Mrs. Moore & Ms. Stacy September 14, 2015 MATH Students have the MAP reading and math tests in the morning today and tomorrow, so due to that we are just using our time together to review strategies to figure out addition and subtraction problems. Wednesday, we will begin taking on word problems! This section of Unit 1 is always tricky since it combines reading and math, and brings in critical thinking. We will be working on strategies to take on different types of word problems for the next two weeks. Since we have been talking about all the different strategies students can use to tackle addition and subtraction problems, anytime they are working on those addition and subtraction facts they should use whichever strategy works best for them. Some directions on the homework packets ask students to use a specific strategy, like making a ten, but we have \ in class that everyone learns and discussed understands differently, and students should use the strategy that makes the most sense to them to answer the question. SPIRIT WEEK Just a reminder families, this week is sprit week and students may dress up as much as they like to support the Warriors (except for wearing costumes): Monday: ROLL OUT OF BED DAY Tuesday: HAT DAY Wednesday: WALT DISNEY DAY Thursday: USA DAY Friday: RED AND GRAY DAY (GO WARRIORS) SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS September book orders are due this Thursday, the 17th. Please remember that you may pay with cash, submit a check (payable to Scholastic Reading Club) or even pay online with our class code. Every purchase allows me to buy more A.R. books for our classroom library! WEEKLY SPELLING Did you know that the majority of second graders at Marr Cook receive 20+ spelling words a week; however my students are only given 12 words?! This allows students to familiarize themselves with different spelling patterns and sounding out the words. Also, this week, we will be taking time for a word study. As a class, we’ll be looking at our spelling words and learning special rules to help us spell them. Please be sure your student is studying spelling words EVERY NIGHT. LANGUAGE ARTS Due to MAP testing today and tomorrow, the students just took their weekly reading test from last week today. Tomorrow, we will be moving forward with A Walk in the Desert. With this story, we will learn how plants and animals adapt within the desert. Students will also echo-read our weekly story while using expression, then we will practice identifying the main idea and details. We will also learn more about the famous desert plants, cacti. The weekly reading test will assess students’ abilities to identify the main idea, or details within a given selection. Students will take this weekly reading test next Monday, Sept. 21st. For grammar, students will learn that a declarative sentence is a statement that tells something and an interrogative sentence is a question that asks something. We will practice editing sentences while adding a period or question mark. For spelling, we will have an introduction into base words and their inflectional endings such as drop, dropped, and dropping. For the past two weeks, we’ve been working on sorting out vowels and consonants. This strategy will help your child in spelling these words correctly. SPELLING WORDS: talked talking dropped dropping excited exciting lifted lifting hugged hugging smiled smiling This week’s challenge/vocabulary words are: animals, early, eyes, full, warm, and water. Please note that two of these words will be challenge words on your child’s spelling test. As always, the spelling test will be Friday.