Key_Personnel_files/Corsair Resume

Marcus J. Galvan, PE
Executive Vice President - Geotechnical
Years of Experience: 27
Industry Tenure:
2015 to Present
Corsair Consulting LLC
Principal Owner
1998 to 2015
TxDOT, Bridge Division
Geotechnical Branch,
Branch Manager 20112015
1996 to 1998
Rodriguez Engineering
Laboratories, Laboratory
1995 to 1996
US Army Corps of
Geoenvironmental Branch,
Civil Engineer
Mr. Galvan has more than 27 years of experience covering a broad
range of structural, materials, geotechnical engineering and
construction issues. For 16 of his 27 years in industry, Mr. Galvan
worked in the TxDOT Geotechnical Branch of the Bridge Division.
Here he supervised and managed personnel engaged in statewide
geotechnical support activities. These include the design of bridge
foundations, retaining walls, bank and stream scour countermeasures,
evaluation and remediation of slope stability issues, forensic
evaluations, participation in Value Engineering studies, oversight of
highway research projects, PS and E review, development and
maintenance of Statewide Bridge Geotechnical Standards and
Specifications, planning and execution of geotechnical investigations
and construction support for geotechnical structures on Texas highway
Select Projects / Experience:
Mr. Galvan was the Geotechnical Branch Manager for the TxDOT
Bridge Division. While leading this TxDOT office of primary
responsibility for structurally related geotechnical designs Mr. Galvan
led the branch in:
1988 to 1995
TxDOT, Bridge Division,
Inspection Branch, Bridge
Inspection Engineer
Bachelor of
Science, Civil Engineering,
University of Texas, Austin,
Master of
Engineering, Civil
Engineering Geotechnical,
University of Texas, Austin,
The development and updates of TxDOT Bridge Design
Standards including the RW(MSE) and RW(MSE)DD
Updates to the State Geotechnical Manual
Updates and revisions to the TxDOT Standard Specifications
including the recent 2014 specification rewrite of the 400
series specifications
Development and revisions of special specifications including
special specifications for Micropiling, Thermal Integrity Testing
of Drilled Shafts, High Strain Dynamic Testing of Foundation
Elements and Jet Grouting.
Oversight in the selection and execution of statewide
geotechnical drilling contracts. This activity required
development of geotechnical investigation and testing plans,
analysis, design recommendations and turn-key design
The designed and supervision of the design of 100’s of bridge
foundations throughout the State of Texas. These
foundations varied in complexity and included drilled shafts,
driven piling and spread footings.
Marcus J. Galvan, PE
Executive Vice President - Geotechnical
TXDOT Precertification
- 14.1.1-Soil
- 14.2.1-Geotechnical
- 14.3.1-Transportation
Foundation Studies
- 14.4.1-Building
Foundation Studies
Professional Affiliations:
 American Society of
Civil Engineers
 International
Association of
Foundation Drilling,
The design and supervision of the design of 100’s of retaining
walls throughout the State of Texas. Wall types include soil
nail, rock nail, tie back, sheet pile, drilled shaft, cast in place
and mechanically stabilized earth.
Oversight the State’s Scour program developing policy and
guidance regarding the analysis of proposed and existing
structures including structures with unknown foundations.
Development of research problem statements and supervision
of research projects. Research projects included MSE walls,
soil nail walls, rock nail walls, drilled shafts and slope stability
Specific Project Experience includes:
IH 35 Salado to Hillsboro, Waco District: Mr. Galvan was the
Geotechnical Engineer of record for the reconstruction of IH 35. He
provided oversight in the geotechnical investigations and
geotechnical design activities for the 100 mile plus corridor. Mr.
Galvan designed numerous soil nail, rock nail and MSE walls (both
temporary and permanent) as well as bridge foundations for many of
the bridge structures on this project. Mr. Galvan worked to develop
phasing plans as determine retaining wall requirements for
construction phases. Mr. Galvan also assisted in developing
underpinning details using micro piling for several structures due to
phasing requirements. Throughout the duration of construction, Mr.
Galvan provided construction support for geotechnical related
questions or issues.
SH 71 at Riverside Drive, Austin District: Mr. Galvan was the
designer of record for tie back walls used on this project. The tie
back walls were in excess of 40’ in height and required unique design
details. Mr. Galvan also provided a redesign of detention pond
retaining walls due to issues related to original wall instability. The
redesign included soil nail and tie back walls. Use of these walls
simplified construction and increased capacity of the pond.
Throughout the duration of construction, Mr. Galvan provided
construction support for geotechnical related questions or issues.
LP 375 at Zaragosa Drive, El Paso District: Mr. Galvan was the
designer of record for retaining walls and bridge foundations used on
this project. MSE, concrete block and Soil Nail walls were used on
this project. Existing concrete block walls created unique challenges
with the construction of both bridge foundation elements and the
construction of the soil nail walls. These challenges required special
phasing and wall construction details.
