carolina—Greensboro 3105 MHRA Office Hours: 3:30-5 MW and by appointment E-mail: btyarbro@uncg.edu Course Materials: Print edition of The New York Times. FAQs posted on Blackboard Discussion Board; subscription pickup available in several locations across campus: library, EUC, Curry, Grogan, and Shaw Buildings Laptops or tablets (bring to class) o Business Communication for Success, Scott McLean, published by Flatworld Knowledge. Selected chapters. o NOTE: The Access Code link is unique for our course: http://students.flatworldknowledge.com/course?cid=1546045&bid=69856 o You will need to register for your flatworld account for access. o You have the option to purchase their textbook in several digital or print formats. The Study Pass option, which includes the online text, study aids, an online reader, is $24 and your best value (recommended). An All Access Pass includes online and off-line formats, study aids, quizzes, and other materials, but is a more expensive option ($39). o [NOTE: I have one free All Access Pass. The first person who deciphers the hidden message located on the syllabus and posts the solution on the Discussion Board forum wins.] o To access the text options, click on the URL or the title link. You can also search for the course from: students.flatworldknowledge.com, using my name, ENG 103E, or The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. o Other options are listed on the web link, including purchasing color or black and white printed copies, if you prefer hard copies. o PowerPoint slides for the text are available and posted on Blackboard for you under Course Information. Weekly Readings and links to articles for the Discussion Boards are posted on Blackboard Texts available on reserve: Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 1 Harvard business essentials: Entrepreneur’s Toolkit: Tools and Techniques To Launch and Grow Your New Business, Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2005. Private Reserve (see instructor) Planning an Entrepreneurial Venture, Student Workbook, Kaufmann Foundation, 2006 Bonnie T. Yarbrough, Leading Groups and Teams, Managerial Communication series, Cengage Learning, 2008. ISBN-10: 0-324-58417-2 Supplementary resources: University Writing and Speaking Centers 3211 MHRA Digital ACT Studio located in Digital Media Commons, basement of Jackson Library Student Success Center, 104 McIver; Learning Assistance Center and support services Credit hours: 3:3 Prerequisites/Corequisites: enrollment in ENT 130 For Whom Planned—Learning Community in Sustainable Entrepreneurship ENG 103 is an introductory course in professional and business writing appropriate for first-year undergraduate students in any major. Partnering with ENT 130 as part of the Living/Learning Community on Sustainable Entrepreneurship, this course emphasizes written and oral skills needed for success in work settings. Course content centers on the process and strategies for producing clear, concise, and accurate written/oral arguments, analyzing and synthesizing documents, and collaborating in teams on specific problems, assignments, and projects. Several assignments, activities, and field trips coordinate with ENT 130 and in Jefferson Suites as part of the learning community curricular integration. Course Description ENG 103 creates a practical, learning-centered environment for developing and applying effective written and oral strategies for business and professional communication in work settings. Building on foundational skills for constructing cogent arguments, weighing evidence, and distinguishing different points of view, ENG 103 also prepares you for the types of assignments expected in upper-level courses in a professional major or field. Course requirements include using practical and analytical strategies critical to success across a range of different disciplines and styles, including written/oral arguments, assignments, reports, and case studies. All assignments and activities are designed to achieve the learning goals of the General Education program, particularly LG1—to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop appropriate quantitative and information literacies—and LG5—to develop a capacity for active citizenship, ethics, social responsibility, personal growth, and skills for lifelong learning in a global society. Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 2 Student Learning Outcomes With its professional focus, this course emphasizes essential problem-solving skills and strategies valuable in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Bryan School of Business and Economics, and the other professional schools. Accordingly, ENG 103 offers specific challenges and student learning objectives. On successful completion of the course, you should be able to Create clear, coherent, and accurate written/oral messages Interpret and evaluate written and oral arguments Identify ways to improve professional written/oral arguments Analyze and respond appropriately to different audiences Use effective indirect and direct rhetorical strategies Analyze examples of professional writing through current events and different media Discuss cultural differences that affect written/oral communication Collaborate