February 19, 2015 Regular Meeting

Central Elementary School
389 E. Jackson Street
Martinsville, IN 46151
Thursday, February 19, 2015
6:30 P.M
The Board of School Trustees of the Metropolitan School District of Martinsville met on
Thursday, February 19, 2015, at Central Elementary School. Members present were
Michelle Baugh, Steve Brock, Stephanie Fraker, Tana Lobb, and Beckie Weddle. Also
in attendance were Dr. Michele Moore, Superintendent; Dr. Jerry Sanders, Assistant
Superintendent; Suzie Lipps; Don Lipps; Susie Lee; Sarah Wells; Shaun Bambery;
Tammy Garner; Jeff Smith; Susan Smith; Julie Reeves; Peggy Watkins; Ashlie Atkins;
Keith Buetow; Mary Snoddy; Lauren Dorfman; Debbie Grubb; Cathy Carmack; Chris
Waldon; Cathy Gianikos; Gus Gianikos; Sarah Glasscock; Shannon Kohl; Christina
Pemberton; Jeanne Clark; Phil Deckard, II; Leta Gentry, WCBK.
Ms. Beckie Weddle called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and the Pledge of
Allegiance was said.
Dr. Moore recognized and congratulated the staff at Central Elementary School for their
contribution to the success of the students and school community. Central
Elementary’s Spell Bowl and Math Bowl members were recognized, along with Grace
Sparks, the Spelling Bee winner and Kadence Sample, Spelling Bee runner-up.
Special performance by Central Elementary School’s Honor Choir.
Consent Agenda
Approve previous meeting minutes; claims; purchasing; and personnel as
 January 15, 2015 Regular Session and Board of Finance minutes;
January 28, 2015 Executive Session minutes
 Payroll Claims
 Budgetary Claims
 Retirements
 Arlene Daily, custodian at Brooklyn Elementary School
 Dixie Kemp, special education aide at South Elementary
 Resignations
 Greg Boyd, girls’ tennis coach at Martinsville High School
 Gary Brittain, remediation aide at Bell-East Middle School
 Juliana Burrell, art teacher at Centerton and Smith
Elementary Schools
 Bryan Dunigan, Maintenance Department
 Teresa Garner, assistant principal secretary at Martinsville
High School
 Peggy McCann, Title I aide at South Elementary School
 Ronald Owens, custodian at Martinsville High School
 Penny Thomas, cafeteria at Martinsville High School
 New Hires
 Tina Butler, administrative assistant at Martinsville High
 Kimberly Hauersperger, resource assistant at Central
Elementary School
 Brenda Hayes, instructional assistant at Smith Elementary
 Lisa Huff, Title I preschool instructional assistant at South
Elementary School
 Heather Leitzman, special education transportation assistant
 Tracy Martin, secretary at Brooklyn Elementary School
 Amber Onken, clinic assistant at Bell-East Middle School
 Lauren Schuster, Title I preschool assistant at Central
Elementary School
 Paula Sparks, food service at Bell-East Middle School
 Debra Tolan, food service at Paragon Elementary School
 ECA Hires
 Josh Bain, varsity assistant baseball coach at Martinsville
High School
 Luke Knox, boys’ assistant track coach at Martinsville High
 Cliff Marr, girls’ assistant track coach at Martinsville High
 Mark McKinney, freshman baseball coach at Martinsville
High School
Chris Quinn, assistant boys’ golf coach at Martinsville High
Ranjan Rohatgi, varsity girls’ tennis coach at Martinsville
High School
Steve Brock made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Michelle
Baugh made a second to the motion and the motion carried 5-0.
1. The Academic Decathlon Team of Martinsville High School to attend the
Decathlon State Finals in Lafayette, IN on February 13-14, 2015. (retroactive)
2. Martinsville High School’s FFA Livestock Judging Team to participate in an
overnight trip to the Kentucky Beef Expo for a Livestock Judging Contest from
March 6-7, 2015.
3. Martinsville High School’s DECA Chapter to attend the DECA State Career
Development Conference from March 8-10, 2015 and will stay overnight in
Indianapolis, IN.
4. Martinsville High School’s Business Professionals of America Chapter to attend
the BPA State Leadership Conference from March 15-17, 2015 and will stay
overnight in Indianapolis, IN.
5. The Advanced Choir of West Middle School to attend the Music in the Parks
competition in Cincinnati, OH on April 25, 2015.
6. Qualifying members of Martinsville High School’s DECA Chapter to attend the
International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida from April 2529, 2015.
7. Qualifying members of Martinsville High School’s Business Professionals of
America Chapter to attend the National Leadership Conference for Business
Professionals of America in Anaheim, California from May 6-10, 2015.
Tana Lobb made a motion to approve the field trips as presented. Michelle Baugh
made a second to the motion and the motion carried 5-0.
1. Request to adopt new and revised policies on second reading.
a) Policy 1130 – Conflict of Interest – Private Practice (revised)
b) Policy 1200 – Administrator Ethics (new)
c) Policy 1214 – Staff Gifts (new)
d) Policy 1230.02 – Job Description of Superintendent of Schools (revised)
e) Policy 1231 – Outside Activities of Administrators (new)
Michelle Baugh made a motion to approve the policies as presented. Steve Brock
made a second to the motion and the motion carried 5-0.
2. Request to review new and revised policies (first reading, action not required)
a) Policy 2623 – Student Assessment (revised)
b) Policy 3215 – Use of Tobacco by Professional Staff (revised)
Dr. Sanders reported on the 2015 ISTEP+ and how the schools are preparing for the
1. Request for Martinsville High School to pilot a Positive Behavior Intervention
Steve Brock made a motion to approve piloting a Positive Behavior Intervention
Plan at Martinsville High School. Tana Lobb made a second to the motion and
the motion carried 5-0.
2. Request to approve the quote from Green Sign Co., Inc. for a new Martinsville
High School sign. The sign will be paid for with funds from a gift to the school
and a donation from the Education Foundation.
Michelle Baugh made a motion to approve the quote from Green Sign Company
as presented. Tana Lobb made a second to the motion and the motion carried 50.
3. Request to approve a donation of $25,000 from the Education Foundation for the
Martinsville High School sign.
Tana Lobb made a motion to approve the donation from the Education
Foundation as presented. Michelle Baugh made a second to the motion and the
motion carried 5-0.
4. Request to approve a physical education waiver for freshman PE credit for
student athletes and band members. This plan is similar to those in place at
other school districts and is allowed by IDOE.
Michelle Baugh made a motion to approve the physical education waiver as
presented. Tana Lobb made a second to the motion and the motion carried 5-0.
5. Request to approve an early retirement incentive for teachers.
Michelle Baugh made a motion to approve the early retirement incentive for
teachers as presented. Tana Lobb made a second to the motion and the motion
carried 5-0.
6. Request to approve the GMAX test on the varsity football field by FieldGroomers,
in the amount of $599.
Steve Brock made a motion to approve the GMAX test as presented. Tana Lobb
made a second to the motion and the motion carried 5-0.
7. Request to approve the IndianaMAC Program Participation Agreement between
the MSD of Martinsville and PCG-Indiana to provide school-based health-related
services to students including special-needs students who are eligible for
Steve Brock made a motion to approve the IndianaMAC Program Participation
Agreement as presented. Tana Lobb made a second to the motion and the
motion carried 5-0.
There were no comments.
Being no further business, Stephanie Fraker made a motion to adjourn. Michelle Baugh
made a second to the motion and the meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Next Board meeting is scheduled for
March 19, 2015,
at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at
Martinsville High School.