april 2014 - conantboosters

Conant Boosters Club Meeting – April 8, 2014
Welcome & Intro:
Sixteen members present.
Julie Rhodes opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. She asked for a motion to approve the Minutes from
March meeting. A motion was made by Deanna Laskero and seconded by RoseAnne Caboor. Minutes
were approved. Request was made to mend minutes, however, with some additional notes about the
silent, online auction discussed in March.
Principal Report: Mr. Cannon stated Ms. Nowak, Conant’s new principal would not be able to attend the
meeting tonight, but she will be attending the May meeting. He went on to report many events for April
and May. The spring play is April 11th. ACT testing is April 12th. PSAE testing is April 23rd and 24th.
Sneaker Exchange and Cupcakes for a Cause is April 26th, and Graduation will be at Sears Center on June
1st at 11:00 a.m. Finally, due to construction this summer, Conant will have limited summer school
Activities Director Report: Mr. Trevino not present.
Athletic Director Report: Mr. Kane not present.
Presidents Report: Julie Rhodes reported that we have five members selected for the Nominating
Committee. Their job will be to present a slate at the May meeting for the Executive Committee for
2014-2015. We still are looking for committee chairpersons for some positions, and a blast email will be
sent to recruit for open committee chairs.
Vice Presidents Report: Sandy Lomas reported mini-grant applications will go out this week.
Treasurers Report: Kimberly Hornstein provided financial documents for review.
Corresponding Secretary Report: Cindy Claussen had nothing to report.
Concessions: Chris Marasigan reported she needs help with concessions for the early shift.
Cotton Candy: Mary Weaver-Gouwens not present. No report.
Craft Fair: Tracy Gebhardt not present, but Julie Rhodes reported we currently have 95 booths filled for
next year’s craft fair.
Craft Fair Concessions: Maggie Andress not present. Nothing to report.
Dances: Julie Rhodes reported Homecoming date is set for next year and will be on September 27th.
Dinner Dance: Sam Armando not present. Bea Candre mentioned that they were still looking into
hosting one for this year. Looking for an online host for the auction.
Fundraisers: Dominice Einig reported 2 events coming up. Lou Malnati’s will host on April 30th from 11a10pm. Chipotle’s will host on May 23rd from Noon-3pm (early dismissal)
Grill: Shari Andress not present, but this committee will need a chairperson for next year.
Hospitality: Darci not present, but Julie Rhodes reported help is needed May 15th for Honors
Convocation and for Spring Sports Awards on April 29th.
Market Day: Tracy Gebhardt not present. Julie Rhodes reported only 7 orders placed for April.
Membership: Lorri Retzer had nothing to report.
Newsletter: Karen Posch reported that we will no longer send out long newsletters. She has a
shortened template with just a few words about each event and links to documents. And then she will
continue to send out email blasts for each upcoming event or when an event needs volunteers.
Post Prom: Lisa Locascio not present but sent the following report.
1. The prom venue for this year is at Crystal Gardens Ballroom on Navy Pier. Prom organizers are
pushing hard to increase attendance over recent years because the venue is different. Post Prom
attendance may increase because of the location next to Prom and we would have to increase the
number of buses contacted to transport the students home from post prom, which increases our
expenses since we picked up 50% of the cost per student.
2. We have received $4000.00 YTD in sponsorships donations earmarked to help offset the post prom
transportation expenses, with another $500.00 likely. We could use everyone’s help in continuing to get
the word out about becoming a sponsor. Karen will send out another email blast. Also, Bea has posted
the sponsorship/donation form on the Conant Alumni Facebook page.
3. We contract for a boat that holds 750 passengers (including chaperones). I have contacted the boat
company to find out what our options are if we exceed 750. Our representative has offered us the use
of a smaller vessel which is due to be introduced in early June. It would allow us to increase the number
of students and chaperones to 950 if necessary. They did not require a deposit and there will be no
additional fees beyond the per person ticket price, if we should need to go this route. If it comes down
to needing 2 boats, the first “X number” of students to buy tickets will be on the larger boat and the
remaining attendees will be on the second, smaller boat. Prom organizers will be emphasizing a “buy
early” philosophy.
4. The Post Prom committee is responsible each year for not only securing post prom volunteers, but
also prom related volunteers to free up the organizing teachers to concentrate on other aspects of
prom. Another email blast will be sent in late April asking for volunteers for the many prom and post
prom related activities. There is a signup sheet at the meeting tonight if anyone would like to sign up for
a specific date. First up is prom fair on Saturday, May 10th from 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Help is greatly
5. The Odyssey contract for the 2014 Post Prom has been finalized and the deposit has been paid. The
Odyssey has agreed to carryover the2014 pricing.
Scholarship: Julie Rhodes reported committee is reading through 72 applications for 10 scholarships.
Sportswear: Chris Catalano and Lauren Withers were not present. No report.
Web page: Karen Posch had nothing to report
Volunteer Coordinator: Karen Posch had nothing to report.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:40 p.m. Next meeting is Tuesday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m.
in the Media Center.