Practice problems (Nestedif, Countif, Sumif)


Practice problems (Nestedif, Countif, Sumif)

Question 1: Short Answer What is the result of evaluating the following formulas?

(a) =IF(AND(6>3,4>7),IF(5>2,8,7),IF(5>3,3,9))

(b) =IF(SUM(3,5,7)=MAX(11,19,15),23,IF(NOT(OR(4=5,MIN(4,1,3)=1)),IF(4>2,6,7),9))

Question 2 :Short Answer (Excel) Review the accompanying worksheet image and then answer the questions below. The first row and column in the table refer to Excel column and row labels, respectively.

What is the result of evaluating the following formulas?

(a) =IF(E6=MAX(C4:C8),SUM(E5:E8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6))

(b) =IF(B5=SMALL(E5:E8,2),SUM(C4:C8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6))

(c) =COUNTIF(B4:C8,">0")+SUMIF(B4:C8,"<0")

Question 3 : Short Answer (Excel) Review the accompanying worksheet image and then answer the questions below. The first row and column in the table refer to Excel column and row labels, respectively.

What is the result of evaluating the following formulas?

(a) =IF(C4=26,IF(B5=19,2,4),IF(A8=56,6,8))

(b) =IF(OR(NOT(B5<6),D7>3),A7,IF(AND(C4=2*B4,D8>D7),C6,D4))

Question 4: Short Answer (Excel) At the County Courthouse, speeders pay a fine for exceeding the posted speed limit. Review the accompanying worksheet image and then answer the questions below. The first row and column in the table refer to Excel column and row labels, respectively.

(a) What formula should be entered in cell E5 to show (6 points):

• "No Fine" if the driver was not speeding,

• A flat fine of $250 if the driver was more than 25 MPH over the speed limit, or

• A fine of $50 plus $5 for each MPH over the stated speed limit otherwise.

(Note: Your formula will need to work properly for all of the other drivers when copied down column E.)

(b) What is the formula to determine the total number of drivers whose actual speed (column D) exceeded 60 MPH? (4 points)

(c) Write a formula to determine how many drivers had an actual speed lower than 50 MPH. (4 points)

(d) Write a formula to determine how many drivers had an actual speed lower than the average speed of all drivers in the table. (5 points)

(e) Write a formula to calculate the average speed of the two fastest drivers. (5 points)

(f) Write a formula to calculate the average speed of the three slowest drivers. (5 points)

Question 5: Short Answer (Excel) Review the accompanying worksheet image and then answer the questions below. The first row and column in the table refer to Excel column and row labels, respectively.

An employee is eligible for retirement if she satisfies at least one of the following criteria:

• The employee has worked for the company for at least 40 years.

• The employee is 65 years old or older.

• The employee has worked for the company for at least 30 years and is 60 years old or older.

Based on the conditions above, write a formula in Cell D5 that will display either the text “Retire” or the text “Back to Work”. (Note: Your formula will need to work properly for all of the other employees when copied down column D.)

Question 6 (Excel) Review the accompanying worksheet image and then answer the questions below. The first row and column in the worksheet refer to Excel column and row labels, respectively.

The worksheet above lists the annual salaries for a company’s employees.

(a) What is the formula to determine the total number of employees who earn more than $50,000 in annual salary?

(b) What is the formula to determine the sum of the salaries of employees who earn less than the average annual salary for this group of employees?

(c) What is the formula to determine the sum of the salaries of employees who earn less than the fourth (4 th

) lowest salary?



(a) 3

(b) 9


(a) Coffee

(b) Coffee

(c) -8


(a) 6

(b) fun

4. (a) =IF(D5<=C5,”No Fine”,IF(D5>C5+25,250,50+5*(D5-C5)))

(b) =COUNTIF(D5:D9,”>60”)

(c) =COUNTIF(D5:D9,”<50”)

(d) =COUNTIF(D5:D9,”<”&AVERAGE(D5:D9))

(e) =AVERAGEIF(D5:D9,”>=”&LARGE(D5:D9,2))

(f) =AVERAGEIF(D5:D9,”<=”&SMALL(D5:D9,3))

5. =IF(OR(C5>=40,B5>=65,AND(C5>=30,B5>=60)),”Retire”,”Back to Work”)

6. (a) =COUNTIF(C4:C14,”>50000”)

(b) =SUMIF(C4:C14,”<”&AVERAGE(C4:C14))

(c) =SUMIF(C4:C14,”<”&SMALL(C4:C14,4))
