Fats, Oils, and Protein Notesheet

Fats, Oils, and Proteins
Carbohydrates are the most important energy nutrient what are the other 2 energy nutrients?
o ____________________ and __________________________
Energy Nutrients- Fats and Oils
o Contain more ____________________ and ____________________than do CHO’s
o Fats have ____________________times the energy value of CHO’s
o Fats are ____________________ at room temperature, oils are _______________
o Easily digested by animals
How do we measure the amount of energy nutrients in an animal feed?
What is a calorie?
o Unit of energy required to raise the temperature of _____ gram of water _______
degree centigrade
o From 14.5 to 15.5 degrees centigrade
o ____________________ is expressed in the unit of measurement of the calorie.
o Kilocalorie ____________________ states the heat content of feed.
What are proteins?
Organic compounds that are made up of ____________________
Amino acids are the ____________________ of proteins
Most ____________________ part of animal ration
What are the functions of proteins?
1. Build and repair body organs and tissues
2. Production of ____________________
3. Fetus development
When do animals need the greatest amounts of protein?
What are the 2 types of amino acids?
1. ____________________
----Needed by animals
---Are synthesized by the body from other A.A.’s and ____________________
have to be provided
2. ____________________
____________________ be made from other A.A.’s
____________________ be provided in the diet
____________________ need most of their A.A.’s provided
What are the 2 sources of proteins?
1. ____________________
Meat and Bone Scraps
Blood Meal
Fish Meal
2. ____________________
Peanut Meal
Animal Proteins Source vs. Vegetable/Plant Protein Source
Which is a better source?
____________________ animals need a balance of the essential A.A.’s
____________________ combined in the right amounts, can provide a balanced ration
____________________ - synthetic nitrogen source that is mixed in a ration to provide nitrogen
for making AA’s in the ruminants body
What is crude protein?
The amount of ____________________ nitrogen in the feed (ammonia) multiplied by 6.25
It may contain materials that are not true protein
What is digestible protein?
Not all protein is ____________________
____________________of the crude protein(CP) in a roughage diet is digestible
____________________ of the CP in a high concentrate ration is digestible