ROSSER PAC AGM MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, Sept 30th, 2015 Time: 6:30pm Meeting Commencement; 8:10pm Adjournment Place: Rosser Elementary School - Library Present: Nicole Li; Susan Tang; Harmeet Bahia; Anthony Ng; Debbie Gojevic; Carmine Annunziata; Brad Lica; Nancy Nagy; Carol Akasaka AGENDA: 1. PRINCIPAL’S UPDATE Burnaby Parks & Rec ‘After School Program’ offerings: Only the Nov. 4th workshop will go ahead; the other workshops were cancelled. Not enough enrollment. PAC advised Debbie that we just received the ‘After School Programs’ form today. Parents need more lead time to respond. Debbie to speak to Burnaby Parks and Rec. and provide that feedback. Debbie confirmed if Pass Soccer was agreed to be funded for this year by PAC – and it was for the amount of $600. Lunch lady not doing well so she won’t continue with hot lunches. Kahn academy - you can sign up for free on your own at Parents have the option to check with respective teacher if he/she will be using this approach to math. Debbie mentioned the Teacher’s ‘wish list’ with the top 5 items being: $100 per teacher for consumables (10 X $100 = $1,000); $200 per Division to subsidize a bus to go on a field trip (6 Divisions X $200 = $1200); money towards Pass Soccer lessons – confirmed above for $600); money towards Hip Hop Lessons; $1200 to pay for VSO buses. Burnaby DPAC meetings are usually held on the last Monday of each month. Oct. 6th is the upcoming DPAC Meeting: Harmeet volunteered to register & attend on Oct. 6th to see Vendors and get ideas for fundraising. Debbie will also be attending. Carol may attend PAC 101 but will confirm. Susan mentioned that we won’t need to attend the PAC Finance Workshop being held that day as she has already attended it as Treasurer. 2. PAC CHAIR VACANCY; OTHER ROLES ON PAC PAC vacancies discussed/confirmed as follows: Carmine Annunziata – PAC Chair; Nancy Nagy and Carol Akasaka– Fundraising; Anthony Ng and Brad Lica – Member at Large; 1|Page Susan Tang – Treasurer; Harmeet Bahia – Secretary; Nicole Li – Volunteer Coordinator (& Fundraising) Cecilia Alves – Fundraising (but won’t be able to attend PAC meetings); Christina Wiesbrod - Fruit & Veggie Program – (but won’t be able to attend PAC meetings). DPAC Representatives: All PAC Members take turns attending Workshops 3. PAC MEETING DATES FOR 2015/2016 SCHOOL YEAR PAC Meeting dates were confirmed to be the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm in the School Library – with the remaining dates to be as follows: November 4th, 2105 December 2nd, 2015 January 6th, 2016 February 3rd, 2016 March 2nd, 2016 April 6th, 2016 May 4th, 2016 June 1st, 2016 4. TREASURER’S UPDATE Susan walked through the budget projections for 2015/2016 School Year. See Appendix A attached for a detailed breakdown. 5. TRANSPORTATION BUDGET & ALLOCATION (IE. FOR FIELD TRIPS) This agenda items was put on the table to discuss the Pumpkin Patch field trip and a need for a bus for Ms.Nazaruk and Mrs. Temple’s class. During the meeting, Debbie received an email from Ms. Nazaruk that they had enough parent drivers so a bus was no longer needed. PAC generally discussed the need to be fair and consistent across the Divisions on how much money is allocated for the transportation coverage for field trips 6. PAC SURVEY • • • Anthony summarized and discussed the results from the last PAC survey conducted in late June 2015. Results showed that the top 3 areas that parents supported PAC to fund were the following: Field Trip Transportation (ie. buses); Sports Activities (ie. Soccer; Hip Hop; Tennis Lessons, etc.); and School Events ie. Year-end School Picnic & Pancake Breakfast. PAC discussed sending out another PAC Survey sometime in October 2015. Harmeet to provide Anthony with the word version of the PAC Survey that was already conducted so that Anthony can update and have it sent to parents again. PAC 2|Page members discussed giving parents options with completing it manually (by hand) or on-line. Anthony to look into providing these options. 7. FUNDRAISING INITIATIVES FOR 2015/2016 8. Hot lunch options needed as Lunch Lady is no longer available Nicole interested to do Hot Dog days and Sushi lunches. First Hot Dog day will be on October 8th, 2015, with Nancy’s assistance. Nicole hopes to lead two hot lunches per month. Nicole to provide Harmeet with dates of when these lunches will be held ie. at least to the end of Dec. 2015. Nicole mentioned that they need a Grade 7 Parent to assist with Popcorn this year. Cecilia looking into sending out the notice for Pie Sales (Pita Bread Factory). Cookie Dough may also be offered. Carmine mentioned that he would explore other local options, ie. Stan’s Pizza; Panago; Fresh Slice Pizza, etc. and report back at next PAC meeting. OPEN FORM 9. No additional items discussed as PAC needed to vacate the library for the custodian to lock the building. ACTION ITEMS Debbie to speak to Burnaby Parks and Rec. and provide feedback that parents need more lead time in determining interest for ‘After School Programs’. DPAC Meeting: Harmeet volunteered to register & attend on Oct. 6th to see Vendors and get ideas for fundraising. Debbie will also be attending. Carol may attend PAC 101 but will confirm. Harmeet to provide Anthony with the word version of the PAC Survey. Anthony to update Survey and have it sent out to parents again – provide parents with option to complete manually or on-line. Nicole interested to do Hot Dog days and Sushi lunches. First Hot Dog day will be on October 8th, 2015, with Nancy’s assistance. Nicole hopes to lead two hot lunches per month. Nicole to provide Harmeet with dates of when these lunches will be held ie. at least to the end of Dec. 2015. PAC to explore having a new parent of the Grade 7 class to assist with Popcorn this year. Cecilia looking into sending out the notice for Pie Sales (Pita Bread Factory). Cookie Dough may also be offered. Carmine mentioned that he would explore other local options, ie. Stan’s Pizza; Panago; Fresh Slice Pizza, etc. and report back at next PAC meeting. NEXT MEETING: November 4th, 2015 @ 6:30PM 3|Page Appendix A 4|Page