effectively in teams and provide constructive oral and written feedback Produce accurate and appropriate revisions to written documents Distinguish between logical and emotional appeals Analyze ethical dilemmas, ethical lapses, and ethical decisions in professional communication Conduct basic secondary research for a formal, written report by locating relevant information Evaluate credibility of information sources and interpret data Demonstrate proficiency in persuasive writing and speaking Present an informational or analytical report Assignments and Teaching Methods for Achieving Learning Outcomes The course uses a combination of lectures, discussions, and applications; in-class activities and cases; Discussion Board essays; short written assignments; formal and informal presentations; research methods; team assignments, and informal group work. On-campus speakers and field trips also provide learning opportunities and information on specialized topics. Course materials are available on Blackboard, with supplementary resources linked or listed under the tabs for Text and Assignments. The New York Times print edition subscription also comes with unlimited digital access. Other sites recommended in class provide access to practice exercises, professional newsletters and articles, video links, blogs, and forums. Assignment Categories for General Education Learning Goals [LG1 and LG5]: Each of these assignments encourages you to think critically about topics affecting daily life and to communicate effectively with a diverse audience. Through this written and oral assignment you have the opportunity to engage in free and open inquiry through personal growth that fosters mutual respect across multiple cultures, disciplines, and perspectives. Analyzing professional writing helps you identify ways to present information clearly and to evaluate the credibility of sources. Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 3 Discussion Boards constitute 20% of your grade. The instructions for each forum are posted on Blackboard’s Discussion Board tab, and selections are posted a week in advance, with links to the assigned readings in The New York Times, as well as other sources. For each topic, you should develop a well-written, clear, cogent response as you understand the issue(s). Responses are due by midnight preceding class the day before the Times Topics Discussions. Times Topics Discussions feature Session Leaders. Each of you will serve as a Session leader for one class meeting by selecting an article related to our learning community focus on sustainability and entrepreneurship from The New York Times, identifying key points for class discussion and debate, and leading the interaction. Selections require my approval before assigning these to the class. You have the opportunity to sign up for a specific date and to plan your schedule, select the article, and post the selection on the Discussion Board for the class. Bring your print edition to class. This activity provides an additional 10% of your grade. Short written and oral assignments constitute another 20% of your grade; each one builds on a previous exercise to help you develop skills necessary to be a critical and creative thinker, as well as an effective communicator. Specific instructions for individual assignments and requirements are posted each week on Blackboard or linked through the syllabus. In-class activities, which include completing a business research exercise and providing feedback for presentations, provide 10% of your score. Since these are participation scores, there are no make-up activities. The Group Project (30%) consists of a formal report or case study on a topic related to sustainability. Using secondary research, interviews, and other resources, you will work in small teams to prepare the project, consisting of an oral presentation (12-15 minutes) to support the written report (8-10 pp). This is a group project, requiring you to establish strategies for team success, and a major assignment for the course. Teams submit records of meetings, as well as individual member evaluations at the end of the course. To achieve the general education goals, you must use appropriate and relevant research methods, apply the principles of effective communication, construct a cogent argument, and convey the information clearly and creatively to a diverse audience. Specific instructions, requirements, and draft deadlines for this assignment are provided on Blackboard under Assignments. Specific topics and groups will be assigned in class. To be thorough in your approach to the Group Project assignment requires researching UNCG’s past and current efforts toward sustainability, as well as the long-range goals and plans as outlined in the Campus Climate Plan. The Projects are scheduled for presentation at 6:30 p.m. in ENG 130 on April 23rd. Both instructors will evaluate the projects, and visitors may attend by invitation. Midterm Exam (10%): As scheduled on the calendar, an in-class, online submission, requiring your laptop or tablet. Evaluation and Grading: Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 4 English 103 is both writing intensive and speaking intensive. Each assignment is framed within the professional