Yr 11 Prom 2015 parent~carer letter

Dawlish Community College
Elm Grove
Road, Dawlish, Devon EX7 0BY
01626 862318
Mr J Simon BEd (Hons) MEd
April 2015
Dear Parents, Carers and Year 11 Students
Year 11 Prom: Friday 26th June 2015
As you all know the Prom is on its way, and it will be held at the Langstone Cliff Hotel, Dawlish
Warren, on Friday 26th June, 7.00 for 7.30p.m. The finish time will be 11.30pm and there will be a
finger buffet with music/disco and this will be included in the price of the ticket which is £16.50.
We reserve the right to refuse entry to students if they arrive, or we believe them to be,
under the influence of either drink or drugs. We will also withhold prom tickets from
students who have not completed all necessary coursework or who show a negative
attitude to learning and revision over the coming weeks. In addition, any students who
cause disruption during either the final weeks of teaching or during the exams may be
banned from this event.
Please fill in the slip below and return it, together with payment of £16.50 to Mrs. Cruickshank at the
Student Finance Hatch, during morning break only, by Friday 22nd May at the very latest.
Students’ names and payment will be recorded and the tickets issued separately at the leavers’
assembly on Thursday 25th June. Cheques should be made payable to Dawlish Community College
with student name and ‘Prom’ written on the reverse. If you wish you can also pay online via
Parentmail2. If you require a copy of the Parentmail2 registration letter please email
parentmail@dawilsh.devon.sch.uk If your child is eligible for the pupil premium bursary you can use
this to pay for the prom (pending applicable balance).
We are sure this will be wonderful evening for all of the students and it will also be an opportunity to
say a final farewell to staff and students.
Yours faithfully
J Simon
D Osborne
Head of Upper School
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year 11 Prom: Friday June 26th 2015
I give permission for:…………………………………………………………….. Tutor Group:……………………………….
to attend the Year 11 Prom at the Langstone Cliff Hotel on Friday June 26th 2015
I have paid online via Parentmail2
I enclose £16.50 cash/cheque (please delete accordingly) to cover the cost of the trip.
My son/daughter is eligible for the pupil premium bursary and I wish to use this to cover
the cost of the prom ticket (pending applicable balance).
I also agree/do not agree for any publicity material relating to this event, which includes images
Of my child, appearing in the press or on the college website (please delete as appropriate).
Signed …………………………………………………
(Parent/Carer) Date……………………………………….