Marcus J. Galvan, PE
Executive Vice President - Geotechnical
LP 375 at US 54, El Paso District: Mr. Galvan was the designer of
record for bridge foundations and provided design oversight for tie
back, soil nail and MSE walls on the project. The proximity of the US
54 bridge to the tie back walls required that spread footings used to
support the existing US 54 bridge be underpinned with micro piling.
Mr. Galvan designed the footing underpinning details and provided
construction phasing details for underpinning and wall construction.
The problematic nature of the soil profile required continual
construction support for geotechnical related questions or issues.
US 183 at US 290, Austin District: Mr. Galvan was the designer of
record for the tie back/soil nail retaining walls used on this project.
The design provided unique challenges due to the existing US 290
overpass structures, proposed direct connector footings and
proposed drainage features. These elements required numerous
transitions between wall types which included tie back, soil nail and
drilled shaft shoring. Throughout the duration of construction, Mr.
Galvan provided construction support for geotechnical related
questions or issues.
MSE Wall Rehabilitation, Various TxDOT Districts: Mr. Galvan has
investigated and provided repair details for several high profile MSE
walls due to issues related to loss of material or overall stability
concerns. These walls included:
 IH 10 at Dowlen Road, Beaumont District, site investigation
and monitoring concluded walls exhibited significant
movement and stability concerns. Soldier pile/tie back details
were developed to remediate the walls. Construction oversight
was provided throughout the duration of construction.
 US 281 at Brook Hollow Drive, San Antonio District, site
investigation and monitoring concluded walls exhibited
significant movement and stability concerns. Soldier pile/tie
back details were developed to remediate the walls.
Construction oversight was provided throughout the duration
of construction.
 US 290 at Westgate Boulevard, Austin District, monitoring of
these walls identified a significant loss of backfill material.
The repair for these walls included the use of tied back solider
piling and a compaction grouting program. A total of 200
yards of compaction grout was used. Construction oversight
was provided throughout the duration of construction.
Bridge Foundation Rehabilitation, Various TxDOT Districts: Mr.
Galvan has investigated and provided repair details for several bridge
Marcus J. Galvan, PE
Executive Vice President - Geotechnical
structures due to issues related to loss of foundation support or
overall stability concerns. These bridges included:
 Loop 256 at Wells Creek, Tyler District, drilled shafts on 3
bents were not taken to the proper founding strata. The
bridge foundations settled upon placement of the bridge deck.
Underpinning details were developed utilizing micro piling and
footings to establish adequate support for the structure.
 IH 30 at Draw, Paris District, upon completion of the bridge
the bridge settled under live traffic. Underpinning details were
developed utilizing micro piling and footings to establish
adequate support for the structure. The structure was
repaired while under traffic.
 FM 99 at Onion Creek, Dallas District, due to continued
erosion and down cutting of the channel a reduced
embedment of drilled shaft foundation elements was
identified. Micro pile underpinning details were developed to
adequately support the structure until the bridge could be
Channel Erosion Rehabilitation/Restoration, Various TxDOT Districts,
Mr. Galvan has investigated and provided rehabilitation and
restoration details for scour and erosion issues for bridge and related
structures. Projects included:
 IH 20 at Salt Draw, Odessa District, continued erosion under
the Salt Draw structure caused undermining of an existing
gabion wall. Undermining resulted in failure of the wall and
collapse of portions of the east bound structure. Mr. Galvan
provided emergency response, an assessment of the west
bound structure and recommendations to temporarily
rehabilitate the west bound structure to keep it in service.
Geotechnical borings were acquired and plans developed to
replace portions of the eastbound structure that had collapsed
as well as the westbound structure that were impacted. Mr.
Galvan determined appropriate foundation lengths and
developed channel repair and restoration details. These
details included the use of gabion mattresses and baskets,
concrete armor units (A-Jacks) and stone protection.
 FM 20 at San Marcos River, Austin District, channel meander
and lateral migration resulted in a severe angle of attack. This
angle of attack in conjunction with flood events resulted in
complete erosion of the north approach embankment resulting
in in bridge closure. Mr. Galvan assessed channel flow and
migration patterns and from an existing hydraulic study
determined stone size needed for armoring and redirecting the
Marcus J. Galvan, PE
Executive Vice President - Geotechnical
channel. A stone buttress and stone tie-back system was
used to armor and redirect channel flow.
US 183 at Boggy Creek, Austin District, urbanization upstream
and down cutting of the Colorado River resulted in a raw and
unstable channel under the US 183 main lane bridges. Mr.
Galvan studied flow patters, determined global stability of the
channel banks and developed armoring details for the portion
of channel under the bridges. Details included soil nail
temporary special shoring and stone protection.
Park Road 4 in Palo Duro Canyon, Amarillo District, continued
erosion of the side slopes of Park Road 4 leading to the lower
canon floor resulted in encroachment of the roadway and
stability/safety concerns. The main erosion occurred at storm
sewer discharge points located at specific locations along the
roadway. Retaining wall details were developed to best retain
the roadway embankment and handle storm water runoff.
Due to the sensitive environmental nature of the park the wall
system had to blend into the natural surroundings. Wall
structures included gabion gravity walls as well as gabion
faced MSE walls.