business communication context and is central to the LC on sustainability and entrepreneurship. The process for developing skills and abilities necessary for planning, composing, and revising effective messages is paramount. Receiving and providing feedback on written and spoken work from both peers and the instructor form an essential part of this process. Effective revisions require that you examine different perspectives and consider the complexities of audience. You are also expected to attend and to participate actively and fully in all discussions, online assignments, group work, and evaluations. The Group Project, report and presentation, is graded by both ENG 103 and ENT 130 instructors, and the presentation is open to invited visitors. Assignment Breakdown by Percentage Short Assignments Exercises * Leading weekly discussions Midterm Exam Discussion Boards Participation Group Project† 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 20 points 10 points 30 points 100 points 20% 10% 10% 10% 20% 10% 30% 100% †Written report, oral presentation, team evaluations *Research lecture, oral exercises, and peer feedback. Grading Scale Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Points/Percentile 92-100 90-91.9 88-89.9 82-87.9 80-81.9 78-79.9 72-77.9 70-71.9 68-69.9 62-67.9 60-61.9 59-0 Grading Criteria for Written Assignments Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 5 A: Excellent Creativity in meeting all assignment requirements Free of grammatical and mechanical errors Effective message B: Good C: Average D: Poor Met assignment requirements Met most assignment requirements Did not meet assignment requirements Few errors Errors detract from readability Errors prevent readability Clear message Vague Unclear language Unclear or inappropriate Audience appropriate audience Audience-centered Audience strategies Clear Organization Good organization Organizational pattern attempted Lack of organization Good strategies Strategies attempted Lacks strategies Complex strategies Visual enhancement (if appropriate) Effective use of some Visual strategies visual strategies attempted Lack of necessary visual support Evaluation Criteria and Feedback Forms for oral assignments, as well as the Group Project presentation, are posted on Blackboard. Course Policies Please ask questions if you are unclear about any course policies. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Submit all assignments on time, online, and as specified by the syllabus or on dates revised at my discretion. If you miss a deadline on an assignment, you forfeit the points. Otherwise, late assignments--if accepted for excused absences--receive a 10% reduction. Read, edit, and revise all documents for spelling, grammar, style, format, and wordprocessing errors. Set Spell Check and Grammar Check for maximum filtering and benefit to meet assignment requirements. All assignments must be neat and look professional, as if submitted to a supervisor or an employer. Any assignment that fails to meet the assignment requirements or specifications in format, organization, or style will receive an F. Errors in usage, punctuation, spelling, and standard grammar will reduce your grade. Revision is an important part of the writing process. Laptops are required for in-class exercises. Any unofficial use of laptops (Facebook visits, web surfing, email checks) constitutes a violation of course policy. Turn your phones off when you enter class; texting is prohibited and will result in confiscation for the remainder of class that day. Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 6 7. Back-up your assignments on your hard drive or bring your flash drive to class. The quality of revisions may help determine your success at the end of the course—by improving your writing and speaking skills in a comprehensive way. Plagiarism will result in an F in the course—as well as the University’s maximum punishment. Understanding the rules of copyrighted materials and citing information from the Internet is particularly important. Borrowing ideas or content from another’s writing without attribution constitutes plagiarism. Failure to document secondary sources also constitutes a violation of copyright. Pay close attention during the class discussions and library lecture about this issue. For help with citations, see http://uncg.libguides.com/citation or refer to your text. Individual and group presentations, if appropriate, follow a schedule set in class and constitute part of your attendance and Case Project grade. If you miss your assigned presentation date, you forfeit that score. If an emergency should prevent your attendance, notify me by email. BEFORE class. Poor planning does not constitute an emergency or an excuse for late work. Do not assume because you have sent an email that I have received it. If you fail to appear for a scheduled presentation with an organization or a company without reasonable and appropriate notification, you may expect that relationship to end; if you fail to keep your contract with our class, you can expect a similar result. Participation is an important aspect of professional communication. You cannot participate if you do not attend class. Peer and team feedback and appraisals also form a substantive element of assessment. Students must complete all assignments to pass the course. