Hi Shyaam and Ethan

Hi Shyaam and Ethan,
Our names are Zak, Nash and Carter. We are so interested in what you are learning and
we are so happy to hear from you and now will answer your questions
To answer your first question the names of our seasons are summer, autumn,
winter and spring. Our seasons are the complete opposite to yours. Our summer is hot and
is in December, January and February. Our temperatures soar to 45 degrees for you that is
113.00F and we melt in the sun. Our autumn is in March, April and May. These days are
superb with sunny mild days at 25 degrees. Our Winter is cold and is in June, July and
August. We get a lot of rain and the temperature falls to 10 degrees. Our Spring is warm and
is in September, October and November. These days are like our autumn, beautiful and
We have just recovered from a drought which lasted 7 years. We even had
restrictions on water. A drought is when it doesn’t rain for a long period of time then all the
water dries up.
Yes we do have storms but we only have terrible storms in the northern area of
Australia where they have lots of floods and sometimes hurricanes.
Yes we are inhabited with animals especially koalas and kangaroos and to answer
another one of your questions. Kangaroos and most of our animals are out and about all
year some of them are very poisonous.
The weather in Melbourne is unpredictable some people say it’s the city with all four
seasons in one day one minute it is raining and the next it is shining bright like a diamond.
When it is hot or warm most people are splashing about like fish in their pools or at the
beach tanning and swimming.
Your Christmas is also completely different to ours. On your Christmas its freezing
and you’re eating a nice hot turkey. But for us it’s summer so we are having lots of nice cold
seafood and jumping about in the pool.
We have two different climate zones because The Tropic Of Capricorn runs across
the middle of Australia. Above The Tropic Of Capricorn is nice and warm all year but bellow
it where we are it is mild most of the time. But hot in summer. We also have daylight for
11hours a day.
Can you please answer these questions
What is your average temperature in summer?
How bad are your storms?
What kind of natural disasters do you have?
How long do you have day light for?
What is your average temperature in Winter?
We have loved answering you goodbye for now 