What is FROJOL? What are our target groups? Six partners from different countries collaborate in this 2 year long project, funded under the European Lifelong learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation. The main basis for this new Leonardo da Vinci project, entitled ‘FROJOL’ was willingness to transfer of the vision from the Italian partner on the possibilities of the Montessori method in Vocational Education and Adult Training (VET) . Role of teachers is gradually changing nowadays. They not only teach but also provide information about the current situation on the labor market, trying to understand and meet the needs of learners and to affect their acquisition of new skills. Teachers of the organizations involved in vocational education and training are the target group of the FROJOL project. The project aims to contribute improving European priority: ”Support to initial and continuous training of VET teachers, trainers, tutors and VET institution managers.” "LET ME DO IT MYSELF" The essence of the concept of Maria Montessori We want to use the basic principles of the Maria Montessori (Italian physician and educator) method with a new target group, age 16+. As consortium we will focus on future and existing students in traditional VET, as each 16+ student more or less has his own lifelong learning experiences. Objectives To design a new learning methodology for a new target group without the use of starting specific Montessori schools for VET To train the trainers in blended learning To pilot the method in on-the-job learning like an internship or stage To valorize the outcomes through strong local, regional, national and international networks The final beneficiaries of the Project will be people (16+) with low qualifications. Planned outcomes Maria Montessori 1870-1952 Source: http://www.familymontessori.com Montessori method gives to the child a chance for comprehensive development: physical, spiritual, cultural and social and supports its spontaneous and creative activity. FROJOL will provide in a new method for on the job learning, offering the possibility of attacking the percentage of not qualified youth and early school leavers. An international report, comparing National qualifications, might also open possibilities for partnerships with study mobility on VET level within the consortium countries. TO LEARN MORE PLEASE GO TO THE PROJECT WEBSITE: www.frojol-project.org PROJECT CONSORCIUM COORDINATOR Landstede (VET), Zwolle, The Netherlands, www.landstede.nl Margriet Nieuwenkamp: mnieuwenkamp@landstede.nl Margrieta Kroese: mkroese@landstede.nl PARTNERS GEFAS Academy for Generations, Graz, Austria, www.generationen.at Regina Wallner: regina.wallner1@gmx.at Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri (VET) – HETEL (PIT), Ibaia, Derio, Spain www2.txorierri.net Anabel Menica: anamenica@gmail.com RESEAU ASSOCIATIF EDUCATION ET CULTURE (RADAR-B), Lorient, France https://sites.google.com/site/radarbre/ Francis Laveaux : radar.bre@gmail.com Associazione Lingua Piu, Citta di Castello, Italy www.linguapiuperugia.com Roberta Marsili: roberta@linguapiuperugia.com The Centre for Continuing Education, Sopot, Poland; http://cku.sopot.pl Sylwia Kurszewska: sylwiakurszewska@sopot.pl Joanna Zachalska-Bieg: cku-projekty@sopot.pl What is Leonardo da Vinci? Leonardo da Vinci is part of the educational programme of the European Union: Lifelong Learning Programme for 2007-2013 (LLP). The programme supports activities in education and training. Aims of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci focuses on vocational education and training, other than at tertiary level. It addresses both the learning and teaching needs. It promotes mobility of emploees on the European labor market and the implementation of innovative solutions for improving their qualifications. It also supports solutions for improving the transparently and recognition of professional qualifications in European countries [such as European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) or EUROPASS tools], as well as actions to enhence the quality of vocational and continuing education [e.g. European Qualifications Framework (EQF/NQF) or European systems of quality assessment European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET (EQARF)]. The Leonardo da Vinci programme: supports improvements in quality and innovation in vocational education and training systems, institutions and practices supports participants in training and further training activities in the acquisition and the use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development enhances the attractiveness of vocational education and training and mobility for employers and individuals and to facilitate the mobility of working trainees Mobility on the European labor market is supported within mobility axtions whilst the development of innovation and modernization of education systems are implemented within the framework of the multilateral projects such as FROJOL. For more information on the Leonardo da Vinci program go to: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu F R O J O L Freestyle Montessori on the job learning 01 11 2011- 31 10 2013 Project number: 2011-1-NL1-LE005-05061 This leaflet has been produced with the financial support of the European Commission under the framework of the Leonardo da Vonci programme. The contents of the project and its products – also this leaflet - are the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission. V2.SK/10-04-2012