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Professionalism Professionalism is an important element of course conduct and grading as well and refers to the commitment that a student demonstrates in the classroom and toward course work. It encompasses attendance, on-time class arrival, participation, and respectful attitudes and actions toward class colleagues. Professional conduct in the workplace means taking responsibility for your training and performance; to extend the metaphor, it means understanding all class policies and course expectations through one’s own initiative, without reminders or prodding. You cannot communicate fully if you are not here or are not engaged in the material. Attendance is required, and active participation is expected. Please be prepared for class and ready to contribute to discussions. Three absences will forfeit your active participation grade (10 points, or a letter grade). If you miss class, you are responsible for all out-of-class assignments due and for a written memo detailing the reason(s) for the absence. Provide supporting documentation (letters, copies of health center or physicians’ notes, etc.) This will provide a reference for tracking the agenda and assignments affecting your coursework. [Note: Illness (supported with physician’s documentation), religious observations, deaths in the immediate family, and natural disasters qualify as excused. Interviewing during class Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 7 time is not an excused absence.] In-class exercises are not eligible for late submission, since they constitute part of your participation grade. Effective participation also means observing basic dress code standards. No bedroom slippers, “jammies,” or other inappropriate dress, please. The University allows for a limited number of absences per year for religious observations required by the students’ faith. To anticipate missed work, students must submit written notice to the instructor a week ahead of the planned absence. Written assignments may be submitted in advance. Accommodations for oral exercises are arranged separately. Our class requires use of laptops or tablets in class and, occasionally, other technology. We may also use alternative settings to accommodate our assignments, to manage group collaborations, or to adjust for network servers and downtime. Any changes in the schedule are posted in advance or announced in class, since much of our work incorporates practice exercises and written work. Please be prepared to make effective use of class time by having your files accessible online, posted on Blackboard, or available on zip-drives. Back-up all work in case of compatibility problems, accidents, viruses, corrupted files, or other issues. Maintain regular security updates on your laptop and read all University announcements about technology issues affecting email, server connections and Blackboard access. You should check your campus email at least twice a day, as well as the course Announcements page. Academic Integrity Policy Academic honesty is central to UNCG’s mission and necessary to its vision as a learner-centered university. Make sure you understand and adhere to the principles of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy, as described in the Student Handbook and made widely available. The Policy is founded on and encompasses the principles of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility as students. Correct documentation is a critical part of abiding by these principles and of successful, business and professional communication. Please review information on citations and attributions in your text and supplementary materials and observe the rules governing copyright in all submitted work. The University Policy Manual contains important information on the university policies regarding acceptable use of technology, computing, and electronic resources. UNCG’s Five Core Values The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is a community that includes students, faculty, staff, and alumni, who demonstrate a commitment to its five core values: Inclusiveness – A welcoming and inclusive academic community, based on open dialogue and shared governance, offers a culture of caring with visible, meaningful representation of differences. Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 8 Collaboration – Interdisciplinary, intercommunity, inter-institutional, and international collaboration is reflected and rewarded in teaching, research, creative activity, community engagement, and infrastructure. Sustainability – Academics, operations, and outreach are conducted with careful attention to the enduring interconnectedness of social equity, the environment, the economy, and aesthetics. Responsibility – A public institution, the University responds to community needs and serves the public in a systematic fashion through the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. Transparency – Open decision-making, clear goals, and measurable outcomes enhance performance, trust, and accountability. Course Calendar* *Subject to adjustments and revision at my discretion. Instructions