Worksheet. Småskole og mellomtrinnet. The Seasons The seasons in BSL. Spring Summer Autumn Winter Are any of the signs similar to Norwegian signs for the seasons? Did you know that they speak English in America too? They say Spring, Summer and Winter, but they say Fall instead of Autumn. Words and signs to describe The Seasons: hot cold windy wet changeable Look at the words and pictures. Do you know any of the BSL signs for these words? Discuss the pictures then do the task below. BSL illustrasjoner fra Let’s Sign and Write Pictures to talk about. Which seasons do they belong to? a snowman a birthday party a chick hatching from an egg harvesting corn skiing a sandcastle leaves school holidays swimming flowers blooming planting seeds a lamb camping sleeping bears a squirrel 1. Find the meaning of any words you do not know. making a snowman making a sandcastle swimming planting seeds harvesting corn leaves falling January school holidays eggs hatching camping cold hot April flowers blooming bears and squirrels sleeping my birthday skiing lambs 2. Put the words in the correct place. Add some more words too. THE SEASONS SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN (FALL) WINTER 3. Draw a picture of each season. Write and describe each season and say what you like to do. Summer is _______________________. In Summer I like to ____________. Hang your work on the wall. Tilrettlagt fra