TABLE BLAST TOP TABLES TIPS! X2 Halve the X4 table to find your x2 table They are all even numbers – they end in 0,2,4,6,8 X3 This table is half of the x6 table The multiples have an odd/even pattern The digits always add up to 3,6 or 9 X4 Each number in this table is even It is half of you x8 table It is double your x2 table X5 Every multiple of 5 ends in a 5 or 0 To times by 5, times by 10 and then half it X6 It’s double the x3 table 6 x 6 is 36 X7 Remember 7x7 is 49 X8 It’s double your x4 table 8x8 = 64, I ate and I ate until I was sick on the floor! The multiples end in 8, 6, 4, 2, 0 X9 The answer to 3x9 will have 2 tens, 4x9 will have 3 tens in the answer, 5x9 will have 4 tens in the answer Use the ‘finger trick’! The tens go up and the units go down. 3x9 = (3X10) – 3 6x9 = (6x10)- 6 The first 5 numbers in the x9 table are the same as the last 5 – but the digits are reversed. The sum of each digit adds up to 9 X10 Do your 1 times table but with a zero on the end. All multiples of 10 end in 0.