and requirements for the assignment entries marked in red are posted under Assignments or the Discussion Board forums on Blackboard. Bring print editions for New York Times Topics Sessions marked in green. Business Communication for Success readings appear as BCS and page numbers. Contingency planning may require revisions to the Course Calendar to accommodate event and venue scheduling. DATE DISCUSSION AREA ASSIGNMENTS/ ACTIVITIES Course Documents posted on Blackboard Week 1 1/13 1/15 Course Procedures and Policies; Effective Communication with Faculty and Mentors Blackboard Guidelines Today’s Workplace *Week 2 MLK Holiday 1/22 DUE DATE Bring laptops to class unless otherwise instructed. Self-understanding; Self-concept Discussion Forum Guidelines Syllabus/Course Resource Links Submission guidelines Sign-up sheets for Times Topics Discussion Sessions Introductions and Interviews (See Blackboard document) The New York Times Topic for the Week; bring print editions to class Learning Styles Inventories and Diagnostics BCS, Chapter 3, “Self-Understanding is Fundamental to Communication— Perception” Understanding personality types and preferences Discussion Board #1 submission Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda Due: 1/15 In class Due: 1/22 9 DATE DISCUSSION AREA ASSIGNMENTS/ ACTIVITIES Course Documents posted on Blackboard Week 3 1/27 Bring laptops to class unless otherwise instructed. Audience Demands: Understanding different points of view 1/29 Active Reading and Listening Week 4 2/3 Research Methods 2/5 Organization General/Specific; Direct/ Indirect Approaches Week 5 2/10 2/12 Week 6 2/17 Researching Factual Information Reporting Facts Check Entrepreneurial Propensity Proximity Hotel Revising Business Messages 2/19 Rhetorical Strategies Refining and revising Proofreading 2/26 In class BCS, Chapter 3, Understanding Your Audience; Differences in Perception”; Discussion Board #2 submission Due: Session leaders: The New York 1/29 Times Topic of the week Memos; BCS, Chapter 9 Databases: Business Reference lecture on Sustainability resources, Research exercise BCS, Ch. 5, Research and Investigation BCS, Ch. 6, “Organization” Discussion Board #3 submission The New York Times Topics with Session Leaders Due: In class Due: 2/5 Short Report Assignment Team topic meetings Fact-finding exercise; Submissions Due: 2/10 Discussion Board #4 Submission Times Topics with Session Leaders Due: 2/12 1:45 Meet in Jefferson Suites Lobby BCS, Ch. 7, General Revision Points to Consider Discussion Board #5 submission Times Topics with Session Leaders Round Table discussion on Group Topics Report Drafts due: in class Workshop Workshop Submissions Midterm Exam Sample Reports Week 7 2/24 DUE DATE Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda Due: 2/19 Due: 2/24 In class 2/26 10 DATE DISCUSSION AREA ASSIGNMENTS/ ACTIVITIES Course Documents posted on Blackboard Week 8 3/3 3/5 Non-verbal messages Blogs, social media, texting, podcasts SPRING BREAK DUE DATE Bring laptops to class unless otherwise instructed. Featured Speaker—TBA Elevator speeches BCS, Ch. 11 Making an Argument Times Topic of the Week Leaders BCS, Ch. 14 Digital Media Commons/Digital ACT Studio tour: meet in Jackson Library Discussion Board #6; oral delivery Product Pitches in class Analyzing a Direct Mail Sales Package discussion Due: 3/3 Due: 3/5 Week 9 3/17 Persuasive Messages: Digital Media 3/19 Emotional and logical appeals Week 10 3/24 3/26 Workplace Applications BCS, Ch. 19 Group Life Cycles Recordkeeping Week 11 3/31 Planning Proposals and Reports Analyzing Direct Mailers and Sales Packages; Bb submission Team Roles and Responsibilities Discussion Boards #7-8 submissions Updates on Group Project assignment Team Meetings Times Topic of the Week leaders Just the Facts exercise for teambuilding Discussion Board #9: Part 1, Nussbaum visit 4/2 Team Strategies ExtraJourney of the curricular Universe Film and Conference Events Week 12 4/7 4/9 Informational and Analytical Reports and Presentations Due: 3/19 Due: 3/24 Due: 3/26 Due: 4/2 Visit to Nussbaum: Co-curricular Activity EUC 7-8:30 p.m. Times Topics leader PAL activity/presentation Group Workshops/Progress Reports BCS, Ch. 13 Times Topics of the Week Leaders Team Meetings Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 4/7 Due: 4/9 11 DATE DISCUSSION AREA ASSIGNMENTS/ ACTIVITIES Course Documents posted on Blackboard Week 13 4/14 4/16 Extracurricular Event Week 14 4/21 Optional Event: 4/22 4/23 Week 15 4/28 4/30 Strategies for Project Presentation Bring laptops to class unless otherwise instructed. Giving and Receiving Feedback Times Topics Discussion Leader Evaluation Criteria for presentations Team appointments with Digital Media Commons; Digital ACT Studio; Speaking Center Team Meeting Recordkeeping Times Topics Leaders Work Sessions Earth Day Celebration Constructive Feedback Team Workshop or presentation practice Project Reports Due: 6:30-9:30 Jefferson Suites 124 Individual team debriefs Course and team evaluations Earth Day Celebration Academic Fair Group Presentations Scheduled with ENT 130 Project Evaluations Final instructions DUE DATE Due: 4/16 Reading Day Find the hidden message below. Yarbrough ENG 103E.01 course syllabus and agenda 12