Wireless Warehouse Prep – Step 1 Describe in one or two sentences the purpose of this document. Date Added Date Revised 2/24/2015 2/24/2015 PHASE 1 Locations 1. Located a. If you are located and are keeping stock by location by warehouse, you will need to establish your location scheme for best picking flow. (WALOCM) 2. Location layout needs to be alpha and/or numeric. a. AA01BB02 – AA could be the aisle, 01 could be the section, BB could be the shelf and 02 could be the bin on the shelf. i. When laying out your locations, if you are going to have more than 9 sections then you will need to add ‘09’; if you will have more than 99 sections, you will need to add ‘009’. This will be the same for each location area. 3. Once the location scheme has been decided, then barcode location labels need to be designed, printed and applied to the location area. (WALOCLBL) 4. Gun Options i. Gunmove Move Stock | Gunmovel Move Location Stock | Gunmovelot Move Location/Lot Stock | Gunopnl Open Location Inquiry 5. Not Located i. If you are not located, then certain features of the scanner will not be available. Item 1. Item Number a. All items will need a barcode on them with either your part number or an item that has a XREF number setup against it. This will be used to scan when picking, counting, inquiry, etc. (ITLBL) 2. Lot Control ERP-ONE Proprietary Information; Do Not Distribute a. Product to have item number, XREF number, and lot number barcoded on a label if lot controlled. (OELBLLOT) 3. Gun Options a. Gunilq Item Stock Inquiry | Gunilqp Item Stock Inquiry | Gunliq Location Inquiry | Gunliqp Location Inquiry Primary Receiving 1. Number of people receiving with scanner _____, will they also be picking orders? (Yes/No) 2. Determine your receiving process with V2 and what will be gained by using the wireless scanner. 3. Do your suppliers barcode your PO number? (Yes/No) 4. Do your suppliers barcode your part number or theirs? (Yes/No) 5. Do your suppliers barcode their lot number? (Yes/No) a. If you answered ‘no’ to any one of these questions, then scanning at receiving may not be a viable solution for this process. A wedge scanner at the PC may be an option for collecting Lot numbers if they are barcoded. 6. Receiving Labels a. Establish your process to print Receiving labels prior to product being put away. i. Part Number, XREF Number and Lot Number if lot controlled. (PORLBL) 7. Gun Options a. Gunrcv Gun PO Receiving | Gunrcvln Gun PO Receiving | GunrcvlnRS Gun PO Receiving | Gunrcvq Gun PO Receiving | Gunrcvucc Gun PO Receiving | Gunrcve Gun PO Receiving By | Gunrqd Gun PO Receiving Dup Picking 1. Number of people picking with scanner ____, will they also be receiving orders? (Yes/No) 2. Determine your picking process and what will be done on the scanner versus V2. 3. Gun options a. Gunpck Pick Order | Gunpckloc Pick Order Located | Gunpckq Pick Order (Queue) | Gunpckw Pick Wave Order Located | Gunpckwa Pick Wave Order Allocate | Gunpckzone Pick Order By Zone | Gunpkst Pick Order Status 4. Pick ticket to have manifest ID barcoded. ERP-ONE Proprietary Information; Do Not Distribute 5. Product to have item number, XREF number and lot number barcoded if lot controlled. 6. If located, then the locations will need to be barcoded. a. Picking is a verification process from the pick slip to V2 that you have scanned the order and then verifying the item, quantity and location if located to the order via scanning. Packing 1. Number of people packing at a terminal ______ 2. Determine your Packing process in V2. (OEPT3) i. Pick Ticket to have the manifest ID barcoded. ii. Will you be modifying the pick? (Yes/No) iii. Will you be generating a customer label? (Yes/No) iv. Will you be generating a packing slip? (Yes/No) v. Will you be generating a shipping label? (Yes/No) vi. Will you be generating a bill of lading? (Yes/No) a. Recommended to have a wedge scanner, laser printer and a barcode printer at these stations! Shipping 1. UPS/FedEx 2. Number of people shipping at a terminal _______ 3. Determine your shipping process with UPS and FedEx a. Will you be using our integration module? (Yes/No) i. Recommended to have a wedge scanner if the integration module is used. PHASE 2 This is normally done after Phase 1 has been completed and the evaluation of scanners have been done to better determine purchasing and location of hardware. Hardware 1. Wireless Access Points ERP-ONE Proprietary Information; Do Not Distribute a. This will need to be determined by your I.T. in regards to where they will need to be located for the best coverage in your facility for complete coverage. 2. Barcode Printers a. These will need to be purchased and located based on your process in generating labels for receiving and shipping. i. Recommended barcode printer: Zebra TLP2844 with a print server since they need to be networked! b. Media needed based on your label design. i. Recommended to keep label sizes the same for item labels and customer labels! 3. Wireless Scanners a. These will need to be purchased and based on where you will be using them and how many people will be using them will determine the quantity needed. i. Recommended wireless scanner: Motorola MC9190-G. 4. Wedge Scanners a. Based on where these might be used would determine the quantity to be purchased. i. Mostly any type of wedge scanner can be used for this process; keep in mind that this is corded and is only a data capture device in the active field on the screen! Software 1. Network a. Refer to document “Preparing the V2 Server for Wireless Warehouse” for setup. i. This will need to be set up by your I.T. 2. Scanner a. Refer to document “Using the V2 Character System” for setup. i. This will be done with Distribution One either remotely or onsite at training. PHASE 3 This will be scheduled once Phase 1 and 2 have been completed! 1. Training a. This would be based on your internal process for what you would be using the scanner for. ERP-ONE Proprietary Information; Do Not Distribute i. Confirm that all areas discussed in this document are in place prior to training so the operation of the scanners can be applied to your daily process immediately! ii. This can normally be done with a two-day visit! ERP-ONE Proprietary Information; Do Not Distribute