Maths methods in Year 3

Maths methods in Year 3
Multiplication on a number line
Success criteria:
Partition the 2-digit number into tens and units.
Multiply the tens by the 1-digit number.
Record on a number line starting at 0.
Multiply the units by the 1-digit number.
Record on the number line counting on from the previous answer.
Multiplication – grid method
Success Criteria:
 Partition the numbers into tens and units, placing one number down the side of the grid and the other along the top.
 Multiply each number down the side with each number along the top, recording the answers in the grid where the numbers
 Find the total of all of the answers in the middle of the grid.
i.e. 19 x 3
Division on a number line:
Success Criteria:
Write the calculation i.e. 48 ÷ 4
Draw a number line.
Chunk in groups until the target number is reached.
Add the number of steps taken to find the solution to the calculation.
Addition on number line
Success Criteria:
Write the number sentence i.e. 48 + 65 =
Draw a number line.
Start with the biggest number on the left of the number line.
Partition your number into hundreds, tens, units
Jump your tens
Jump your units
Subtraction on a number line
Success criteria:
Draw a number line.
Identify the number being subtracted and write at the end of the number line.
Add to get to the next multiple of ten.
Continue to add in steps until target number is reached.
Add the steps together to find the difference